Hey, I am currently having some problems with VB.net and MSSQL. I'm trying to create an application to learn more about VB.net, I decided to create a simple login system for the application (like the ones they used in distributed applications which have a centeral SQL server). I have come across a problem however.
When I run the program the login box pops up with two text boxes and a login button, one box is the user alias (username) and the other is the password. When the user enters the username and password and clicks login he program checks to see if the user exists using the following SQL statement: "SELECT * FROM tUsers WHERE uAlias = @varAlias AND uPass = @varPass"
I then insert the values entered by the user into the SQL query using the following bit of code:
SQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@varAlias", Trim(txAlias.Text))
SQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@varPass", Trim(txPassword.Text))
As that's what I've been taught to use, however if the logging in fails the user obviously tries again but on the second go it gives me the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException was unhandled
Message="The variable name '@varAlias' has already been declared. Variable names must be unique within a query batch or stored procedure."
Source=".Net SqlClient Data Provider"
(Minus the Strack trace which is huge)
I understand what it is saying, the program is redeclaring the @varAlias variable (and the @varPass if it ever got round to it) but I have no idea how to fix it or where I am going wrong.
I have provided the code for both the application and the external SQL module file I have created. If anyone has any ammendements as well please do say as it's hard learning withotu knowing how proper applications are built.
(My password in the code has been intentionally hid ;) )
'Import some important things including the database 'wrapper'
Imports Rain.fSQL, System, System.Security.Cryptography, System.Text
Public Class Login
Dim tmpSuccess As Boolean = False
Dim tmpNoOfTries As Integer
Private Function Login() As Object
If txAlias.Text = "" Or txPassword.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("You left a required field empty!", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
'Create the SQL string
Dim sqlCheckData As String = "SELECT * FROM tUsers WHERE uAlias = @varAlias AND uPass = @varPass"
'Encode the password
'Add the username and password into the sql string
SQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@varAlias", Trim(txAlias.Text))
SQLCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@varPass", Trim(txPassword.Text))
'Create the SQL connection
SqlCommand.Connection = SqlConnection
'Add the SQL
SqlCommand.CommandText = sqlCheckData
'Execute the query
'Create a data reader
SQLData = SqlCommand.ExecuteReader
'If any data is found then the username exists
If SQLData.Read() Then
tmpSuccess = True
tmpSuccess = False
End If
End If
Return tmpSuccess
End Function
Private Sub btClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btClose.Click
End Sub
Private Sub btLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btLogin.Click
If tmpSuccess = True Then
btLogin.Enabled = False
End If
If tmpSuccess = False Then
tmpNoOfTries += 1
MsgBox("Logging in failed, please try again. You have had " & tmpNoOfTries & " of 5 goes", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
End If
If tmpNoOfTries >= 5 Then
btLogin.Enabled = False
lbWarning.Text = "Too many failed attempts!"
End If
End Sub
End Class
Imports System.Data, System.Data.SqlClient
Module fSQL
'SQL connection variables
Public SQLConnection As New SqlConnection()
Public SQLCommand As New SqlCommand()
Public SQLData As SqlDataReader
'SQL connection functions
'Function used for creating the database connection
Public Function SQLConnectionCreate() As Object
If SQLConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
'Create the Connection String
Dim SQLConnectionString As String = "Data Source=LAMBDA\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Rain;User ID=Skyrail;Password=*******"
'Set the connection string into the SQL connection
SQLConnection.ConnectionString = SQLConnectionString
'Open up the connection
End If
'Return the connection status
Return SQLConnection
End Function
'Function used for closing the database connection
Public Function SQLConnectionClose() As Object
If SQLConnection.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
'Close the connection
End If
Return SQLConnection
End Function
End Module