20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Vlaming

Hello everyone, How do I change the opacity without it affecting the controls on my form? In other words, how do I have a form with opacity set to 50% while the buttons on it still have opacity set to 100%? I have been looking a solution for so long …

Member Avatar for mayur sahay

hi can any one help me out in converting a given image into its pixel value matrix..and then reconvert the pixel matrix into the image

Member Avatar for sopheaktra_boun

excuse me, i want to know about the subform in vb.net what is best control to make subform in vb.net. in vb6 i used flexgrid control to make subform,but in vb.net i really find it hard to make subform in vb.net. thanks

Member Avatar for geetajlo
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for BlahHx2

Hey folks i need a little bit of help im not good with Vb as i am just learning so bare with me ^_^.. Ok well im making a program that will connect to my mysql database located on my other computer in a program called navicat im not sure …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for smiles

Hi! Could you tell me the basic codes that add a root node, parent node, or child node. I find in MSDN but seem that it encourage to use built tools. Thanks so much !!!

Member Avatar for fujilec

I think i need some idea on this....where mac() is a dynamic array, so instead i use UBound to get its number of elements. However, i need the number of charts equal to the size of the array, so i think to use the code shown below: [code] B = …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Sawamura

Hi again, I want to print whatever that is written in rtf. Please Help me Thank you very much :)

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I am using combo box control in our application but facing one problem and which is like thisI am able to add items in combo box but i also want to add index in combo box in VB we do this as follows cmbSymbolFamily.AddItem Name cmbSymbolFamily.ItemData(cmbSymbolFamily.NewIndex) = IndesValue …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for suganzeni

Hi all I am working with VB.NET 2003 for mobile application. Here there is no likn label option. But i want to open a html link in my VB.NET form. Like may be on button click event or in form load event. If any idea help me Thanks and Regards …

Member Avatar for aaroe
Member Avatar for Sawamura

Hi all, i want to make indent in rtf using track bar. So when i scroll track bar my paragraph can shift follows the trackbar position. Would u like to help me please... Thank u very much

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Naruse

How to use progress bar to display a picture. I mean after progress bar is completed it will showing a picture. Please Help i just newbie :)

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for geetajlo

hi every1.. i want to sort my combo box bt the pblem is that that i have bind it with a database. in the properties window i have set sorted = true bt it says ComboBox that has a DataSource set cannot be sorted. Sort the data using the underlying …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Arijit Manna

:) Iam trying to develop an application in WPF, where a TreeView is to be designed without the crossmarks; instead there will be buttons with icons assigned to them individually. Secondly, whenever a node(button)-- say Node1 is clicked only the child nodes of that node(Node1) are to be displayed. If …

Member Avatar for darcee

my boss want a simple popup message program in .exe and when you you minimize it will go to the task bar that reminds her task him every 30mins... can anyone make this for me im begging you... i dont have a vb .net in my comp in office and …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for evios

How can i actually initializes a 2-dimensional array ALL to 0? [code]Dim machinecount(,) As Integer[/code] I try using 2 For loops to set it as 0 like the one shown but it gv me an error: [code] For B = 0 To 23 For C = 0 To 4 machinecount(B, …

Member Avatar for evios
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

I tried to search over this site and others as well. But couldnt help me to solve the above matter. Actually i want to do a searching algorithm in a PDF file. I tried to use: [EMAIL="%@Import"][COLOR=seagreen]Import[/COLOR][/EMAIL][COLOR=seagreen] Namespace="System.IO"%> Sub page_load(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)[/COLOR] [COLOR=seagreen] Dim filetoread …

Member Avatar for raydenvm
Member Avatar for geetajlo

i have a button name save and a datagrid with 2 columns namely drugname which is a combo box and qtyused(simple) and a txtFirstName on the form if the user enters firstname and 4got to enters or select the datagrid column i want to remind him/her by a msgbox that …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for geetajlo

Hi in my country we can phone anyone by only 7 number... Eg 2345897 and sometimes we represent it in this format 234-5897 by a - (negative).. i want to tell the txtPhoneNumber that after 3 numbers ahve been entered a negative should be place and it should comes automatically …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for henokisme

Hello i am final year engineering student and i am doing my project to control appliance via personal computer.For every appeliance and home ,i created sql database and an application program in vb.net so that the user can switch on or off the applicance as he/she pleases. now the problem …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for nandhini21

Hi pple I've using visual studio 2005 and sql server 2005. I've stored my usernames and passwords in the database. Now i have problems on how to use select statements to check username. Meaning. if username is not found, it gives error msg, if username exist, it compares with the …

Member Avatar for aastephen
Member Avatar for mnbcxz

Hi I am having a problem coding a save/change button on my form which I want to be able to edit a record in a text box then save the changes made, it will save it in a sequential dat file. At the moment it will just overwrite the entry …

Member Avatar for Petey211

I am using a status bar in a program that i am working on for VB.net 2003, i am trying to have some text scroll or marquee across the screen from right to left, can someone please help me with the code.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sheshaji

Hai ! I want to know how to send sms from a web application in asp.net using vb.net. Somebody please help me. Its urgent.Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase.

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for bsousa

Hi all, I'm trying to consume a Service called GetMemberPointsAvailable using VB.NET. Here is the wsdl: [url]http://sp-s3g-uat.iclp.com.au/ws/egapi/v1-0/egapi.cfc?wsdl[/url] This service is written in coldfusion - axis engine. The steps: I'm using VB.net on Visual Studio 2005. I created a new windows application project. Then I added a web reference with URL …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey frnds, I m not getting the answers regaring registry. I want to know how to retrieve Value & Names of REG_DWORD , REG_BINARY type. is somebody have idea regarding it???????????/

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Al Capwn

In a nutshell, my application consists of a server and a client with multiple forms. The client logs in or registers and then once logged in, it takes them to a chatroom lobby where multiple clients can send messages to eachother. My application uses System.Net.Sockets and I manage to establish …

Member Avatar for thanasis1
Member Avatar for deepukng

Dear Friends, pls tell how can i connect crystal report to my database(tables or query fields). i am using MS Access as database and VB.net. Thanking you,

Member Avatar for deepukng

dear friends, I am using MS access as back end and vb.net as front end. in one of my table i have a auto increment field.(for ex:orderid). Please tell me how can i insert new row to the table with auto increment field. Thanking you,

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal

The End.