20,284 Topics
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I am currently working in Vb6 and ASP 2.0 and planning to switch to .Net. I have very little knowledge about it, so would be obliged if someone offers some answers to these Qs. 1. What software do I need ? MS Visual Studio.Net ? 2. Can I have VB6 … | |
i'm doing a budget calculator for my assignment. and now i'm facing the problem about how to load or save the data i type in the textbox into mdb...? i already had one simple mdb for login process...(containing username and passwords) i hope to do sth like when User A … | |
Hi, I have datatable with three rows of data that will increase I want each row to fill lables, checkboxes and textboxes on their own tab of my tab control I have created a Template tabpage but when i try to add the other dynamic tabpages they are all blank … | |
I need help figuring out how to get the value of my text boxes into the variables I have declared (in bold) , any suggestions would be appreciated: (/code) Option Explicit On Option Strict On Imports System.Convert Public Class frmMain Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form [B]Private mlblInitialValue As Double Private mlblSalvageValue As Double … | |
Hello I am trying to make an VB program to open an excel workbook and just open it. I have two forms. the first is a crude password system that if completed switches to form2. That is fine but i have no idea how to then make this form have … | |
[B]How Can i make findreplace dailougbox in my aplication ?[/B] | |
I am problems on how to display form on lcd (128x64pixel) in vb .net module thru parallel port, please help me | |
Can any one please tell me how to retrieve image that i have stored in SQL SERVER 2000 and display the image in datagrid in VB.net 2003? I am able to display text data in datagrid but the picture cannot be display (in datagrid the picture is not shown but … | |
HI I have a Tip of the day form that loads from a main form. The focus stays on the main form. Is there a way that I can switch the focus to the tip of the day form at runtime? Tony | |
I wrote a Windows Forms application in Visual Basic 2005. What would be involved in converting it to run as an internet web application? | |
Hi! The problem is that, when I write the following text as a query and try to run it, it returns 0 rows 'select * from receipts where grno not in (select grno from gate)' But when I write the above text in a stored procedure and then call it … | |
I Have A Web Browser Project Made In .NET Using The Browser Control In The Visual Studio Express Edition But When I Click On A Link In The Browser Control It Opens Internet Explorer, Could Any One Tell Me How To Intercept Those Events So I Can Open The Link … | |
I have created a project of fetching data from a Url in [B][COLOR="Red"]VB.NET[/COLOR][/B]. Now I want that code to called in function Get data() in the class. How can I do that?? PLZ help soon :icon_rolleyes: | |
Hi All, Am a newbie in VB.NET and i want to design mater/detail form. The detail form is linked to Datagrid however, i want to place an unbound field on the form to sum up one of the column of the detail form. Any help to achieve that? I have … | |
Hi I have a form with a checkbox control. How would you load this form at starup if the checkbox is checked? Do you load it from the main form? Tony | |
hi every one in my vb.net program I need to keep track if the buttom had been clicked befor or not or how many times it had beed clicked. I cant find the property can u help me please. thanks in advanced | |
How can we check if web page is open or not using [B][COLOR="red"][COLOR="red"][COLOR="Red"]vb.net??[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/B] :icon_cry: | |
HI I need help saving the checkbox state to a setting file, and if the checkbox.checked = true then load the form from the main form. Thanks Tony | |
Hi I'm looking to write the contents of a text file to an array and view one line at a time in a listbox. When I say one line at a time I mean only view one line in the listbox and as It loops through the text file the … | |
Okay, I'm doing a bunch of DOM processing, which means I need to have HtmlDocument's created from a web address. However, the only way i know how to load an HtmlDocument is with a WebBrowser component, which i create in the background, add a DocumentCompleted() handler. When the object is … | |
Okay, I have a standard ListView, in details view, with CheckBoxes visible. However, I want a different functionality to occur when I DoubleClick an Item and when I Check the CheckBox. HOwever, whenever I double click an item the checkbox is checked. Right now I'm basically double assigned the "Checked" … | |
I need to pull the Customer numbers from this string, where IDCUST is the fieldname and the customer code is in the brackets. How would I be able to pull all the customer numbers from it and store them elsewhere? [code] (CODECURN = "BDS") AND (SWACTV=1) AND (( IDCUST = … | |
Hi friends, This is Sunny. i am trying to create a paint brush. almost i have done it but there is a problem in filling color. Actually i have done it in vb6 but when i use vb.net it does not work. here i write vb6 code : Private Declare … | |
How do I open a HTML page in VB.NET 2003? I am trying to build a main menu page and would like to open an HTML document from the main menu. Can anyone help? Dick [email]rlafran2@travelers.com[/email] | |
Dear frens... I designed a software.....It is Address management information system. I have linked the database with report. But i have certain problem in report. I want tabs in my report such as name, surname etc to be auto incrementing and auto decrementing and when the value is not passed … | |
Hi! How can we convert date entered in (dd/mm/yyyy) format into (mm/dd/yyyy) format and vice versa at runtime? | |
Hi Does anyone know how to create a tip of the day dialog for VB 2005. the examples that I've found so far do not work. Tony | |
I am creating project in [B][COLOR="Red"]vb.net[/COLOR][/B] where i am retriving a source code of a site. The source code contains a image.gif. but the image fails to open and i dis plays a 'x' in the top left corner. I want to remove that failed image. :confused: | |
got to develop a project for online railway reservation. please help me & guide how to start with.need help urgently | |
is there a way to make this: [code] If dvdRadioButton.Checked = False And vhsRadioButton.Checked = False Then MessageBox.Show("Format not specified", "Unspecified format", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) dvdRadioButton.Focus() End If If movieTitleTextBox.Text = "" Then MessageBox.Show("Movie title not entered", "Movie Title", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) movieTitleTextBox.Focus() End If[/code] throw a single error message … |
The End.