20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for cass84

Hi, I'm using Visual Basic Express 2008 (VB.NEt). I've created a project which connect to a Microsoft Access Database (OLEDB) & displays the records using textboxes in the windows app. I need to add a button which exports the database to a fixed length text file. Does anyone know the …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Sib

I have a code that is reading the contents of a xml tag and storing in a variable, e.g. batchVal = TAN,BMC,MIZ I want to replace the , by ',' so that final output looks like batchVal = TAN','BMC','MIZ Please note that the (') at the start and end has …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for xVent

Hi guys , i am trying to create a form which will have a scroll pane so the user will be able to use it in order to view what it will be inside the form .. the problem is that i am designing some questions in the form and …

Member Avatar for Zandermander
Member Avatar for mishra.shubha

hi all I wld like to make some projects in vb.net so anybody can help me?

Member Avatar for lanzon

I need to connect to a foxpro database and fill a dataset with the tables within the foxpro database. Does any one have a solution

Member Avatar for shikamaru

Hi friends, I am planing to create and vb.NET application in which i have to call some existing vc++ codes... :rolleyes: After some initial reading i found i have to create some .dll and then call them.. but i cant able to do so with existing big code.. I need …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for lolwtf

Hi all, I'm going to attempt to create middleware in C# and i need some advice. What I'm looking to do is have an open socket, then when our VB app connects to it, it makes another socket and keep the newly connected one open. It then has to get …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Suppose I have two exes WindowsApplication1.exe WindowsApplication2.exe..On the form load of WindowsApplication2.exe,I m calling WindowsApplication1.exe & sending the command line arguements..I copy the WindowsApplication1.exe into the debug folder of WindowsApplication2.exe. WindowsApplication2.exe [code] Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Process.Start(Application.StartupPath & "\" & "WindowsApplication1.exe", "one" …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for realone

see my code pls Imports System.Data.SqlClient Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim myConnection As SqlConnection Dim myCommand As SqlCommand Dim dr As SqlDataReader ' the database we'll be connecting to myConnection= New SqlConnection("Data Source=MSALAMEEN;Initial Catalog=Biometric;Integrated Security=True") I am having declaration in the last line above(myConnection)

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for Arunabh Nag

[CODE] Dim SchemaTable As DataTable Try NewFaceOptions.comboselecttable.Items.Clear() SchemaTable = createConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, _ New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing}) Dim int As Integer For int = 0 To SchemaTable.Rows.Count - 1 If SchemaTable.Rows(int)!TABLE_TYPE.ToString = "TABLE" Then 'Add items to list box NewFaceOptions.comboselecttable.Items.Add(SchemaTable.Rows(int)!TABLE_NAME.ToString()) End If Next Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString(), "Data Load …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Arunabh Nag

Hi,... i wish to create databases using runtime in the *.mdb format. The user will hhave MS-Access installed on his/her system but would not havt to manually create a new database using access before connecting through my program

Member Avatar for Arunabh Nag

Well, i really got stuck into this problem. In my project i wish the user to be able to select a database using an open file dialog box. I am unable to connect with this database. i used the code.. [CODE] createConnection.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=Tostring(ofdselectdatabase.FileName)" [/CODE] and [CODE] createConnection.ConnectionString …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for chirup

i want to overlay bitmap image(size 75 x 75 pixels) on a panel1 that already has a background image and i want to drag and drop the bitmap to another panel 2.The panel 2 has background bitmap image(600 x 600 pixels) and i want to overlay the small bitmap image …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for tallapureddy

hi all i have a media player and listview added to my form. i got the paths added to my listview. that goes fine. the problem is that i want the paths in the listview to play one by one when i click the play button in the player. itried …

Member Avatar for sana.khatib20
Member Avatar for shikamaru
Member Avatar for Ana D.

Hi, I’m having a simple problem, but I don’t know what is wrong. I’m trying to remove all duplicate records from a DataTable using the following code: [CODE]Private Function removeDuplicate(ByVal dTable As DataTable) As DataTable Dim row1 As DataRow Dim row2 As DataRow Const wantedColumn As Int16 = 1 Dim …

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for chirup

I have put a background picture in a panel and now i want to drag and drop bitmap images on it.how do i accomplish that?

Member Avatar for Nada_ward
Member Avatar for sana.khatib20

i wanna try using the databinding technique to display all the records in the database in a listbox.plz give me the code n yes does it coz ny problem if i use the inbuilt databinding features during deployment. or installation.

Member Avatar for babbu

acees 2007 vb 2005 error: "Syntax error in insert into statement" [code] m_ColourCount = m_ColourCount + 1 Dim drNewRow As DataRow = m_ColourDataTable.NewRow() drNewRow("CID") = m_ColourCount drNewRow("ID") = m_CustomerCount drNewRow("Colour Name") = txtColourName.Text.Trim m_ColourDataTable.Rows.Add(drNewRow) m_ColourDataAdapter.Update(m_ColourDataTable) [/code]

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for Chris11246

Is there any way to tell if a shape collides with another shape im trying to make a simple game to test things. Im drawing circles with fillpie.

Member Avatar for atqamar
Member Avatar for Tamir09

Ive made an icon library for my program, so that I dont have my program depend on Windows for icons. I want to know how I can have my program use the icons from that dll file instead of from individual icons that I have in the program directory.

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for jmmille

Hey guys. I have a program that does a SQL query and parses the info into a text file. The problem is it misses the first row every time it loops. I know the root cause here is my double use of the read function. I'm hoping to gain some …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for Keidi

I am trying to populate an MS Access table using VB.Net through a connection string everything else seems to work except when I try to add a new row. I get this error: OleDbException was unhandled Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement Here is the code [code=vbnet] [Dim MaxRows As …

Member Avatar for Keidi
Member Avatar for zazarina

:) hi...can anybody help me on how to create a login page in vb 2008 and oracle 9i?please help me..your help are so much appreciated...

Member Avatar for InsanitySorrow

hi, Just before I start I am new to VB.net, not much experience :) Ok so what I want to do is sort some files in a folder based on the order the files are listed in a text file. Is this possible? So an example, I have a text …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for palak_paneer

Hi, I hav designed a custom control which already has scroll but not inherited from control or usercontrol. Now, i hav added some controls in it using csContol.control.add statement and i want to scroll these controls with scrollbar(vertical). Is it possible to do it? if yes then how can i …

Member Avatar for lil_Is

Hi all, I have a problem on sending the sms. The message can be sent but the receiver did not receive the full message that is being sent. For example, if i sent the message "helooo", the receiver only receives the letter "h". Here is the code that i am …

Member Avatar for stephen lowry

hi guys heres the problem i have a excell file which reads into a datagrid now everything works fine BUT yes theres alwas a but i want to password the excell file and have the password passed through to excell so far i have pulled out my hair teeth and …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for babbu

hie i want the user to inset the email id in correct format. so i thought of using a masked text box. there are some predefined masks but none for email. plz help

Member Avatar for hkb261
Member Avatar for geetajlo

help plz....hi i wud like to know how to count each row of a datagrid and display the answer in a textbox. thks

Member Avatar for yehtun

The End.