20,284 Topics
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Hello all, Hope someone can help me with this : am writing an application that depends on changing the default gateway and the DNS Ip's However am stuck on this. am using VB.Net 2005. Can any one just help me ..!? Thanks in advance. | |
Does anyone have any experience with WMI?I need to get the windows version. Ive managed to get it working to display it like [B]Windows XP (NT 5.1) Revision 0 Build 2600[/B] in a message box but i need to find out the SP and type (e.g datacenter server, terminal server, … | |
Okay, Now I have made some changes from one version of my source to a new one, and suddenly the program hangs in the middle of it. I've gone over the source with a fine tooth comb and there should be no reason that at the access of a specific … | |
Hullo Members, is there any one who can help me make a VB search code in MS Access 2003, I have a First names column and Last names column but I cannot make a search criteria that suits both first and last names incase one enters either of the two … | |
I have a assignment from school that I'm having trouble with. I need the program to beable to do... Can someone help me with what I'm doing wrong? * Input an order ( NumberOfPizzas and NumberOfCokes) * Compute the OrderAmount = (NumberOfPizzas * decPIZZAPRICE + NumberOfCokes * decCOKEPRICE) * Compute … | |
Hi I am creating an MDI application that asks the user for a User ID and Password to be able to show personal details once verified. Details of user ids and passwords are available in a MS Access Table1. There is another table2 for user details, and another one yet … | |
I have this code: [CODE]Dim cb As OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder Try cb = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(daDocuments) daDocuments.Update(CType(bdsDocuments.DataSource, DataTable)) MessageBox.Show("The data load has finished...", "DBF Load") Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("1.- " + ex.Message) End Try[/CODE] but, the OleDbCommandBuilder don't create the updatecommand and hence it doesn't work... any ideas? | |
i have a code of a projectile but... can these code be shorten or not??? i need new version of this and some times if i played this one some error was done hope you could help me to fing the error Option Explicit Dim Angle, Theta, y, x, t, … | |
Hi i want a sample project on MDI . Plzzz help me | |
Hello everyone, im new in vb.net..as of now im using msaccess as my back end.When i run the program in my pc..it run ok..but when i try to map so that other user can user the database..it cannot save..message is read only..any suggestion on how to use the msaccess for … | |
Hiii all, I am sanhita Bhide form australia and doing Graduation In Information Technology. I am doing Vb.Net as one of my subject I am having a project in relation with windows application in Vb.Net in which we are required to build a windows based application for a "Car Auction … | |
hai, Its very urgent.can somebody tell m,how to add two textboxes and then display the result in the third textbox ,using keypress -in javascript.... regards.... | |
how to retrive data outside the html tag using [COLOR="Red"][B]vb.net[/B][/COLOR] | |
hello! I am actually doing a project on Employees-project where Many employees are assigned many projects.Can you please suggest me what I can put as menu bars. | |
hi i want to change the color of rows in a datasheet that is i want each rows to be of one color. Is it possible? | |
I want to add the values only first time when I run it and then display it in appconfig.xml file, then next time when I run my application it should display that values... the design form of my progrn is as follows: 1)LABEL TEXTBOX COMBOBOX 2)LABEL TEXTBOX COMBOBOX 3)LABEL TEXTBOX … | |
hi i can not bind text box at runtime successfully in vb.net2003 the code is describe below imports system.data.sqlclient dim conn as new sqlconnection dim cmd as new sqlcommand dim adp as new sqldataadapter dim ds as new dataset // [COLOR="Green"][U] form load [/U][/COLOR] conn.connectionstring="" cmd.commandtype=commandtype.text cmd.commandtext="select * from master_dept" … | |
hi every one I want to weite a pice of code that if specific condition happened I set the focus on a textbox. I prefere that have a colornotification as well. any one knows how to do that.in vb.net express | |
Tell me how to Install vb.net window application on client system with database | |
I have a project where the user selects from 4 combo boxes, and I want to "Keep Score" based on their selections in those combo boxes They pick the 1st item in the 1st cbo box, it adds 1, if they pick the second item, it adds 2 and so … | |
Is there any way to edit Dreamweaver templates in Visual Studio 2005? | |
I am retriving source code for a web page. This source code contains an image.gif file which displays an image. I want to delete that image, how can I do that using [COLOR="Red"][B]vb.net???[/B][/COLOR] PLEASE help soon.... | |
Hello All. [B]I have 3 tables in database, they are:[/B] - [B]DEBT:[/B] ACCT, DESK_KEY, SECT_KEY, DESK_DATE, SECT_DATE - [B]DESK: [/B]DESK_NAME, DESK_KEY(primary key) - [B]SECT : [/B]SECT_NAME, SECT_KEY(primary key) [B]The Application works like the following:[/B] I have a browse button and a corresponding textbox, you should choose an Excel Sheet and … | |
I did some copying of my forms so I get the same layout and for some reason the first form that opens is not the same one anymore. Is there something I have to set in order to have a particular form to open first? | |
Hi I am trying to get to grips with querying an access database and displaying the information. I have started with a coun sql command to just return the number of rows but wanted to display this to the screen but each time it shows as null - there are … | |
I have developed a VB.NET application that should interface with a fingerprint reader via USB. the drivers for the reader install a libusb.dll to system32. My problem is, even after installing the reader drivers, i still cant have access to the reader. Am told that i have to make use … | |
I am using Visual Web Developer to come up with a VB.NET application. when i try to add a new item to my project, the closest i find to a WinForm is a web form. can some one please help me figure out how i can add a blank WinForm … | |
Hi all, I am pretty new to vb.net and as such facing a pretty simple. I have an application which is finally going to call a function defined in a dll. The function declares a variable of type unsigned long int funct(unsigned long lvar); The size of unsigned long on … | |
here's my printing code: [code] Private Sub PrintDocument1_PrintPage(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles PrintDocument1.PrintPage Dim printlinestring As String Dim horizontalPrintLocationSingle As Single Dim verticalPrintLocationSingle As Single Dim printfont As New Font("arial", 12) Dim lineheightsingle As Single = printfont.GetHeight horizontalPrintLocationSingle = e.MarginBounds.Left verticalPrintLocationSingle = e.MarginBounds.Top PrintPreviewDialog1.Document = PrintDocument1 … |
The End.