20,284 Topics
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Hi Professionals, I am working on a mass emailing program. I can send mass email successfully. My question is how do i add attachments? i have a label(lblAttachment), a textbox(txtAttachment) and a button(btnBrowse) on the attachment row. Here are my codes for the form:- Please advise. Thank you in advance. … | |
Hey all, I have a listbox, textbox, and search button on my form. I am populating my listbox with data from a sql database. I need to be able to seach my listbox and filter it. Here is what I have so far: [code] Sub RefreshListBox() Dim DSDept As New … | |
I have been using VB.NET for a while now, and I can make a ton of things. But for some reason, I can't connect to SQL. I use SQL 2008 express, and Visual Basic 2008 express(will soon get Visual studio :)) So, I go to add a database, I enter … | |
Does anyone know if you can use HttpWebRequest in a Windows Service? I have a small app that checks an IP, works perfectly as a Forms App but does nothing when I convert it too a service. Heres my code: [CODE]Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Public Class Service1 'declare timer Private … | |
I am studying vb.net and am trying to develop a data access program I am getting the following error when I try to add a new record to the dataset. Any help would be great error " Input string was not in correct format. Could not store<LinenIndex> in LinenItemsID colomn … | |
hi i am developing a software using vb.net 2005. i have problem calculating steel cut process. one company have 10 quantity of steel in different size, the company going to sale 3 quantity of steel in different size. my question is how to cut 3 quantity of steel from stock(10 … | |
Hi, Currently having troubles in adding data to the listview i have created. It actually will add the first set of data to both the database and listview, but when i try to add a second lot of data it displays the error message that I have setup. Also how … | |
ok so i have a controle that is made when a user clicks on an image: [CODE]Sub newbox(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer, ByVal text As String) PictureBox1.SendToBack() Try Dim PB As New PictureBox With PB .Name = text '.BackColor = Color.Red .Image = Image.FromFile("point.jpg") .SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom … | |
hello frnds,i want to check if the computer is in sleep mode or not...Suppose my project is in normal state..I change the state to sleep mode,I want that now when the computer wakes from sleep mode,I want that my project is in minimized state..How to check dat? I have searched … | |
Can anyone help with this please? I my VB.NET app to list each of the documents that are currently open in Microsoft Word. If any docs are not saved then I need to save them. I have tried using the Word application object but creating a new App object doesn't … | |
Private Sub InsertDatabase() Dim rowaffected As Integer Dim SqlInsert As String Dim fname As String Dim mname As String Dim lname As String Dim ConnPPC As New System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection("Data Source =" + (System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) + "\test.sdf;")) ConnPPC.Open() fname = Me.txtfname.Text mname = Me.txtmname.Text lname = Me.txtlname.Text Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = ConnPPC.CreateCommand … | |
Dear all, I am making a new windows based application for my firm. My appli9cation is developing by vb.net. I accomplished most of the goal except custom links in rich text box. As my plan the link work with either pictorial or text. For example. If I am refering a … | |
Hi friends, I want to write a multiform application. if I am running form1, I want to call form2 and end form1. can anyone teach me how to do it? I tried to set form1 as invisible, but I found it funny that if I close form2 by clicking on … | |
I have to create a Gradebook program with a Mdb provided by our prof. it is suppose to compose a letter in a listbox to say as so Student Name address Dear student your grade for CMSC 100 are as follow finalexam: semester grade: Best wishes for a good summer, … | |
Hi Professionals, I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. I would like to know how to separate content in a richtextbox([B]rtbTo[/B]) in windows form with a comma automatically. For example after copying email addresses from a .txt file and pasting it to the richtextbox([B]rtbTo[/B]), there should be a comma inserted … | |
Hi, I'm having problems with my find button Private Sub Btnfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal _ e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btnfind.Click MainFormTableAdapter.FillByLastName(_6776_BDataSet.MainForm, Txtfind.Text) I get the error:Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function FillByLastName(dataTable As _6776_BDataSet.MainFormDataTable) As Integer'. I'm trying to create a find button which allows the user … | |
Hi, I'm having problems with my find button Private Sub Btnfind_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal _ e As System.EventArgs) Handles Btnfind.Click MainFormTableAdapter.FillByLastName(_6776_BDataSet.MainForm, Txtfind.Text) I get the error:Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function FillByLastName(dataTable As _6776_BDataSet.MainFormDataTable) As Integer'. I'm trying to create a find button which allows the user … | |
I m working on project in which i have to add tab & close tab as that of IE. I m able to do dat,but its not very much clean.Check it out.Plz see if somebody can help me to do it more better. [code] Public Class Form5 Public lSelectedTabPageIndex As … | |
hi all, i want the application to show error message if the searched object is not in the database or if the user is trying to insert the same value again plz suggest some code. | |
Hey all i m trying to send progaramatically an email to user. i receive message "Email sent successfully".but email is not deliveing... i have two problems 1.Email sent to yahoo id is in queue from yesterday as i checked it in Inetpub>mailroot>queue. 2.Email sent to hotmail id is neither in … | |
Hello I need to connection beetween VB.Net 2003 and Excel 2003 and use excel 2003 object I add Excell 11.0 Library to my project and write this code : -------------------------------------------------------- Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet xlApp = CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application) xlBook = CType(xlApp.Workbooks.Add, Excel.Workbook) … | |
while i run report login window comes , how to i remove this one | |
m developing a desktop apllication. in this application m capturing image from webcam directly and picture is also displaying .now the things is i want to insert the picture available in picturebox to database(sqlserver 2005)in binary type. can anyone pliz provide the code for this. | |
Hi, I'm new to the forum and I was wondering if anyone would know how to display data from the tables of a MS Access database on labels on a form. The code underneath is my code for saving inputted data from textboxes. [CODE] Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, … | |
Hi All my buddy, I'm trying to add my data to datagrid from mdb. I can do that but the problem is , i need to custom the header.....but it just display all selected item field from my database...can anyone show me how to display in datagrid with only selected … | |
Hi friends, here is my problem. I am using the Crystal Report and everything is fine. Now when i try to run the project, it first open a dialog box named as 'Enter Parameter Values' and i need to enter the date in order to view the report. But what … | |
hi all, kindly help me experts. i am in hurry to finish my report. i am using vb.net 2005 and sql server 2000 1. i have two tables which has no link 2. i try to show fields of both table in single report page 3. so i used two … | |
Hi Guys, I am doing a simple backup of sql server database through VB.NET form. It gets executed well but I want to display details of successful query execution in a label (i.e. time taken, database size etc.) The message which I want to display in label is like [B]"Processed … | |
how to create set up file in vb.net , after setup has made ,if there are any modifications how to made another set up file | |
I always get an error with Line 39. It always have NullPointerException error. Could you check what is the error? Here's my code Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim filen As String filen = TextBox1.Text test(filen) End Sub … |
The End.