20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for karthik_cud

Hi, im working on my college library management system created by someone i dont know, the problem is the changes i"ve made has no effect on the output whenever i run this application, i think the person who have developed that application has locked the code and prevented it from …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for solano

Hi! I have som auto generated (from xsd file, xsd.exe is used) Partial classes. On of the properties is an arry, her is the code: [Code] Partial Public Class Betaleregrp4900 Private oversiktOverBetaleregrp4899Field() As OversiktOverBetaleregrp4899 Private betalingTotaldatadef21821Field As BetalingTotaldatadef21821 Private betalerAntalldatadef21822Field As BetalerAntalldatadef21822 Private gruppeidField As String Public Sub New() MyBase.New …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for ritu verma

I have webrowser in my project..Suppose i open google..I want to drag the google image,can somebody tell me how how to get the URL of the image,so dat i can download it from the net...

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Brick

After creating a datasource and generating a dataset, my database has changed. How can I "refresh" the dataset so it sees these changes. One Method I have been able to do is delete the .xsd file from soultion explorer. There go my modified queries & code. Another method tried was …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Keidi

Helllo people I am trying to use vb.net to update an Excel spread sheet.I was doing well until I tried to output the contents of the cells in an input box.Apparently there is a problem with converting the data to type String so that the input box can output it.This …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for xborja

Hi Im writing in visual studio 2008 in VB.net I last porgrammend in VB 6 need help to connect to oracle 11g Database Xavier

Member Avatar for maxwik
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi Alls, I got problem here to check whether the value in listbox more than one or already exist....I already do this code but it just check existing value only not count if it more than that,,,,anyone can show me the way plz...

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for ggl0rd

i got some vb.net application.. when i try to run, got error out Font "Arial" does not sapport style "Regular" can anyone tell me why be like this?

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for nokomoli

Hi guys, i am facing a problem which is i need to create a dynamic gridview control and i need to add eventhandler for this gridview. Therefore, how i add the event?

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for khuks

I would like to get assistance on how to retrieve data from MS SQL database to view it on a listbox.In my db i have two columns.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for dublinus

Hi, I am writing a VB.NET application, and I'm having a little trouble writing to the database (via ODBC). I can read from it perfectly well, but when I send an "UPDATE" command via ExecuteNonQuery(), I get a "System Error". Can someone help Identify the problem, or maybe propose alternatives? …

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for vampke

Hi guys, I writing this vb.net app using an mdi form. I want to be able to use ctrl+z and ctrl+y in my forms' controls. This is not working by default, allthough I read that it should. What could be the problem here? I do not have any code in …

Member Avatar for vampke
Member Avatar for palak_paneer

Hi, i hav converted a C# code for text justification to vb.net. When i use this code, bydefault cursor position position sets to left side of rtb even if i set righttoleft property true b4 text justification. I need to change this code so that after text justification, cursor remains …

Member Avatar for smurf53917

newbie help needed im new to asp.net (vb) can anyone help me ive written some code (see below) to pull some vars from a string in the url i needed to send these to a mssql database any ideas how i do this, any code would be much appreciated thanks, …

Member Avatar for XZodia

I am a beginner in VB 2008 and MS SQL Server 2005. How can I connect my vb app into a database in SQL Server? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for jbisono
Member Avatar for ravikiran032

[CODE]Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Form3 Dim con As SqlConnection Dim cmd As SqlCommand Dim dr As SqlDataReader Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click con = New SqlConnection("uid=sa;pwd=igiat;database=harsha1") cmd = New SqlCommand("select * from student") con.open() dr = cmd.ExecuteReader() While (dr.Read()) If dr(0).ToString() = TextBox1.Text …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for laks_samy

Hi i am developing vb.net software. i have one problem ( The company have number of steels in different size on stock, one customer need 10 steels in different size how to cut the 10 steel from stock with minimum waste. Thanks

Member Avatar for Hiroshe
Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe

Im trying to inject my vb.net dll into the notepad process to hook one of its functions. Now it seems i face two problems.... GetProcAddress returns 0 (it also does if i call that function via c++ dll) Its might be Vista? anyway next problem is that i want to …

Member Avatar for BlkR

Hi guys, After figuring out the update data to listview in another post, I have this problem with my textbox I have a textbox that allows the user to enter a certain number, when that textbox has lostfocus(as i have currently set) it will check the database and retrieve the …

Member Avatar for BlkR
Member Avatar for laks_samy

hi i need two dimensional cutting algorithm with sample code (vb,vb.net or c) pls any one help me. thanks

Member Avatar for laks_samy
Member Avatar for mib_mubark

hello world my first post here i found a vb script that send ur network ip to a gmail account through google smtp the problem is : it only send the network ip :( need someone can help in this to correct the codes to send my real internet ip …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana

I want to lock the folder.I have found the code,but its not helpful [url]http://www.codeproject.com/KB/files/Unique_Folder_Protection.aspx[/url] Suppose mine foldername is sonia ,In the codeProject code,he is renaming the folder to sonia.{2559a1f2-21d7-11d4-bdaf-00c04f60b9f0} & password is set & that password is written to xml file in the folder sonia only...next time when we double …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tj_amarnath

Hi friends, i want to query from excel data(sheet1) and create pivot table in sheet2 and copy that pivot table into .net data table. Is it possible? if yes, plz tell me how to do this? For example my query is "select productname, cost from sheet1" then from query output …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for milhero

Hi Professionals, I am working on a mass emailing program. I can send mass email successfully. My question is how do i add attachments? i have a label(lblAttachment), a textbox(txtAttachment) and a button(btnBrowse) on the attachment row. Here are my codes for the form:- Please advise. Thank you in advance. …

Member Avatar for milhero
Member Avatar for lolwtf

Hey all, I have a listbox, textbox, and search button on my form. I am populating my listbox with data from a sql database. I need to be able to seach my listbox and filter it. Here is what I have so far: [code] Sub RefreshListBox() Dim DSDept As New …

Member Avatar for lolwtf
Member Avatar for tedhead2

I have been using VB.NET for a while now, and I can make a ton of things. But for some reason, I can't connect to SQL. I use SQL 2008 express, and Visual Basic 2008 express(will soon get Visual studio :)) So, I go to add a database, I enter …

Member Avatar for tedhead2
Member Avatar for Merovingian

Does anyone know if you can use HttpWebRequest in a Windows Service? I have a small app that checks an IP, works perfectly as a Forms App but does nothing when I convert it too a service. Heres my code: [CODE]Imports System.Net Imports System.IO Public Class Service1 'declare timer Private …

Member Avatar for Merovingian
Member Avatar for scooby36

I am studying vb.net and am trying to develop a data access program I am getting the following error when I try to add a new record to the dataset. Any help would be great error " Input string was not in correct format. Could not store<LinenIndex> in LinenItemsID colomn …

Member Avatar for scooby36
Member Avatar for laks_samy

hi i am developing a software using vb.net 2005. i have problem calculating steel cut process. one company have 10 quantity of steel in different size, the company going to sale 3 quantity of steel in different size. my question is how to cut 3 quantity of steel from stock(10 …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for BlkR

Hi, Currently having troubles in adding data to the listview i have created. It actually will add the first set of data to both the database and listview, but when i try to add a second lot of data it displays the error message that I have setup. Also how …

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The End.