20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for dhanashreegd

Hi, I want help in displaying record of same challan no. into one textbox. I have feilds like challan no,sendqty,availableqty,balqty. if i fill one record of challan no 1, availableqty=1000,sendqty=500,balqty=500. next time when i am fill record of same challan no then i want availableqty=500 in textbox. I am using …

Member Avatar for njoka

Any one can help on how to delete a particular string from the contents in a document file

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

HI I have an application that contains certain editable fields (textboxs) and what i want to do is know when someone has changed or entered new text. What i done was in the 'TextChanged' part of a text box was this: Private Sub txtCNotes_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for tuse

Ok, I had posted this- [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread128689.html[/url] and got this piece of code from a link ([url]http://vb.net-informations.com/crystal-report/dynamic_crystal_report_from_sql_query_string.htm[/url]) [code=VB.NET] Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared Imports System.Data Public Class Form1 Dim objRpt As New CrystalReport1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim cnn As SqlConnection Dim …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for sdimantova

I am new to VB and am trying to create a program that will search for files in a user specified directory within a specified date range, and then list the files in a list view. I've managed to figure most of it out except how to specify the date …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

hello, I am having a problem getting all of my items to display correctly. I have a form that has a combobox. When this combobox changes I need to display different items on the form. This is the code to do this but for some strange reason not all items …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for nandoliveira

hi, i'm using one datasource to colect information from my database and to fill one gridview, but before fill it i would like to pick the field txt_alt put it in one function [this function sees if the are upper letters after the first one], case exists i want to …

Member Avatar for safealloys

Please help me with this CODE. What I want to do is to update the existing data in my database. Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader Imports System.Transactions Imports System.Collections Imports System.Collections.Generic Public Class SelectStaffManager Const strConnectionString As String = "Server=(local);Initial Catalog=VideoClub;User ID=sa;Password=" #Region "SQL Statements" Private Const SQL_SELECT_STAFF As …

Member Avatar for vmreddy

i am trying import contact list from[B] Gmail,Yahoo or Hotmail [/B]which is provided with [B]email id/user id[/B] and [B]password[/B] . Is There any Solution to access there servers and get the contact list of any one user. pls provide me any solution

Member Avatar for nandoliveira

Hi, i had made one grid view automatic and is giving more results that i want ... In the grid view appears one check box, one text and after the update. So i want to pick that text of each line and put it in one function, if the text …

Member Avatar for EJK972

Does anyone know a way in which I can execute PL/SQL statements in a VB.NET program? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for ruchika beddy

I m Using the Foll. method to Read the Contents of a File. If i m reading the doc,txt prog is working file. I m using the File "D:\pagefile.sys", ERROR is there,The process cannot access the file 'D:\pagefile.sys' because it is being used by another process. how To Read Contents …

Member Avatar for nickthedivil

Hi i am trying to popuate a checked list box with the following code. It works but how do i get the checked list box to keep the entred details or the next time i use the program. like they were put in the items collections properties? any help would …

Member Avatar for mahendrabhatt

How can i import contact list from any email account by providing User id and Password pls help me out .....

Member Avatar for Catherinedally

[code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Dice1 As Integer Dim Dice2 As Integer Randomize() Dice1 = Int(Rnd() * 6) + 1 'Randomising dice 1 between 1 and 6 Dice2 = Int(Rnd() * 6) + 1 'Randomising dice 2 between 1 and 6 …

Member Avatar for tuse

Is there any way in which a crystal report be generated by giving the table name at runtime? ie. the user chooses the table whose report is needed and the .rpt files do not exist beforehand.

Member Avatar for sheril85
Member Avatar for musahim

I am planning to write an Examination system but i have some question about how i can start my system

Member Avatar for musahim
Member Avatar for Aigini

There are five tabs in a form. (Windows application). Each tab is the subcategory of the tab before it. (Tab 2 is the sub of Tab 1, Tab 3 is the sub of Tab 2 and so on). There are two combo boxes in each tab, starting from Tab 2. …

Member Avatar for yapper99

I was just wondering how i could make it so that if the url of webbrowser1 contains http:_____ then [code] button1.visible = true [/code] or if the webbrowser1 url does not contain the certain url then [code] button1.visible = false [/code] Thanks A lot,

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for prasu

If i have a table with say x columns and y rows how do i get the contents of the 'i'th column into a arraylist

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for preethi_ga

hi, Actually i'am new to VB.NET. i started learning. but when i run a small application in console. i cant see the result. the screen just blinks and vanishes. my code is [ imports System ] [ imports System.Collections ] [ Namespace Myapp ] [ Module Mymod ] [ Sub …

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for Shadow-Illusion

Ok i have a textbox named txtingtext_txt and a timer named txting_tmr Kk it works pretty well, well i press the 2 key, a comes up, and if i press it again it goes to b then c then back to a etc... Just like on a phone. There is …

Member Avatar for mstester

Hey all, Is there a way that I can detect when any key has been pressed? Basically I have a login box and if the user has Caps Lock on and tries to enter his password a Tooltip apears, however as soon as they type again I want the tool …

Member Avatar for KillerOfDN
Member Avatar for BluePaper

For my computing project last year I created a simple booking system in Access 2003 with a little bit of VBA to enhance it a little. However this year I need to improve it. One of the main problems I found with my booking system is that double bookings can …

Member Avatar for BluePaper
Member Avatar for allopiloping

dear guys... i have a code but it runs so slowly i would it to make it fast...can u help me?? what should i do??? [code] Var2 = 0.1 For y = 0 To jlhPro - 1 Do Var1 = Var2 For z = 0 To thn - 1 kata …

Member Avatar for dadelsen
Member Avatar for mfahmy2008

I have a text file contains non delimited data (Each row consists from 16 fields and has a 131 byte) I used this code to load it's data into datagrid(I have visual basic 2005) The program work fine Now I want load this datagrid into access database I try to …

Member Avatar for CornerAnalyst

I need to be able to perform the creation of HTML controls (i.e. Tables, form controls) from inside of a DLL in vb.Net I have searched Goggle far and wide for what Import statement references the HTML objects. Imports System.Web doesn't do it. I would like to do something like: …

Member Avatar for CornerAnalyst
Member Avatar for herbally

Ok, I fill my dataset in the form_load event, and the datagrid loads up with the data fine. I can search it and update/add members. When another machine on the network adds a member (haven't even tested an update yet) it sends a message to the machine in question telling …

Member Avatar for virendra_sw

Hi, We have developed one small project in vs2005 (VB .Net). In all Operating System we successfully able to launch the exe except windows server 2003. In windows server 2003 it is giving error like this "the application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the …

Member Avatar for mfahmy2008

I have a text file contains non delimited data (Each row consists from 16 fields and has a 131 byte) I used this code to load it's data into datagrid(I have visual basic 2005) The program work fine Now I want load this datagrid into access database I try to …


The End.