20,284 Topics

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Member Avatar for illicit

I've got a real stupid question. I haven't used vb in a while and am a little rusty. I want to lock a panel to a window so when the window grows so does the panel etc. or image whatever where can this be found..im using 2005...I'm sure it used …

Member Avatar for illicit
Member Avatar for sanhitabhide

Hiii all, I am sanhita Bhide form australia and doing Graduation In Information Technology. I am doing Vb.Net as one of my subject I am having a project in relation with windows application in Vb.Net in which we are required to build a windows based application for a "Car Auction …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for ramlisarip

can any1 help me,what is wrong with these coding.values change from client are not shown at server's form.but if i put only 1 value,it show.why is that so?? [INLINECODE] Imports System.Net Imports System.Net.Sockets Imports System.Text.Encoding Public Class frmMain Private Structure CAR_STATS Dim IP As String Dim Speed As String Dim …

Member Avatar for yagapapa

Hi all... I would like to create dynamic graphs for my web app. financial project...the charts should be flexible and changeable according to financial data (ratios) retrieved from the database (all stored in a datagrid)...Any idea what i could use ??

Member Avatar for yagapapa
Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi! I wish to specify more than one databases in my connection string in a vb.net project, in order to retrieve records from both of them. For example, I have 2 databases , database A and database B I wish to retrieve the city field from the emp tables of …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for Geek-Master

Here is the situation. We are printing forms and need to send the same batch of print jobs to another printer. Our current software will not allow us to prompt us to print elsewhere. So is there a way to work with the printer in a way to redirect a …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for bcm

I want to retrive data for this path which i can do, but the problem is I want the lastpart i.e. 1378 to increase by one every time "http://www.cric8.com/livescorecard/od_minicard2_1378.html" How can I do that in [COLOR="Red"][B]VB.NET2003???[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for Rhenzy

please help with this vb.net code because i have to finish my project..somebody help me pls..?

Member Avatar for Rhenzy
Member Avatar for Halbo

I am writing an application that, as part of the output, generates an html document (web page) that lists the contents of a directory. I want to include a small .bmp file in that webpage (a logo). I want the .bmp to be included in the installation so that wherever …

Member Avatar for prerak_v_shah

Hi, Friends, I have been developing datagrid program in .Net 1.1 and having VB.Net as a programming language. I have created a datagrid which is bound to a datatable as its datasource. It also shows two columns and both are having comboboxes as its selection control. Data grid is editable …

Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi! I have coded a project in vb.net. It contains code that retrieves around 15 lakh records from the database and displays them in a grid. I use data adapter and fill the dataset with it. Then I specify the dataset as the datagrid's datasource. Now the problem is that …

Member Avatar for nice_true
Member Avatar for BOUKHARI

I m VERY new to SQL I have 2 table of itemized telephone call statements made during the same month. Table 1 has all the telephone call records whereas Table 2 does not have all the calls . The common filed in both tables are dates and number dialed. Please …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for suis

Hi .Net team, I have a image name call test.jpeg, Any body can download this image on: [url]http://files-upload.com/files/538354/test.rar[/url] I used bellow code to create that test.jpeg image ! Dim binWrit As New BinaryWriter(System.IO.File.Create("c:\test.jpeg", 77390)) binWrit.Write(StreamData.ToString) binWrit.Close() Actually i have used Byte array to create that image. so once i created …

Member Avatar for ramlisarip
Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for nice_true

Hi! I wish to copy the records in a dataset into an aary? How is this possible? Secondly, I would like to know whether using "=" operator while comparing is better or using an "in" operator is better For example,putting the following in a for loop Select city from empinfo …

Member Avatar for amby

i want to send the right click sub routine that i've formulated, through send message funtion to windows in vb.net so that it can work same as normal right click does what i am doing is Public Sub RightClick() RightDown() RightUp() End Sub Public Sub RightDown() mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN, 0, 0, 0, …

Member Avatar for jayz_raul

Hye there...any ideas or suggestion on to do PRINT function in vb.net? i really need an idea on how to develop it...

