20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for jfranco78

Hello everyone, I'm fairly new at programmig in VB 2008 and I seem to have an issue in a program I'm developing. Basically I need to draw a bar graph with data that changes dynamically (in a real application it may change every 500 ms). The code I wrote works …

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Member Avatar for xVent

Hi guys , is it possible to save 4 strings from 4 textboxes into 4 variables and give them a name so when i will click the button it will save them as one name in a listbox and when a user clicks the item from listbox it will show …

Member Avatar for xVent
Member Avatar for zuve_fox
Member Avatar for DangerDev
Member Avatar for Alphard

Hi guys, Im currently having difficulties connecting 2 comboboxes together. 2 of my combobox are the following, 1 combobox for the country and the other one for the city. So here's the thing, if I'll choose any country from the combobox-country then all of its cities would appear. I am …

Member Avatar for g@sha
Member Avatar for Stals

Im using [code]For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles( _ My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments, _ FileIO.SearchOption.SearchAllSubDirectories, "*element.txt") ListBox1.Items.Add(foundFile) [/code] to get file paths. There are 3 elements for example. And i need them to become variables. (a,b,c) And show in labels [code] Label1.text= a Label2.Text =b Label3.Text =c [/code] Label1 will show the …

Member Avatar for steve11
Member Avatar for babbu

i have a datagrid view. i am using data table to display data [code] oledbcon.Open() m_daDataAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * from Customer", oledbcon) m_daDataAdapter.Fill(m_dtCustomer) m_cbCommandBuilder = New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(m_daDataAdapter) m_rowPosition = m_dtCustomer.Rows.Count dataGridView1.DataSource = m_dtCustomer oledbcon.Close() [/code] this works great. later i want to display only those records tht the user …

Member Avatar for g@sha
Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, I have recently installed Visual Studio 2005 after system recovery... and now when I start debugging any program, it shows me the following error : [b]"Error while trying to run project : Unable to start debugging. The Binding handle is invalid."[/b] Please Help.

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for StuartMillner

I am writing a program that reads paragraphs from a word document and puts them between XML tags. I have a class which handles the loading and reading of the word document. The document loads fine, and the program can read all the words into the program, but not on …

Member Avatar for StuartMillner
Member Avatar for sana.khatib20

hi thnx all for the help last time. nw i hav another prob. i am developing an application for the doctors n wanna store all the patients records.i am using an access database.nw my problem is tat the register no. tat is the identity of the patient has to be …

Member Avatar for iCreator
Member Avatar for squanch

I'm trying to allow a user to find a specific string within a DataGridView column and replace it with another string.....not necessarily requiring them to replace the whole string but to change a word within the string. for example: Find What: GLAND it searchs the column and finds GLAND STEAM …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for iamnoangel26

I am planning on making a biometrics attendance system. I have the hardware and planning on creating a software. My question is Whis VB to use. VB.Net or VB 6.0? Or other language to suggest? I am a Intermediate user when it comes to VB 6.0 and C++. Thanks in …

Member Avatar for iamnoangel26
Member Avatar for ChrisPaul

Hello, I have a question. How can i determine if an email address is in the correct format. I use the System.Net.Mail.MailMessage to send my messages. I am getting my To email addresses from the database but when the address is not in the correct email format the program stops …

Member Avatar for ChrisPaul
Member Avatar for liverpoolfc108

Hey! I'm working on this solution that wants me to code an application that displays the highest score earned on the midterm and then the highest score on the final exam. This is waht I have so far but it is not working... Option Explicit On Option Strict On Public …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for chatee
Member Avatar for kohkohkoh

Hi, i have a problem where i try to dumpbin.exe /exports one of my dll. i could not get the functions that i have built in. i have coded 2 type of languages and compile them into dll. for example: .net Public Class Class1 Public Function apaitu() As String Return …

Member Avatar for jasondemon

Here is my code: Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load InitializeComponent() Dim str As New StreamReader("C:\projects\servers.txt") Dim server As String = str.ReadToEnd().ToString() str.Close() Dim thisconnection As New SqlConnection("server=" & server & ";integrated security=True;database=Deduping") Dim thisAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter() Dim cmdthisAdapter As New SqlCommand("SELECT ProjectNumber, …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for LeonKamei

hi, i'm trying to make a photobox application in which it can capture a photo and decorate it like putting a frame and stamps in the photo. how do i make the application so it can put photo frames and stamps in the captured photo? thx in advance...

Member Avatar for bryan69

hi,im doin a mobile banking system and rite now, i have 2 forms in d 1st form.. ive created fields for name,account number and amount while d other form is where it is supposed to display the transaction number. my question is, i only can make this program work successfully …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for Dizzzy

Ok i have this code to retreive data from a Table "Calendar" and the feild within the table are Id,Day ,Month and Year. When i press the button to run this code and i get the error message "The parameterized query '(@Day varchar(8000),@Month varchar(8000),@Year varchar(8000))Sel' expects the parameter '@Day', which …

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for laghaterohan

I have a form admission and a another form attendance. When i click on save button of the admission form the id which is contained in that form should be added to the combo box on the attendance form. eg. say if i am saving the details of ID 4..When …

Member Avatar for jasondemon
Member Avatar for xVent

Hi guys , i want to fill a textbox with a data from my mysql database and i dont know how to do it , i already searched without a result , if someone can help me i would appreciate it .

Member Avatar for xVent
Member Avatar for manchi

how to store image capturing form webcam in database? pliz tell me all the steps .

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for khuks

I have this error pliz help me out. "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized."

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nolesce

I am working on a vb app and am getting this error when calling a form (frmCaseList) from another form(LoginForm). the frmCaseList wasat one time in a different solution where it worked fine (it was the startup form). frmCaseList is also inside a namespace. If I commentout the [icode].show()[/icode] line …

Member Avatar for nolesce
Member Avatar for sandli28

Hi, In vb.net2008 if we want to disable/enable the groupbox as per condition.Then how its possible when we used save button.how its insert into database.following is the code: [code=vb.net] Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class addcust Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As DataSet Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim cmd1 As OleDbCommand …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi, i'm using VS2008 and used the database wizard to make sure my database table and dataset datatable match. I used following code to transfer data from my windows form to my dataset then database. I keep getting an error saying "Invalid Object name 'Housing'" and I cant find the …

Member Avatar for babbu

the code doesnt retrieve any data from the database datagridview1 always remains blank [code] Dim oledbcom As New OleDb.OleDbCommand oledbcom.CommandText = "Select * from customer where company like '*?*'" oledbcom.Connection = oledbcon oledbcom.Parameters.Add("?", OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar) Dim company As String = txtSearch.Text.Trim oledbcom.Parameters(0).Value = company.ToString Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(oledbcom) Dim dt …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi, I',\m already success to display value from mdb database into crystal report.....i got some problem that is ... how to display item with own format into crystal report..The situation is..in my database the field is like this = EPS0000000 with autonumber function. But when display in crsytal report it …

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for danielagaba

hi i'm tryin to get data from my windows form that is 1st stored in a dataset then stored later in a local database(.sdf). this is the code i'm trying to use on the save button clock event. [code] Dim houseType As String = me.housingType.selectedValue Dim desc As String = …

Member Avatar for danielagaba
Member Avatar for Faiz Azani

Greetings all, I am a beginner for VB.net. Thus, I have a problem regarding the code below; Private Sub btnSaveUpdates_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveUpdates.Click Dim changes As Integer Dim strYear As String Dim dataAdapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(sqlStr, connStr) Dim commandBuilder As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(dataAdapter) strYear = …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.