20,284 Topics
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I have designed a project in VB.net but my problem was to make it some modules for a specific task selected by the installer. Plz can one help me out here? | |
Okay, How do I make MainFormKeyDown absolute GOD over everything else? I have a tabpage control, and I want CTRL+Tab to ALWAYS switch tabs. But several tabs have a Multiline edit controls that "WantTabs". I added into the EditKeyDown a handler for "Shift+Tab" to make it go back from a … | |
Hi, I want to have a dialog result to appear when i click on the form's cancel button. It will ask "Do you want to quit?" when the cancel button is clicked. How do i go about doing that? | |
I’m selecting data from tables in a SQL Server 2000 data base, and putting the result into a Dataset. I’m writing the dataset out to a file in XML format using ds.WriteXml(myXmlWriter, XmlWriteMode.IgnoreSchema). The table names are in singular (i.e. table customer is called “customer”), if I have more than … | |
I have a data base with multiple Tables, columns and Rows I need to produce an XML file. I'm required to send ALL columns even those that are NILL. In SQL 2005 I can use FOR XML ELEMENTS ISINIL, however I'm using SQL 2000 so I can't get the NILL … | |
Hi! I am inserting text in a table which contains date field. In some of the entered records, the date field is to be left blank. By default, it enters something like "1/1/1900". Now I wish to display data from this table into a datagrid. For the records in which … | |
I have a table showing the results of a search (colated from a number of other tables). I would like to be able to drill down so that the whole entry can be seen. Can anyone point me in the right direction? | |
I would be grateful if anyone could let me know of an easy way of searching multiple tables for information. I would like to display any found results in a grid alowing the user to choose the correct one and have this disply in the main form. If this easy … | |
Hi! I had raised a query titled "Many-to-one relationship", and received the reply from your side too. I am so sorry to inform you that by mistake the reply got deleted from my account. Could u plz be kind enough to resend me the reply? Extremely sorry for the caused … | |
Hi.I don't know where to post this ... please help. I'm trying to put each character in a string into an array. Private Sub cmdNameslow_Click() Dim username As String Dim index As Integer Dim myArray() ReDim myArray(Len(username)) 'prompt username username = InputBox("Enter your name", "NAME") 'display username one charachter at … | |
hi all, i was tasked to develop a records sytem that will store on a database probably sql server 2005. the main function of the program is to store records and be able to retrieve them to for report generation, and it should be efficient and fast when a query … | |
Okay, Given a runtime created DataGridView, I am trying to handle some of the clipboard /copy/paste functionality. Now, i've lookedup and found the function GetClipboardContent() as a member of the DataGridView, but there are some questions: I gather that it returns a DataObject that I can put on the clipboard … | |
I've found that my application does not find my mdb file anymore! I have used a open file dialog box to select the mdb file that I want my app to use and add it to my connectstring via a variable, but although the variable has the correct path to … | |
I have a backup utility that copies all files and folder into a backup area This can take some time as the files take up 92Mb over a 1Mbps Data Link I have added multi-threading to the utility so that the copy can be aborted and so the GUI keeps … | |
Hi! I am trying to write a procedure which extracts data from 2 tables named partymst and challan. [B]Fields in Grfile[/B] 1) Grno 2) Name [B]Fields in Challan[/B] 1)Grno 2)Chno 3)Chdate [B][U]Data in GrfileB] CustID Grno Name 1 123 a 1 345 b 1 456 c 2 123 d 3 … | |
Hey all! A industrial psycologist friend of mine asked me to find a way to look at an array of numbers (presented in an excel spreadsheet - 1 number per cell) and find the CELL with the highest value. I thought i could do this by selecting the array and … | |
I have a Table with a 'Dates' Field as the primary key and 20 other Fields of Integer Type. This is the Master Table with 9 other Detail Tables all with a 'Dates' key field. I have a form to view all this and it works fine. My problem is … | |
Hi guys. I was messing with Threading and stuff, and i have reached a point where i'm not sure what's causing the current behavior. Here's the code: [code][COLOR=green][LIST=1] [*]Public Class Form1 [*] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click [*] Dim nt As New newThread(Me) … | |
Hi everyone This is my first post so please help me out !! ;) I am writting an application in VB.NET to print orders. The orders are shown on screen in a listview and the user can select individual orders/range of orders to print. This Access query looks like: [code]PARAMETERS … | |
Hi, I would like to know how to create variables like booleans When you type a boolean command it look like this Dim Boo as Boolean Boo = True False and then you select one Can this style of preset entries be done for Other Custom Variables i.e. Dim Height … | |
hi every one I have lots of excel tables which I need to fech specific data from them and show it on my form so that the user can choose them and I need to record the user's choices in one excel file. how do u think I should explore … | |
hi, i want to integrate VB.NET with command window. in fact, i want the interface(built on VB.NET) to open the command window and it should automatically change the path to C:\Perl\eg and then it has to execute automatically the file what i specified. for this i already used the code … | |
hello someone there could have met a similar problem. please help me out Am using this commant to save data to an sql server database. me.validate() me.bindingsource.endedit() me.tableadapter.update(me.dataset.datatable) but when i click the save button on my winform it brings an error "System.Data.DBConcurrencyException: ConcurrencyViolation: The UpdateCommand affected 0 of the … | |
I hate supporting Excel97. I have a spreadsheet that has X number of worksheets. The gridline value for each sheet has been turned off and I need to turn them back on before ftp-ing the file off the server (we don’t have Excel on the server) and I cannot ask … | |
hye there....im developing a system where students can check their result through SMS...i would like to noe how the Keywords are recognise and reply back to sender?? any brief ideas plz? | |
Despite postings on the code.google forums I've had no luck with this yet. I have an app on my WM5 device which stores lat/long data. What I'd love to be able to do is to pass one over to google maps mobile and have it show the location graphically. So … | |
sir, while using AxMscomm control in vb.net the following error showing. Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A017C (CTL_E_INVALIDPROPERTYVALUE) This error showing here: AxMSComm1.Output = Chr(buffer(i)) SO PLEASE HELP ME. HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. PLS SEND SOLUTION TO THIS MAIL [email]ID.lis.kuriakose@gmail.com[/email] THANKS AND REGARDS LIS | |
sir, while using AxMscomm control in vb.net the following error showing. Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A017C (CTL_E_INVALIDPROPERTYVALUE) This error showing here: AxMSComm1.Output = Chr(buffer(i)) SO PLEASE HELP ME. HOW TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM. THANKS AND REGARDS LIS | |
plzz anyone tell me does vs.net 2005 supports sql server 2000 coz iam not being able to connect it | |
hi ive got a homework in vb.net to create a calcualtor that performs addition and subtraction and display the result in the textbox. however it is a little complicated since we have to use mouse contaol events to do this task. when the user enter a number in the text … |
The End.