20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for kahaj

I can't figure out how to subtract the running total from 10. I also can't figure out how to make the time remaining label have a value when the form loads. Any tips on this would be SO much appreciated. [code] Imports System.IO Public Class atvRecords 'Public var declaration Private …

Member Avatar for farifari

I have made changes in the MDI form ,,, but its not being shown in the form after running the program,, what can i do to save these changes n i wana see all changes after running,, changes are shown on the form before running, but after running, it is …

Member Avatar for danielgee
Member Avatar for leroi green

Hey all, I've got this program where I have to translate a word from English to Pig Latin. I'm sorta on the brink but I'm missing something. the test words are "ant" and "chair" but they should then turn to "ant-WAY" and "air-chay" but i'm ending up with "ant-anAY" and …

Member Avatar for poguemahone
Member Avatar for zwench

Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to create a class Library in VS 2003. It does not have that as an option when you go to add it. Any info would be appreciated. I went in and changed this : <Settings ApplicationIcon = "" AssemblyKeyContainerName = "" AssemblyName …

Member Avatar for BORAX

well to start i am a compleate noob to programing and this time iam going to go a bit deeper to something hard for me!!!! maybe so easy to you guys so lets see if can explain my self and get a head star here...please!!! i realy need this to …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for toko

I have two questions: 1. I have an if statment that if true does several things. This is where im having trouble: [CODE= vb]If something = true then something = 45 And something = 65 And something = 83[/CODE] My best guess was "And" to combine those three term but …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm creating a file that will only be on my local machine, for personal use. To make sure my kids don't enter data (or delete it) I want to do a simple password protection feature. I basically just want, when a button is pressed, a box to pop up with …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for baker4

Hi I have been trying for a while to get a toolbar to work with a print function and cannot get it to work. However does anybody know if you can just use a normal button to print the form it is on? If so how?? I have already tried …

Member Avatar for Alekhan
Member Avatar for kahaj

The file is being created and it is somewhat working. It works okay if you have the program open and enter like 3, 4, 1. It's supposed to subtract these from 10. It does so, saying that you have 2 hours left. But once it's shut down and you check …

Member Avatar for kahaj
Member Avatar for svbhanu

Hi Friends ! I am working on vb.net, i want to send a value which is there in a data grid in one from to a text box which is there in another form. the data grid contains the Id and names of all the employees in an organization. in …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for coolzero

Hi there, Need help on something, you might know how. How can I format columns in datagrid- vb.net?because everytime I open the program, columns have same column width. dont know what to do

Member Avatar for vsc33

My application runs on a network of 15 to 16 clients on a SQL Server 2000. Some of the modules perform transaction, i.e. they run more than one sql. I have tied the different sql statemels under the following procedure: <code> con.Open() trans = con.BeginTransaction() Try ‘First Sql cmd = …

Member Avatar for Divya123

hiii how to reduce the column size of the datagrid based on the data present in that column

Member Avatar for pillusaoji
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi, I am looking to write the sliding window protocol but am unsure where to start or how to do it. I read in text in a text file and display it in a label, do i need to convert the text to anything first, and also how do i …

Member Avatar for bhappy

Hi All, I need to generate payslips for all employees using crystal reports, some 2 to 3 employee's payslips are coming in a single page i need like that, and all data im getting dynamically from code behind using formula fields and parameter fields, bcuz no.of earnings/deductions may change at …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

[B]1)[/B] What is string name?? [B]2)[/B]Can you have two files with the same name in GAC? [B]3)[/B]What is CAS?? I know just the full form Code Access secuiry. It is used for defining permissions. Which kind of permissions??

Member Avatar for pikkas

i m using visual studio 2005. i am working on a windows application and i have a form and an mdiparent. On the form i have some buttons wich are control an sql server database and it works fine. when i make the form an mdi child then no one …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for gabanxx

i create a form that user can enter their data then save into SQl server...that problm have being solve... Now i want the data to be automatically appeared in the text box and user can use the next button to search for their data..(text box created early for the user …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for kahaj

I'm trying to create a .txt file that will hold a handful of numbers. I want to be able to add them, then retrieve the sum with my program (or retrieve the numbers and add them via the program, whatever). Unfortunately, I haven't a clue how to accomplish this. Also, …

Member Avatar for kahaj
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

hey frnds, plz tell me .Net Architechture if anybody have on mine ID <snip email> Second thing,I want to ask that ADO.net Architecture & .net Architecture r same or different thing. Third thing,plz send me the interview Questions on .net FRAMEWORK on mine ID.

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for BluePaper

Hey, I am currently having some problems with VB.net and MSSQL. I'm trying to create an application to learn more about VB.net, I decided to create a simple login system for the application (like the ones they used in distributed applications which have a centeral SQL server). I have come …

Member Avatar for bcasp
Member Avatar for namrata_k

Hi all, [COLOR="green"][/COLOR]Please reply me soon !!![COLOR="Red"][ICODE][/ICODE][/COLOR] i have made my database in Ms-access and using vb.net for front end. My system is working fine with database stored in same pc of client(by giving path c:/.....). But i have to show my project using seperte server pc n client pc. …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for swaters86

Basically, I'm building a aspx calculator page for a client. What the visitor has to do is fill out the textboxes with a number. it takes the sum of all the text boxes, multiplies the sum by one number to get the minimum value and then another to get the …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for luisofo

Hello there: This is my issue. I do have one combo box in a form from which I want to select a person, by selecting the ID. In the combo box I want to show sorted name, last name, and date of birth. I wonder this should not be so …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

Sorry I got the answer Dats y i delete it the question. But I do not know how to delte the thread...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Yogesh Sharma

Hey frnds, I know about Ctype?? Please forward me what is Directcast,Cz i hace faced this question in Interview.Difference B/w the aboce two???/

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for smiles

I have just install VB.NET, I want to write a software to interface with peripheral via USB port. Now could you list for me some helpful functions for that work ? (for e.g read data from USB port or write data to it ...) I will do research on them, …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I know just the one diff. [B][COLOR="Red"]1)[/COLOR][/B] String Class in Immutable--Means every time we change string, a new object is created & then assigned to the string. StringBulder Class is Mutable--Means New Object is not created everytime a string is updated. [B]Is the above diff. rite or wrong???? ny More …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for staysolid3

Hello I just started learning visual basic about 1 week and a half ago, and I'm just wondering if there is a way to compare text box values. e.g. text1.text = 5 and text2.text = 10, rather then subtracting it, I was hoping if there was a way to find …

Member Avatar for ericstenson

The End.