20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for JimmyW

I'm trying to load a registry hive (C:\Users\test\NtUser.dat) but I get error 1314. This is something to do with permissions. I'm using RegLoadKey. I converted this [url]http://support.microsoft.com/kb/297060[/url] example to vb.net, but as I said I get the error 1314 on RegLoadKey part. The other apis to change the permissions all …

Member Avatar for Maike13
Member Avatar for FastCat

My first vb.net post...:) What I've got: On a form, I have 'Add New Tab' button, a 'Select Picture' button and a TabControl. On the first Tab I have a textbox1and a picturebox1, when the user uses the 'Select picture' button (which calls opentdialog) I load the picture into the …

Member Avatar for FastCat
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Hey frnds, I create DLL as follows- Public Class Class1 Public Function add(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) add = x + y End Function End Class [b] Calling DLL[/b] Imports ClassLibrary1 Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim sum As Integer Dim obj As New Class1 sum = obj.add(10, …

Member Avatar for h5nguye

Hi experts, I want to manipulate a line of string in a text file and save the text file as another name. For example: text file name: 110.txt text file contains a string of number: 110 I want to search for that string "110" and increment +1 to 111 and …

Member Avatar for ganeshk

Hai All, i have just completed a course in learning VB.net and would like to do a small project using VB.net. It would be of great help if anyone could suggest a project. -Ganesh

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for qwq123

Plz help required, Can somebody give me the code in vb.net to compare two text files and display the difference between them.

Member Avatar for november_pooh

Get Specific data from datagrid. i mean when i select row on datagrid, program will return value in that row. Any Help will appreciated. thx

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for JeffN00B

I have a headache over this one. what i am trying to do is take the text from a multi-line textbox and put it into one line so i can put that into a file for another program to read one line at a time. is there some way to …

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for Sawamura

i found my file in vb 4/5 and i want to convert them into vb.net. How i can convert my vb project in vb version 4 / 5 to vb.net? or i must to use convertion tools?

Member Avatar for Sawamura
Member Avatar for tirso

hi to all, pleas bear with me co'z I am a newbie with this environment. I have a microsoft access database and I already have tableadapter. I have already a forms that the operator input the name with the text box then searh with my database. After it successfully searched …

Member Avatar for preethi_ga
Member Avatar for raghuknath

Hello all in daniweb, I am a newbie here. I am very happy to have joined a community that devotes a good part of its time and resources to software and associated activities. This is a nice platform for an aspirant in the computer industry to know and get known; …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Tkd Kid 007

Hi, I wonder if anyone could help me, I am just starting out in the world of VB.net and I have a couple of tasks that I am having a bit of trouble with. This will probably be very simple to all of you experienced users: see below: 1. Using …

Member Avatar for Tkd Kid 007
Member Avatar for Maffyx

I have two questsions. The first being is it possible in VB to have a user input information during the file setup and have that information be used in the source code, then compiled, and then used after the setup is complete? Say I want to have the user input …

Member Avatar for dexblack
Member Avatar for prasadsatam

hi, Private Sub AutoNumberNo() try Dim strsql As String strsql = "SELECT MAX(Serial_No)+1 FROM Cutting" Dim com As New SqlCommand(strsql, objconnection) txtsrno.Text = com.ExecuteScalar() ' result will appear in textbox txtsrno Catch sqlex As SqlException MessageBox.Show(sqlex.Message) End Try End sub i try this code but i get following error 1) …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for cellus205

Having some trouble adding children to tree view. All of the parent nodes are created correctly, but it wont add more than 1 child to each parent like it should. It just adds 1 to each parent. Thanks in advance. [code] For J = 1 To WorkOrdersDataSet.BatchTable.Rows.Count() rootnode = workqtree.Nodes.Add(CStr(BatchTableTableAdapter.BatchID(J))) …

Member Avatar for cellus205
Member Avatar for sheetaljain

Hi cud anyone tell me how to pass values to html table from datatable.i am using vb.net and framework 1.1 thanks in advance

Member Avatar for cellus205

Hows it going everyone. Right now I am trying to read data from a text file into a datatable, and display the datatable in a new form. I am trying to use a string array to store the variables before adding them to the table. Everything compiles etc correctly, but …

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for sisi

Hi , i am writing a program concerning college administration .I have to creat a delete botton but i dont know how to start my coding .I know there is two type of delete methods such as kill and mycomputerfilesystem.deletefile(m-fielpath).Can anyone help meout how to write the complet delete code …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for prasadsatam

hi, Please mail me vb.net autogenerating number code. regards, Prasad P. Satam Mumbai

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Member Avatar for allopiloping

i have a problem now... ihave to make a application that consist theory.... the theory consist text, pic and math equation i don't know how to put pic and math equation into textbox plz...help me

Member Avatar for roblespaulo

Hi, im doing a software that uses diferent tables, and im trying to implement a save button but it doesnt save anything. This is the code. Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click Try Dim XCmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(DA) 'DS.AcceptChanges() DS.GetChanges() DA.Update(DS) MessageBox.Show("Saved", "ESP MESSAGES", …

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for manikandan76

Hi I am one of a small but dynamic team of .Net application development. Over a period of 2 years we were able to create a foundation framework for all of our applications. While this framework has increased our speed of development, we are now facing a problem with deployment. …

Member Avatar for mahesh20081984

hello, I had a database(ms access) about 120000 entries in 2 fields (in the same table) it was not in sorted form, but the data is inter realated by rows, can you gave me a code snippet to search a word from a database (ie if there is any functions …

Member Avatar for KillerOfDN

Hey. I would like to ask for help regarding SQL server. I have developed a client-side application to run on my clients' agents machines. They will use this software to add items to a cart and print an invoice, in addition to the program eMailing my client to notify him …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for eparse

In my database, the format for 8 columns are as shown: [code] +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | MPT | MPB | MP1T | MP1B | MP2T | MP2B | MP3T | MP3B | +------+------+------+------+------+------+------+------+ | 4 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 0 | 3 | | | …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Catherinedally

[code] Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose to clean up the component list. Protected Overloads Overrides Sub …

Member Avatar for Catherinedally
Member Avatar for ToHa57

Hi guys Just a simple question from a newbee.. In VB.net I can use "dim t as new timer" in a windows application, but not in a wpfbrowser application. It says that "Typ timer is not defined" anything else in the program seem to funktion. Please if anyone have a …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for strictlyit

Hi all I am new to VB.NET and created a windows app in VB.net which connects to my sql server... Now I have a html page in my localhost/geomap/index.html which contains mostly javascript.... Now I want to create a app in vb.net that would go through a recordset and place …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for geetajlo

Hi i really need code to back up an access database. Am using visual studio 2005. i have to submit my project next week.. please help me. I want to place the code in a button back up..

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.