20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for deepukng

dear friends, I am using MS access as back end and vb.net as front end. in one of my table i have a auto increment field.(for ex:orderid). Please tell me how can i insert new row to the table with auto increment field. Thanking you,

Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal
Member Avatar for vdmsugar

[B]I need code for login verification form, which gets the username and password from the user and verify it in database(sql server) ,if its correct means connect to next form. [/B] help me plsss durai

Member Avatar for les"ego"
Member Avatar for Alaskaaa

I need help in my assignment, i get stuck in half way. Here is the question: Pythagorean Triples Some right triangles have sides that are all integers. A set of three integer values for the sides of a right triangle is called a Pythagorean triple. These three sides must satisfy …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey frnds on Form Load, I am displaying the displaying the registry keys & Subkeys. In this procedure,we have to create object dim registry as classesroot dim obj as localmachine I m importing the namespace Imports Microsoft.Win32 Error-ClassesRoot,Localmachine is not a member of registry. Is there any other namespace also …

Member Avatar for thanasis1

Hi all, I want to use a vertical menustrip which should be "arrow-friendly". No mouse will be available, just a remote control with the arrow keys. I want to achieve the following scenario: User uses up/down arrows to browse through vertical menu-items. User sees drop-down menus if they exists for …

Member Avatar for nickm

Hello All, first. I would like to say this is first time in forums, so if I show bad manners/form, please let me know. I do learn quickly! I have created a small utility that removes software from the system. At the present time, the app will download and install …

Member Avatar for nash_ph_41

I'm searching some method how to backup the database to thumb drive while the database (system) is running It mean like once i click the button it automatic fire the events in vb.net but the problem is the database is still running.. is there any method to do that?

Member Avatar for nash_ph_41
Member Avatar for pavanikatari

i want to retrieve record basing on date. i have used backend as ms access and frontend as vb.net. cmd = New OleDbCommand("select * from orders where qdate= '" + TextBox2.Text + "'", cn)

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mbah26

Hello every body, my problem is how to save any changes in the databaes from vb.net ... i used dataGrideView to connect and show my database, and i want to save the changes in the orginal database when i close the program. i try this code but it's not work: …

Member Avatar for geetajlo

hi i have an mdi form n 3 other form namely patient,about, tips. i do not want the user to access any other form when he/she is using the about ,patient or tips form. the user must close to be able 2 access any other form. i have search a …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for geetajlo

TextBox1.Text = StrConv(TextBox1.Text, VbStrConv.ProperCase) i have place the code in the textbox1 textchanged event.. bt when i type a name it is writing it backward n it converts the last letter only in Uppercase eg... when i type geeta it show me --> Ateeg Can u plz help me ...

Member Avatar for geetajlo
Member Avatar for dru987

i have a mock site im working on in asp.net/vb.net using an access database. after employees log in they can update there employee profile by filling out a form. i need to know the code for updating an access DB with vb.net from the form fields. im lookin for the …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for geetajlo

i have used wizard. in my database there is a table name patient. in it i have PatientId, FirstName etc i have set Patientid - Autonumber on the form i have a button call add and a button call cancel and textbox call txtid .. in the add button it …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Jkt

Hai All, i am having a list view with some row values(say 10) that i populated from the DB . what i want to know is how i can get one row and and its subitems at a time one after the other and its details(items) so that based on …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for eparse

how to check whether an integer type variable doesnt store anything? like: Dim Count As Integer If Count = NOT NULL Then ..... but in vb.net 2005,there is no NULL allowed.. Thanks for helping..

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for rajender44
Member Avatar for darklightmusic
Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey Frnds I m developing the antivirus,But i do not know how to start scanning.I want that when i click on scan button C:\ Starts Scanning. Plz send me the code,I will be very thankful to you.

Member Avatar for Arijit Manna
Member Avatar for virendra_sw

Hi, We have developed one application which is developed in VB .Net in VS2003,VS2005 and VS2008 version. The application which is build in VS2003 and VS2005 are perfectly worked in Vista except for application developed in Visual studio 2008. This application is accessing the registry. It giving error only application …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Persist01

Hi, I have a DataGrid within a VB.NET page and the following code for a ButtonColumn: [code]<asp:ButtonColumn ButtonType="LinkButton" CommandName="Delete" HeaderText="Remove" Text="Delete" Visible="True" />[/code] Can you tell me is it possible to trigger off an email sending function after clicking one of the "Delete" links or using the OnDeleteCommand within the …

Member Avatar for whatever53

Hi, I hope someone can provide some answers for me. I have a large application which creates an Access MDB and tables upon certain conditions. The problem is that the application does not release and close the Access MDB. I do not understand why. Desktop: Windows 2000 Access Drivers : …

Member Avatar for omotoyosi

hello all! Please help me out. I am developing a form for data collection, and i need a code to help me export from microsoft excel files into my database in VB.NET. Please i am expecting response. Another one is that once my data has been saved i want the …

Member Avatar for mark192

Hi I need some help with a loop I want a random number to be generated that is not equal to 3 different, and previously defined variables. The loop I have is like this one below [code] random = randomNum.next(0, 10) while random = first or second or third random …

Member Avatar for lich
Member Avatar for cpopham

Okay, it has been a while since I have used Vb .Net and I have now downloaed and installed Vb .net 8 express. I have setup a relational database in sql compact. I am trying to get a compbo box that will show values from one table and when an …

Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

Hey frnd tell me that in Vb to scan a registry we define our own function. In Vb.Net to scan a registry we define our own function or using the inbuilt function,it can also be done?? Plz give me some steps from where to start??????????? I m not getting it,how …

Member Avatar for Arijit Manna

Hi, Iam working on [B]WPF DataGrid (dev. by ComponentOne)[/B] with [B]Visual Studio 2008[/B]. I wish to provide facility to user to select "Columns" of a Table using ListBox(if possible, by clicking on Checkboxes within the ListBox) and the Report will be generated for those selected "Columns" only. [I]Selection to be …

Member Avatar for Arijit Manna
Member Avatar for tuse

I am new to VB. Yesterday I learnt how to connect to a database. My work computer has Microsoft SQL Server (which I could connect to) but I use mySQL at home and do not know how to connect to it. Can somebody please help?

Member Avatar for sharath61

Can anyone guide me, how to write the code for searching the deatils in alphabetical order like.......... A B C E F G.... Z.. Al the alphabets wil be in link format.. If u click on 'A' all the names in 'A' as to be displayed.. Can anyone guide me …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

het frnds I faced the foll. interview questions on Vb.net. Plz reply i want to just confirm my answers- Give reply if mine answer is wring. 1)How many Compilation levels are there in .Net Framework a)One b)Two c) Three I WRITE---TWO Mine ANSWER IS RITE OR WRONG 2)There are different …

Member Avatar for Arijit Manna

The End.