20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for vsc33

Hello everybody in the problem solving world !!!!......... Well I have come across a unique problem and am not able to find any logic behind that. My vb.net application runs on a sql server 2000 and it is about making bills in a fast running gift counter with 5 to …

Member Avatar for Jahira

Sir, I'm having table in sal server 2000 named Table name:Products Fields:Product name,image and description. The thing is i want to display only first 100 characters of Description I hv given like this Select substring(Description,0,99) from Products den d error msg is does not contain a property with the name …

Member Avatar for tallguy64

Hey there, So i am tring to read line by line from a text doc that i have saved my info to. Because each line is a different vairable i am tring to figure out, How do i use a loop to create a new variable for each line? Or …

Member Avatar for tallguy64
Member Avatar for pillusaoji

Hi All, I want to open database in vb.net. I have one .mdb file with 5 tables. They are linked to each other. I want to show information on VB.net form in visual studio. and I also want to update that via forms. I am new learner. I succed to …

Member Avatar for Bremen Emeth
Member Avatar for DanWilliams

(First Post of hopefully Many :) This question is directed towards anyone who has worked with as400----> vb.net. I was able to connect to the 400 with i-series and used an odbc connection to 'see' the tables on the 400. Here's where my newbish question comes in. There is a …

Member Avatar for DanWilliams
Member Avatar for sunilkumartp

Hello Guys Have designed a Application to generate ID Card Templates,But when it come to printing on the ID card Printer ,The Quality of the print is bad,specially the fonts,compared to the application which came with the printer.I am not sure i took the right path soving the problem,but here …

Member Avatar for hermit08

Hi there, i am a beginner so please don't laugh at how basic my question is. I don't understand why when i check the radio button the constant doesnt appear in the label..i'll put in the bit of code i am working on but if you need to see the …

Member Avatar for hermit08
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey all. the program is for Chapter 8 Lesson C in the Visual Basic 2005 below is code where i have to create a program that allows the user to enter a 4-digit number that identifies whether the salesperson is full or part time. "Each salesperson at BobCat Motors is …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for RbtCorrigan

I get this error message when trying to open my 2002 access database using MS visial Studio 2005 "System.IO.FileNotFoundException was unhandled" using the code below Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Console Dim cn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Source=C:\temp\MIRC\CCC_DATA.mdb;Persist Security Info=False") cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\temp\MIRC\CCC_DATA.mdb;") cn.Open()

Member Avatar for kyoussouf
Member Avatar for kaushik259106

Hope i am posting in the right place. Any pointer will be helpful. Am a learner so pls bare with me.. Thanks for that :) I was just wondering if i want to make a simple web apps (Say a user data will be saved to sql db) which of …

Member Avatar for kaushik259106
Member Avatar for Michael Peaden

OK, this morning, my boss hit me with "you need to learn how to write scripts for Windows XP." I'm not even sure where to start. I'll give you a rundown of the email sent and then I'm open to suggestions on where to go and what to use; "The …

Member Avatar for Dell XPS

I need to prevent the user from changing tab in a tab control until it clicks on the "Finish" button on the current tab. Thats all

Member Avatar for Dell XPS
Member Avatar for danielgee

Hi, When I execute queries which have a lot of data returned in the recordset my VB app seems to hang (IE: This program is not responding) I'm using ODBC to connect to the database and am using Postgres DB [CODE] Public db_name As String Public db_username As String Public …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Oxiegen

Hi! It's been a while since i last posted, and now I'm in need of some expert assistance. I've found this Control written in C# with .NET 1.0 on vbAccelerator and wanted to use it with my current project. I decided to convert the entire code to VB.NET but one …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for mafaisal

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello I am Using Vb.Net 2005 And Sql2005 See This [CODE] Dim RsSave as new adodb.recordset RsSave.open "Select * From Table Where 1=2 ",Con,CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic con.Begintrans RsSave.AddNew RsSave.Fields(0).Value = textbox1.text RsSave.Fields(1).Value = textbox2.text RsSave.Fields(2).Value = textbox3.text RsSave.Update Con.Commitrans [/CODE] This Just eg for saving to databse using Adodb connection …

Member Avatar for manal
Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all i want to validate the printer if printer is connected do else nothing how to get the printer status?

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for mjzammit

Hi i am working on a project, ASP.NET Web Application and i want to highlight a number words which would have been found programatically from the textbox. To find a string in the textbox i managed to do, my problem is to highlight the text found in the TextBox. I …

Member Avatar for musawenkosi
Member Avatar for Jahira

hi all, i need javascript function to validate the Date of birth field...it should check,leap year condition and also the year should nt be the future one.. Thank u...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for gabanxx

here are some changes i made to the code.. as always the problem still the same nothing happen... can you figured it out what seems to be the problem....i really appreciate the help Private Sub btnNext_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNext.Click Dim varConnection As New SqlConnection …

Member Avatar for danielgee

I'm using a thread in my function to connect to the DB. How do I tell when the thread is finished so that I can continue with the next part of the code. Also, must you terminate a thread or will it terminate on its own after the code has …

Member Avatar for astro86

Hello all, I am writing a script that is supposed to do a few simple things: 1) Start a single outlook if one is not running (Which looks to be fine) 2) Open a specific exchange server message, in outlook. This thing keeps returning the error: vbscript runtime error (3) …

Member Avatar for Jahira

hi all, i'm hvng dropdownlist for country by getting values from Database(SQL SERVER).Now in Drop Downlist,the default value should be in "Select Your Country"... I'm too new to .net.will u help me solve this issue.. Dis is in asp.net with vb Thank u..

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey guys. i've got this code where i've gotta separate a full name and tell the user which is which (meaning "this name is first, this name is middle, and this is your last name" type stuff). Well i've got the first part working where the program tells you what …

Member Avatar for danielgee
Member Avatar for williamrojas78

Hi I am trying to count the rows that has been selected by the user - either with CTRL or SHIFT. The only property that i see is 'CurrentRowIndex' or 'Currentcell' but it only gives me the last selected row even though there are several rows selected. Other than that …

Member Avatar for williamrojas78
Member Avatar for zwench

Can anyone tell me in simple terms how to create a class Library in VS 2003. It does not have that as an option when you go to add it. Any info would be appreciated. I went in and changed this : <Settings ApplicationIcon = "" AssemblyKeyContainerName = "" AssemblyName …

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Member Avatar for shivangiKul

HELLO EVERY1, Im having difficulties in Visual Studio 2005 where I have a search program to search students from a database.It works fine but i donot get similiar records in the grid like there can be many people with same first name or last name E.g. If i select a …

Member Avatar for danielgee
Member Avatar for Jahira

hi, i'm hvng signup form with so mny fields n also hvng validation.in validation summary..the summary is displaying..I needd the summary should be align in format...in asp.net 1.1 with vb how to do that.

Member Avatar for Pgmer

Hi all. im using Textcontrol version14. im able to add pagenumber to the Left top of the page and leftbottom of the page but i want to give the two more options like center of the document and right top and bottomright of the document. but im not getting how …

Member Avatar for gabanxx

i manage to use the next and previous button in my program..the problem is it only show the last data on my my database that is when i click the next button..same as the previous button... i used the code that was given and fix all the mistake.... but it …

Member Avatar for arunkp

i need to send at or atx commands to mobile using c or c++.please tell me how to send it in win32 console?which fn &header file is used for this purpose? thanks in advance.


The End.