20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ravikiran032

[CODE] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Label2.Text = "before" Sleep(3000) Label1.Text = "after" End Sub[/CODE] When i click the button1, the above code executes. Actually i should display label2 with string "before" and after 3 seconds label1 with string "after". But this is …

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Member Avatar for ecedano

Hi Guys: I am making my own program but lost the updated code from my latest version. I just have the executable. I try to use reflector to recoup it, but unfortunatelly I do not know why it doesnt create the code/design/resources normal files to be used. Can anyone help …

Member Avatar for ecedano
Member Avatar for Nada_ward

Hi I want to write program , part of this program show to me form , this form has multiple picture Box and when I click on picture Box ,the program will show small form that it show information by label this form takes information from Dinamic array(the user determine …

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for maythant

Hello!Nice to meet you.I am a IADCS student of NCC education.I study this course in Yangon,Myanmar.I need to write a project for 2nd year,IADCS.My project title is "Sales and Order Control System for Gold Shop".I need help concern with this assignment.I am now doing analysis and design for this system.I …

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for Nada_ward

How to drag/drop labels ,that created at run time this is my code ... [code=vb .net] Private Sub server1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles server1.Click 'create new form Dim ser1 As New Form Dim l1 As New Label() ser1.Location = New Point(123, 28) ser1.Height = 95 ser1.Width …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for xVent

Hi guys , i have mysql in my program , i have a button that checks if the mysql connection works , if it work a msgbox will pop up saying it works , if not it will say check your inputs .. after checking that it works and re-trying …

Member Avatar for xVent
Member Avatar for pepemiso

Will you please help me in my project. I need to have a graph either pie chart or bar graph. And it must connected to the database for its analysis. Is there somebody know how to do this. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for JohnPhilipps

Good morning, I have a small VB. app in VS2008 that opens a windows folder in maximized view. I am using the following code: [CODE] Dim startInfo As New ProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe") startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Maximized startInfo.Arguments = "C:\Program Files\123 Systems\ExcelFolders\TechTimeSheet" Process.Start(startInfo)[/CODE] When using my app with windows xp it works well. It …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for sandli28

Hi, Anybody tell me how to view the picture in picurebox from MSAccess database as im working on the project in vb.net2008 Thanx, Regards, Sandeep

Member Avatar for lolwtf
Member Avatar for babbu

i have 3 columns in a datagridview. i want to add values. everything is working fine but when i add values there is a blank row at the beginning. how can i remove this ? here is my code [code] dataGridView2.Rows.Clear() Dim oledbcom As New OleDb.OleDbCommand oledbcom.CommandText = "Select Code,Weight,Unit …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for gispe

Hi!! I made a program, but Im having a problem with the button 4_click and the button 1_click, the work, but not the way they should. button_4 should pass the salarys that are under 1000 to the other listbox, delete them from the right listbox. And what it does, is: …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for pepemiso

i have a problem.. please help me..I have only one combo box and i want my combo box to have its value and i want to get it's value from my database??? how can i get that?? please help me to do this. thanks. here is my code please help …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for Cardboard Box

Hi I was programming a 2D scroller game in VB.net, but am having problems with collision. I spent ages thinking how to program collision into my program, but haven’t gotten a good result yet. Basically, my game takes numbers from a notepad file and draws tiles on the screen based …

Member Avatar for Cardboard Box
Member Avatar for ankit007

i am developing an application where i have to break a stream of numbers which are in .txt file and save it into access database.I need to know how to do this in visual basic.I have created a database at runtime and also created table with required fields but am …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for ankit007

i am creating an app where in user selects database from the dialogbox.I have assign datasource=commondialog1.Filename to give path and name but its not working.Please help!!!!!!!

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Drag treeview named TreeView1, textbox named TextBox1, button named Button1. I m adding nodes programmatically. Select the node,Enter text in TextBox1 & then click on Button1 to add the node. Mine code is doing this, I want that when the user add nodes it automatically sorts. Suppose user selects All(node) …

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i'm designing a management system using visual studio 2008 and i'm using a local database(.sdf). i'm kinda new at vb.net and from wat i've read, i need to design a dataset that connects to the database. i defined my tables in the dataset and the.sdf database, my problem is …

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Member Avatar for iCreator

Hi! I am creating a windows service. I want to know that , is there any other way to install windows service than using installutil.exe ? I don't want to install my windows service on client's machine using command prompt. Better way if I can install it using setup. Thanks …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, I need your help regarding crystal report....i have access database, application form,crystal report.rpt......the application form i build it with VB.net..... Crystal Report already done...but i need to link data into it and print...Assume i keep in the data like student id , name into Application form..then i need …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Robtyketto

Greetings, I'm writing an application for membership maintenance, part of this is to record if a member is [B]deceased[/B]. The data is stored in an [B]access 2007 [/B]database ([B]accdb[/B]), the deceased field being of '[B]Yes/No[/B]' datatype with no default value. In Access I can write SQL to retrieve rows where …

Member Avatar for Robtyketto
Member Avatar for nice_true

hi! I have 2 pcs in LAN, I wish to create a vb.net application in one of the pcs which displays a button on clickling which I can run any application on the conncted pc screen. How do I do this???? This is really urgent, plz reply soon................Thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MukeshZ

Hi, I am using VS .Net 2003. I had created the Crystal Reports and running on machine fine. Now i want to create setup using InstallShield to deploy it at client side. I had included dll's for Crystal Reports in my project. But when i include that dll in setup …

Member Avatar for empcrh
Member Avatar for Steven_C

Hi all. I need help to write a code which will count the number of words of 3 syllables. I've been able to write the code for counting number of words, and counting number of syllables in a text. However I have tried and written a code for the above …

Member Avatar for Steven_C
Member Avatar for Nada_ward

Hi I want to write program , part of this program show to me form , this form has multiple picture Box and when I click on picture Box ,the program will show small form that it show information by label this form takes information from Dinamic array(the user determine …

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for lolwtf

Hi all, I have a program which connects to sql and uses crystal reports. I have many records and crystal reports takes a while to load up. Would multi threading help improve performance? Here is my code: [code]Private Sub EmpLog_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim …

Member Avatar for lolwtf
Member Avatar for bornok15

I'm currently building a VB.net Application and I'm having a problem on reading out records to use in making another record or for computations. For example: table A records will be read and will compute an output to be saved on table B. Tried to use reader on this but …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I m selecting the folder & playing all the files in the media player, of that folder. As u know folder contains all types of files including text,zip,image & so on. So I want that when URL that is assigned to Media Player is .txt,then i assign any default image …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for NaeemAbbas

I have tried Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click Try Me.BindingContext(DataSet11, "wtab").EndCurrentEdit() Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet11) end sub AND ASLO TRIED Dim Row As DataRow Row = Me.DataSet11.Tables("wtab").NewRow() Row.Item(0) = TextBox1.Text Row.Item(1) = TextBox2.Text Row.Item(2) = TextBox3.Text Row.Item(3) = ComboBox1.Text Row.Item(4) = ComboBox2.Text Me.DataSet11.Tables("e").Rows.Add(Row) Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(DataSet11, "wtab") BUT …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, How to add a [b]candidate key[/b] in a table in SQl?? Please Help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for sandli28

Hi, In vb.net2008 if we want to disable/enable the groupbox as per condition.Then how its possible when we used save button.how its insert into database.following is the code: Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class addcust Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As DataSet Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim cmd1 As OleDbCommand Dim …

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The End.