20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for prasu

Please Check the code and reply what is wrong in the update code Try block is executed successfully........but it is not being updated. Public Class Form3 Dim cn As New Odbc.OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=attend_ap; User=root;Password=;") Dim cmd, cmd2 As Odbc.OdbcCommand Dim adp, adp2 As Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter Dim ds, ds2 As New …

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Member Avatar for mrkcse

Hai All I am developing a windows application, For which my client given an web service URL,a WSDL file and username,password, and they were expecting we need to pass some data with username and password. here i am not undersatnding how to procede i have done invoking the url and …

Member Avatar for tusharvichare

Hi, Anyone know how to pass XML string to WSDL Webservice using SOAP with VB.Net. I have student records Webservice at client side so i want to pass XML string to client side feedback to this they will give Acknowldgement or response. If any one have idea how to do …

Member Avatar for jivangoyal

I've a project with which I wants to maintain a log file that if later after release of the product, any issue arise, I can debug the faced issue from this log file. I've one of the solution to write my own text file with writing line at identified positions …

Member Avatar for iffEngineer
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi i have a listview which is populated with a number of 'Appointments' and when selected this fills a number of lables with information. now on the first click it works fine and everything gets populated but when a different row is selected i get an error. the code im …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp
Member Avatar for bungek84

Hi guys.. currently. i'm using SQL Server 2000 and Visual Studio 2003. i've already make some researches about System.Data>SqlClient. I've already followed the guideline which is right click on the project name>Add Reference and then click on System.Data.SqlClient. but under .NET tab, not included the System.Data.SqlClient. Where should i find …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for dhanashreegd

how to remove selected item from combobox we tried this code but some error in this statement cbocode.Items.RemoveAt(cbocode.SelectedText)

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for karthik_cud

hi , i've designed a form with a progress bar but it seems to be very fast, i've tried a lot , but i cant get the correct one , tell me how to design a progressbar

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Aigini

When we click on a combo box, there is a small triangle on the upper right of the combo box. When we click on the triangle, the Combo Box task box appears. How do we change the default name of the Display Member and the Value Member? The names of …

Member Avatar for naz82
Member Avatar for jaytheguru

Morning All, I would like to set a limit to a text box so that end user only can enter numbers from 1-32 and not more. I have setup a validation on keypress to make it only work with numbers i.e digits and nothing else however I am not sure …

Member Avatar for naz82
Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

Hi guys, I am using VB 2008 Express. I have created a form which has traditional "OK" and "Cancel" buttons on it. After I execute the program I point the mouse over the OK button or Cancel button (doesn't matter) to press but for some reason sand watch icon appears …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for deepukng

Dear Friend, i m using VB.NET 2005 and SQL server 2000 as Back end. please someone tell me how to attach files of any type(or Jpg or BMP files) in windows apllication. Thanking you,

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

when i debug a program on my pc it works just fine. When i install my program on another pc i get exceptions during runtime like... "Cannot convert string ##100## to type decimal" when i try to input some data from a .txt file What is wrong with it?

Member Avatar for bruce2424
Member Avatar for darcee

im using putty and when im opening the index.asp this is the error and also in the logout page... the asp file is ok but i think linux(putty) cant recognize the vbscript file... what should i do? plzz help! thx in advance!

Member Avatar for ruchika beddy

hey, frnds I have two forms Forn1 & form2,On Form2 I have three Texyboxes & on form1 i have listview with three Columns. I m sending the text from textboxes to listview. I want that Multiple Rows should be added. Suppose i write the value in three textboxes,with my code …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for ScottM

Hello: Yesterday I purchased MS Visual Studio Standard 2008, installed it on my Windows XP Pro SP2 system after removing VB 2008 Express. I opened a solution that I had created with VB 2008 Express and proceeded to layout my one and only Windows Form. The Application is a VB.Net …

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Member Avatar for tuse

I have a 'users' table in which the password is stored using MD5 encryption. (Drupal created this table) I have my Windows Application in which I have a login window. What I want to do is take the password from that table. So, in the textfield that asks for password, …

Member Avatar for johnycoo

Hello everyone! I am new to vb. I have a macro at excel but i want to get it out as a vb file. When the file runs it should run the fuction I already have written. So all i want is t connect to a spesified exxcecl file and …

Member Avatar for Duki

Hello all, I'm looking for a good VB.NET book. I know a little about c++ and am looking for something along the lines of a text book. Anyone have any good suggestions?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi guys ... today i am in the step of client side installation of my project. i need some information for that. what should be installed on client machine to run a vb.net 1.0 application smoothly and what should not be installed on client machine to run a vb.net 1.0 …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jalandoonk

i have a form that allows the user to add 0 to 4 contact numbers. [I] Dim ccontact As New Contact Dim contactId As String = ccontact.getContactid(hcode) phone1 = cbxPhone1.SelectedItem phone2 = cbxPhone2.SelectedItem phone3 = cbxPhone3.SelectedItem phone4 = cbxPhone4.SelectedItem tphone1 = txtPhone1.Text tphone2 = txtPhone2.Text tphone3 = txtPhone3.Text tphone4 = …

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Member Avatar for Aigini

How do I create a tree view based on data from 2 different combo boxes and a textbox? The first combo box is the 'Level' combo box. It displays the different levels in a tree. The second combo box displays all the parent code for each level. The textbox is …

Member Avatar for tirso

hi to all Does any body could help me how to blink the text of my button or even blick the background color. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for tirso
Member Avatar for grazcy

i'm doing a game function which able to save and load game function, i want to do it in a simple way cause only a few information need to collect. :cry: Here is the save method i use which able to write things into the .txt file which work correctly …

Member Avatar for DaKasper
Member Avatar for nerden

Hi, I’m writing a programme in VB.NET [B]2008 [/B]which uses an access database; I am trying to create a query which uses the value from a textbox say txtStudentNo, to query a DataGridView say grdInfo to only show the student with the entered student number. The problem I am having …

Member Avatar for nerden
Member Avatar for ScottM

I have been developing a few applications, one is a user database which allows users to log into other software using an email address and password. I have created an administration application which allows me to add users and edit accounts. In this application I have included a DataGridView control, …

Member Avatar for Michael Beck

In a gridview, I have used AutoGenerateSelectButton. The page behaves exactly the way I want, but I would like to change the 'Select' button to a button style. Is there a way to do that? If yes, what is the code snippet. TIA, Michael

Member Avatar for tuse
Member Avatar for fujilec

Lets say i do this to count the number of that particular hour: [code]If vDateTime.Hour > 0 And vDateTime.Hour < 24 Then Dim hour As Integer = vDateTime.Hour If hour = 0 Then hour = 24 End If count(hour, 0) = count(hour, 0) + 1[/code] Refer to the data below: …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for GaryD.

I might be in over my head since I've been taking VB.net for about 5 weeks now. However, I have been taking programming classes (c/c++) over the past year. My basic goal is to make a program like this one [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EurGROIqZhg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EurGROIqZhg[/URL] The game is simple, click the ball and move …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for paulcat

In one of my project, I need to use Visual Basic 2008 to get data from a machine using serial connection and then display the data into a GUI. I've never done anything with serial ports before so I'm totally lost. Can anyone give me some pointers or some sample …


The End.