20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for evios

Lets say now i want to use Select Case For some purposes as shown below: Here, i have two arrays, One is called strmac() and another one is mac(). strmac() is used to store the variable read from the [COLOR="#ff0000"]database[/COLOR], it is used to read the Machine ID for example. …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for sam1

Hi, i have two textboxes one for month(2digits) and one for year(4digits). i want to validate them so users cannot input dates in past. what would be a better way of doin this. ps. it is for winforms thanks

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for richo.mw

Hi There, I am experiencing a very weird problem with a visual basic.net program I am creating. The app uses an access database. Note: I am an Australian user so use date format dd/mm/yyyy Problem: my frmMain has a list box that retrieves a list of date values from the …

Member Avatar for richo.mw
Member Avatar for sbv

hi friends, i need your help in my project. i need to group my dropdownlist data. can anyone help me to get "optgroup" functioning in asp.net 1.0 using vb.net

Member Avatar for ra00l
Member Avatar for rathiroja

Dear All, I m trying to read and upload the eml extension file which is saved in my local hard disk from my windows application form using Vb.NET. But I failed to do this, i Done the same using ASPOSE.dll in ASP.NEt application. Please guide me or suggest me some …

Member Avatar for mnbcxz

Hi I am having a problem coding a save/change button on my form which I want to be able to edit a record in a text box then save the changes made, it will save it in a sequential dat file. At the moment it will just overwrite the entry …

Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF

Hi I am trying to run the code below and get Exception From Hresult 0x800A0046 (CTL_E_PermissionDenied) error only on Button 2. Button 1 does what it is supposed to ie remove all files found in the folders that are older than today. Button 2 should remove all files regardless but …

Member Avatar for scififan
Member Avatar for cellus205

Im pretty new to VB, using .Net 2008, and I am saving two DataGrids, ComboBoxes, and Textbox to a txt file, using "*99*" as a terminator between each, but I am having trouble reading it back into each field. Heres my open file code. [CODE] Private Sub openbtn_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for cellus205
Member Avatar for cellus205

Hows it going everyone. Im trying to compare two tables, and display the rows that are not in both tables in a DataGrid. Im using Visual Basic 2008, and created a query in the TableAdapterManager, but when I try to call the query, it is not displaying the results. Shows …

Member Avatar for cellus205
Member Avatar for vb_learner

Hello :) Iam using windows application, I want to know how can I move from textbox1 to textbox2 through the tab control key or enter key..

Member Avatar for Rasb23
Member Avatar for phantom715

I have a basic program that access a local Access database, reads data from it into a datagrid, and then allows me to manipulate it by using textboxes. I can add, delete, and search for records. I want to remove the textboxes from the equation completely. Is there any way …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for gabanxx

can u spot the error in this code.. [CODE] Private Sub fncExcelExport(ByVal strSql As String) 'fncExcelExport("SELECT * FROM tbl_rop WHERE Name_User ='" & (TextBox1.Text) & "', Date_of_birth= '" & (TextBox2.Text) & "' , Hobbies='" & (TextBox3.Text) & "' , Phone_Number ='" & (TextBox4.Text) & "' where Name_User = '" & …

Member Avatar for gabanxx
Member Avatar for geetajlo

To have bonus mark in my project i would like to register my application... I want a msgbox to appear after i login which tell him/her that "this application is not registered".. i want to put a counter which after 5 mins a msg box will appear which he/she must …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for woolie24

Hi, I am not really familiar with framework yet, I am just a beginner. What I am trying to do here is to add a clipboard button (using windows copy icon) placed in the framework in the report viewer. So I have a crystal report open in the report viewer …

Member Avatar for chrisdent1986

Hi there I am creating a system where I link a .net app to a oracle db and am currently working on linking it to the database so that I can add new users for oracle here is my code: [CODE]Imports system.Data.OracleClient Public Class Form1 Dim OracleConn As New OracleConnection …

Member Avatar for chrisdent1986
Member Avatar for allopiloping

[code] Private Structure word Dim b1 As Byte Dim b2 As Byte Dim b3 As Byte Dim b4 As Byte End Structure Private Function DoubleToWord(ByVal n As Double) As word DoubleToWord.b1 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 32) / (2 ^ 24)) DoubleToWord.b2 = Int(DMod(n, 2 ^ 24) / (2 ^ 16)) …

Member Avatar for allopiloping
Member Avatar for boudie

Formdocs has given me the following code. What I am trying to accomplish is make the form undeleteable without a password. While the code kinda works all you have to do it select cancel and you can delete the record. any Ideas other than go back to class and pay …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mores

Hello, everyone... I'm a novice from Indonesia. Would u kind to help me? I need to convert a textfile containing integer data as running 2D line, as u can see if we press ctrl+alt+del in our comp? text goes like this: 78 79 67 90 67 89 ... soon and …

Member Avatar for fujilec

I'd implemented what i need for the project but i found that the code is lengthly and not well practice... Some more i found that the code keep repeating in some kind of format..... However, at the moment i still thinking on the way to simplify it...Thanks if anyone can …

Member Avatar for fujilec
Member Avatar for ptaylor965

I have a project that requires a barcode and other information to be printed onto a label using a Thermal Printer (i.e. Zebra, TEC) I have a print routine that will print plain text using "Generic Text" driver and has been tested for output using Dot-Matrix printers in other projects. …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for wednesday

Hi All, I'm doing a mini project which is adding items to the listview and calculate the total price in a label outside the listview. How do I print the final receipt with all the sold items listed and the total etc Thanks in advance for ur help How do …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

hey frnds i want to know that how to add Textbox entry into the dataGridView. Suppose I have DataGridView with two Columns- First Column--name Second Column--marks. On the Form-- I have a Combobox ,Two Textboxes ,Button,Gridview. User select roll from combobox,Suppoes he Select Rol number 1 ,I want that on …

Member Avatar for lich

i wanted to put a Exit for statment. how can i put it Public Class Form3 Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim i As Integer Dim Name As String For i = 1 To 10 Name = InputBox("Enter the Name") Exit For Name="Done" …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for Tyreses

After several hours of searching the web and the student MSDN archive in Visual Studio.net i cannot figure out through the random blabber of sample codes how to do basic connections using TCP socket connections through a client and a listener. I got the jist that winsock had become outdated …

Member Avatar for lee_suko
Member Avatar for mindscape777

Hi. I am generating Excel reports for my company using VB.NET programming but have a problem when inserting an image into the spreadsheet and attempting to position it within the sheet. Please see my code snippet: 'Specify cell range for logo and insert the image oRng = osheet.Range("A1") oRng.Cells.Select() oexcel.ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(Application.StartupPath …

Member Avatar for lee_suko
Member Avatar for lich

I really dont know this Program is rite or wrong. but it wont give a answer. if anyone can help me in this Public Class Form2 Dim num As Integer Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim fact As Integer num = Val(InputBox("Enter the …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for cpopham

I have a parent form that has a combobox. Whn the form loads I get the data from the db and bind to the combobox. that works fine and here is the code I use in form load to cause this to happen: [code] conn.Open() cmd.Connection = conn da = …

Member Avatar for cpopham
Member Avatar for november_pooh
Member Avatar for november_pooh
Member Avatar for manishmn1987

can anybody tell me.... how to control parallel port, serial port and usb port through vb.net

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for pete08

I'm developing handheld application written in VB.NET, with .sdf database. I have following problem: on one form I have combo box (which relates to the primary key) and several text boxes (other fields in the table). When I enter data in the database I can retrieve data from the database …


The End.