Member Avatar for jayz_raul
Member Avatar for tamik0

I need help declaring the DrawStringInBox (in bold), can't seem to figure out how to do it, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated: Protected Sub PrintPageTitles(ByVal ev As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Dim psngWidth As Single = 0 Dim penLine As Pen = New Pen(Brushes.Black) Dim recCurrent As RectangleF Dim sfCurrent As New …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for diyerxa

Hello, I'm fairly new to VB.NET I'm trying to add a textbox to a tabpage, which neither exist at design/compile time. The TabControl1 already exists, but the textboxes and tabpages don't. Here is my code so far (without any way to add the textboxes). [CODE] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for diyerxa
Member Avatar for wthorpe

I could use some help with a [B]SQL SELECT LIKE[/B] command. I have two TextBox'es that I am using as input for two different searches through a SQL database with the result placed in a GridView. It is important to note that the search can be performed from either TextBox, …

Member Avatar for wthorpe
Member Avatar for Nokkieja

Hi there, Is there a way in vb2005 to: passtrough the name of a control to an other sub? I have 5 pictureboxes. I want to do some action in the other sub, depending on what control has been clicked on. example: Private sub Picture1_Click() dim objControlName as Picturebox objControlname …

Member Avatar for Nokkieja
Member Avatar for naina.m

I have made a usercontrol and in it I have define a sub add() this subroutine is dynamically creating a maskedtextbox in windows form i have used this usercontrol and add a button to the usercontrol in the windows form what i want is when i double click the button …

Member Avatar for carrie3112

I just created a project using vb. net (2003) that contains the executable and added the libraries and files I thought were necessary. When it pre-builds, it says that many dependencies are missing, interop.dzocx1lib and interop.dzstactxlib. Those files (assemblies) are listed in the project. It does install on my target …

Member Avatar for alawson
Member Avatar for JaedenRuiner

Well, I'm not sure how other people do it, but eh, for some reason VB makes my task excessively difficult, because it is so inter-dependent and integrated. Now, HTMLDocument, is a Document interface for...go figure...an Html Document. However, I can't use it. I can only get to it via a …

Member Avatar for Halbo

I am working with VS .NET 2003. I built the form in the usual way, and have been working on the code. Randomly, VS will erase the code for all the elements in the form. I have to go back and put the code back in. Is there any history …

Member Avatar for domino.vbcoder

Hi all i was wondering wheather someone could explain how i would extract the string data in bold from the xml line bellow? <countrydata> <stateid="point"><name>[B]Sligo[/B]</name><size>2</size><loc>[B]54.28,-8.48[/B]</loc></state> </countrydata> I am using an xReader to read the file in another program but the structure is very different, the code i use for the …

Member Avatar for ptaylor965
Member Avatar for soso30

hi all, i built outlook plug_in to change the numbers in contact list.when i tried the application for small contacts list ,it did the functionality i want. but, when i used the application for large contacts . it did not change all the contacts item . Is the problem in …

Member Avatar for ronbhall
Member Avatar for chrismitchel

I am working on an application that would accept input from a fingerprint device. I'm using vb.net from visual web developer. I visited a website that advised me to use an API called GrFinger, which i downloaded for free. I need GrFinger to be on my main form as a …

Member Avatar for mustoora

Hi there. Sorry, realized that my previous post has some typo error. Editted. Hope can seek some help. I am trying to make a certain symbol to appear upon every mouseclick. However, the symbol is a cross and an arrow head. This is how I tried to do it. [CODE]Private …

Member Avatar for ramlisarip

hye..i'm really new to visual basic.i just know a simple coding. i have a project in my university. it is about vehicular communication system. can anyone help me to build auto send program?is it possible??:?: it should be something like this. pc A can sent msg to pc B at …


The End.