20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi I have a dataset which is popultaed with data from a text file, which in turn then populates a datagrid. This all works fine. What im trying to do is search within the dataset based on a value input into a text box. But everytime i do the search …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for evios

I'll try to explain what it means: I have many folders and within folders, there are another folders with files inside. So to make things easy, i set [code]Watcher.IncludeSubdirectories = True Watcher.Filter = "Index.txt"[/code] So that any files with Index.txt will be used. How if i just need the Index …

Member Avatar for PersonPerson

Hey there. My problem is simple, but I cannot seem to find a solution anywhere. I recently converted my application from VB6 to VB.NET manually. Everything is working fine, except one thing. The application's icon works fine on the executable itself, but as the application is launched, the icons on …

Member Avatar for aditya_amb

I am not able to display dataset. Can anyone help me out? Here is my code: Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form3 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Private WithEvents DataGridView1 As New DataGridView Private Sub Currdbbtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Currdbbtn.Click Dim objConnection As …

Member Avatar for aditya_amb
Member Avatar for A_member

does anyone know how to develop an application in vb 2005 which does not require dot net framework installed on the users' pc to be run? requiring a 23 mb file to be downloaded and installed to download a ~1mb application is a real turn off for users to use …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for swappy

I`m recently got my last year project in a company, it’s a consultant company. I’m not sure how I’m going to start with the project…So I need help from you guys… I`ll start with the companies requirement: 1. He has a team of 7 people how will enter the names …

Member Avatar for sierrainfo
Member Avatar for LiBOC

Hi, I had been wanting to translate my VB 6.0 MSCOMM syntax into Vb 2005. Can someone give some advice? codes on VB 6.0 If Comm1.PortOpen = False Then Comm1.PortOpen = True Comm1.DTREnable = True Comm1.RTSEnable = True Comm1.RThreshold = 1 Comm1.InputLen = 1 bOK = False bError = False …

Member Avatar for soul_cuervo
Member Avatar for pcr

Can anyone please send code for search form which contains clearing controls,validating and contains same criteria when you click search again button.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for gabanxx

eloo... i got the code to get data from sql to excell...but only the data that are displayed in textbox created early..i want to know how to grab all data and stored in excell...i created a table in sql nme tbl_rop and the attributes are Name_User, Date_of_birth, Hobbies, Phone_Number... this …

Member Avatar for pikkas

i m working on a windows application on vb .net 2005. i have a datagridview column "Dates" with dates in it. I want to add dynamically on form load a new datagridview column "Days passed" and in the cells of this column i want to display how many days passed …

Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi I have a small program that imports data and part of this data is in duration format: 00:00:00 (HoursMinutes,Seconds) What im trying to do is add these together so that they show a cumalative duration, but im not at all sure how?

Member Avatar for Fungus1487
Member Avatar for rk4088

I'm having a textbox in my form. I'm using tc table with field description. description ----------- AAA BBB CCC DDD if i externally insert the field as E.E.E and then if i add EEE in my textbox it should made a info thro msgbox like 'description already exists' how to …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey frnds,[B][COLOR="Red"]First of all Thx,CZ its ur contribution [/COLOR][/B]also with the help of which I cleared VB.Net interiew & my joining is on Coming Monday. Actually I have to develop there the Mobile Applications & games. So if somebody have the similar project ,pls paste the code here.

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for gabanxx

i've create a program that contain a 4 textbox and three action button. the textbox are used to fill user name, date of birth, hobbies and number. while the action button are submit upadte and clear...all of this are working perfectly..i also manage to store all the data entered by …

Member Avatar for gabanxx
Member Avatar for gabanxx

i've create a program that contain a 4 textbox and three action button. the textbox are used to fill user name, date of birth, hobbies and number. while the action button are submit upadte and clear...all of this are working perfectly..i also manage to store all the data entered by …

Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF

Hi I am using Visual Basic Developer 2005 I have this simple code that will delete all files created before today in the specified folders. The code works fine but I get an exception problem when the fso object deletes the files ie at fso.DeleteFile(file) inside the second For loop. …

Member Avatar for ViRiPuFF
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

I have three labels & three textboxes on the form, I bind the data to the textboxes using DATA FORM WIZARD & Binding Navigator to naviagte thru the records. Suppose if i do any changes, I also want to update in the database. I drag one button on the form …

Member Avatar for pillusaoji
Member Avatar for rk4088

function to trim all special characters in the text. I've to write it as a function so that i can use in all my forms. I need codings.. do help me

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for GonKas

Hi there! I've a problem...want to return the total number of rows affected by the statement "SELECT * FROM Producao WHERE ProdUserID=UtilizadorID" can anybody give a look to the code below? [CODE] Dim ProdUserID As String = "samurai" Dim ProducaoSource As New SqlDataSource() ProducaoSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("seaempiresdbConnectionString1").ToString() ProducaoSource.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text ProducaoSource.SelectCommand …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Mr_Man

hi, i was wondering if anyone knows how to make a program acept keystrokes even if it is not the active window? please reply cheers jack

Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all Im developing one application where i need Ms Exell as my database and vb as fornt end i dont know how to use exel as data base? Plz help me out..... thnx regards.. Pgmer

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for evios

I get this error message when i create a new file: (using filesystemwatcher() ) Cross thread operation not valid: Control 'txt_folderactivity" acessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on. [code] If e.ChangeType = IO.WatcherChangeTypes.Created Then txt_folderactivity.Text &= "File " & e.FullPath & _ " has been …

Member Avatar for eblackmo

My understanding of instantiating objects in vb.net is when you use the new keyword it allocates space for the object on the heap and assigns the address of the object into the variable on the left of the equals operator. So does the reference variable have the same behaviour as …

Member Avatar for deepukng

Hello Friends, I am learning VB.Net (Visual Studios 2005) and using MS Access as backend database. pls someone tell me how to connect VB.net to MS Access.

Member Avatar for q8_dreamy
Member Avatar for Kumar Arun

[QUOTE=Kumar Arun;603385]I am exploring the RS232 communication possibilities. I am faced with problems when i try to send file across the rs232 port. Please help...[/QUOTE] I am really sorry if i was not expressive enough. I will explain the situation. I have implemented the RS232 communication, At System A, i …

Member Avatar for Kumar Arun
Member Avatar for MatrixCA

Does anyone know how to change the value of FS.Length? I keep getting that it's read only. I need to read a file, let's say it's 100 bytes in size. After some data manipulation, the file becomes 40 bytes. When I write the file back , it writes the 40 …

Member Avatar for MatrixCA
Member Avatar for sachinrsmh

can any body tell me the sequence of form events in VB.Net. What is the systematic order of them and how one can handle them in an efficient manner.

Member Avatar for sachinrsmh
Member Avatar for Dell XPS

i have Visual Studio 9 , 2008 and have published a program but it doesn't work on PCs that don't have Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 installed. is there any way to make the program work without having to install the .net framework on the pc?

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ninjaimp

Hi I have a small program that imports data from a txt file and then splits it into columns in a dataset. What i want to do now is export that dataset to an access table so that i can start running reports form the data. Is there an easy …

Member Avatar for jp2sql

I've built a small PC app that resides in the Task Bar Tray until one of our employees sends a signal to it with a handheld device. When the PC app is activated, we connect to the SQL Server to retrieve records using Integrated Security on the PC:[code=vb]Private m_conn As …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.