20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for vijayavimala

sir/madam, if u can tell me a testing tool for .Net at a lesser price forward ur reply to this mail id.

Member Avatar for nitsy

Hi, I need to try AJAX in my future Applications. Can anyone here help me with use of ajax, advantages, need of ajax. and it would be very appreciable if anyone can help with simple example of ajax using asp.net 2.0 (vb) and sql server 2k. thanks, Nitsy...

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Member Avatar for emint

hi Is there any way of making the input to a inputbox show as astrix? Im entring a password and dont want it to be shown on the screen. Any suggestions would be great. Thankyou!

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for NaeemAbbas

Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdate.Click Try ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Me.BindingContext(Me.DataSet11, "wtab").EndCurrentEdit() Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(Me.DataSet11, "wtab") Catch End Try End Sub Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click Me.BindingContext(DataSet11, "wtab").AddNew() ''adding new record/row to the table MsgBox("Successfully Inserted") End Sub

Member Avatar for kimbula...

I want to validate a textbox so that only numeric values can be inserted in to it. This validation should done while user enters the values. For example. Consider following keys had been pressed in a sequence 12345abcd678 only numeric values should appear in the textbox so value which should …

Member Avatar for kimbula...
Member Avatar for emint

Helo every one i m trying to update record to ms database using vb.net. but i m getting error message. pls help me where i made mistake. here is my code. [code] Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * From tblCustomer", strPath) Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da) Dim ds As New …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for arunasingh

i have a website uploaded at server and when i run that site (on click of add to cart button) it gives error SERVER APPLICATION UNAVAILABLE so can u help me whats the problem is

Member Avatar for krm08

Hi all, I'm hanged out with my application.,I 've a form in that when i click submit button,I want to enter the details from the textboxes in the form to a dataset table.I did it,but the problem is that I want to add multiple rows in that datatable(at runtime).Also I …

Member Avatar for sana.khatib20

hi i am trying to create a application for doctors n have to enter all the information regarding the patients i am using access as the database n nw the problem is tat the doc is supposed to save the patient details n when he opens it again he shld …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for tj_amarnath

Hi guys, i want to set virtual memory to System Managed size option through wmi in vb.net. can any one tell me the class name to do this in wmi or wmi query to set system manageg size for virtual memroy?

Member Avatar for tj_amarnath
Member Avatar for ypdev

Hi All, In the below code I take a string and split it, then assign it to a "Label" object. On my computer it works great but when I "Publish web site" I recieve the .NET error messages "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and "Index …

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Member Avatar for Victor C.

I am my wits end. I have been toying with this code for class and I am stuck. Every time I run the program it shows what I placed within the list box, however that is it. been on this for nearly two days and I need a fresh set …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for chatee
Member Avatar for mariyanix
Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

1) Diff b/w nothing & string in terms of variable declaration. 2)Erase keyword. I have never heard of such keyword in mine whole 1 + yrs of exp. 3) Diff b/w functions & properties? I say,Functions return a value,But propertiesare used to set or get the values. He say properties …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for onaclov2000

When I'm attempting to load a program, there is a certain aspect that relies on a separate api to grab information to stick in a listbox (combobox whatever). I would like to be able to load the combobox on a separate thread because that part takes a good 2 minutes, …

Member Avatar for onaclov2000
Member Avatar for bryan69

hi,im doing a Mobile Banking System for my project. how is it possible for me to use arrays as my data. n viewing it

Member Avatar for lolwtf

I use an ODBC connection through a dsn, and I was wondering what would be the best way to handle some exceptions. There are two things that I need to catch: 1. If user cannot connect to data base due to network down. 2. If user loses connectivity during use. …

Member Avatar for dhwani2728

Hi! I am a computer science student and I'm in final year. I want to create a [B]vb.net(2005) project.[/B] [B]May I have some examples of vb.net projects? Give me some topics.[/B]

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for mansi sharma

hey frnds, I want to ask you want thing is it possible to resize the image of media player without changing the image height + width. Plz somebody help me out.. [code] Public Class Form2 Dim sFilename As String = "D:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\My Pictures\Sample Pictures\Blue hills.jpg" Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal …

Member Avatar for mansi sharma
Member Avatar for plusplus

I used the multimedia control, and it worked great. But when installing my project, it did not work on all computers. (When trying to run it on some computers, it said, there was a problem, and it shut down the program) What could be the reason for this? Do you …

Member Avatar for plusplus
Member Avatar for sandeshcha

i need to make a simple inventory system for wholesaler, for my college project. i am new to vb.net and dont know where to start. please help.

Member Avatar for sandeshcha
Member Avatar for ctyokley

Hi! So i am kinda of new to asp. I have created a registration page in vb.net. The information is suppose to be handed off into msaccess database, however it doesn't actually send the information. It will send the Email however to the user. The code is listed below. Can …

Member Avatar for Dangazzm

A bit vague I will try to be as descriptive as possible. Im making a program in Visual Basic my first one. And I want there to be 2 combo boxes and a Windows Media player Addon, Combo Box 1, I will select which TV Show I want to load …

Member Avatar for Dangazzm
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

how could i make a program that does not need to be active but will record the screen, mouse movement, and key presses and will display it all when the user wants to and it is password protected and can have it all sent to another of its programs on …

Member Avatar for ARchy_wanted
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to get random numbers between 0 to 100..But i do not want the random number to be repeated. [code] Private Sub Form2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim objRand As New Random objRand.Next(0, 100) End Sub [/code] Suppose first time random numb generated is …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for makdu

Hi everyone. I am trying to use MScomm in vb6 throught Modem. There are two computers , both are connected through dial up modem. I want to send a file from first computer to the other. First Computer dials second computer to make connection. I am able to get a …

Member Avatar for hjdaniel.sun

Hi I used the Data Source Configuration Wizard to connect to my access database, how do I write code to manipulate the data from the database? I read the book "Microsoft Visual Basic 208 step by step", it only teaches how to display data on the form. So how do …

Member Avatar for hjdaniel.sun
Member Avatar for juliusceasar

I am designing a pocketpc app to manage service delivery at restaurants. I have designed the interface of the app and defined the schema of the database using a Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 database file. I cannot figure out how to interact with this file tho, I'm using vb …

Member Avatar for juliusceasar
Member Avatar for samanaonline

hi. at first: i'm sorry for my poor english. i want to Convert a string into a varibale like these: dim a as string="this text must be show" dim b as string="a" 'in my application b's value read from an excel sheet and must point to a variable that exist …

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The End.