20,284 Topics
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hi guys! i generated a report using crystal report on vb.net 2003 from a dataset. there are 2 columns in it. name and amount. like this one, name amount gigam 100.00 hershey 300.00 tony 97.00 my concern is: i want to have a total below the amount. like this: name … | |
i want to ask some question ??? [code] Dim conConnection As New ADODB.Connection Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command Dim rstRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset conConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="D:\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\trial database\Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database.accdb"" conConnection.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient conConnection.Open()[/code] im using visual studio 2008 ,i want to access to mirosoft access … | |
We are going to create a compiler like program where when we inputed character or multicharacter it will retrieve to the database the equivalent symbol of that character and place it to another textbox.. Example input: (1sttextbox) Line1: main() Line2: { the output is: (2nd textbox) Line1: WordSymbol, SpecialSymbol,ProgramParameter, OpenParenthesis, … | |
i got create combobox and i want show item at combobox from my database data. i set datasource from properties.. but for displaymember i try to use coding. [CODE]cmbPelan.DisplayMember = "Pelan" cmbPelan.SelectedIndex = -1[/CODE] but result like image me attach. i want my combobox show item like 1 2 3 … | |
Im trying to make tabbed webrowser with history and bookmarks. But when i press f5, it works, but when i try to add new tab it crashes heres code: [code=vbnet] Public Class Form1 Dim int As Integer = 0 Private Sub Loading(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Windows.Forms.WebBrowserProgressChangedEventArgs) ToolStripProgressBar1.Maximum … | |
I want to get the width & height of the image file.. Mine code is currently getting the file size, I also want to get the width & height.How to get width & height,kindly help me. [code] Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e … | |
hi,i am new to vb 8 and i am now facing the problem to write sql statement. i want to retrieved data from MS Access by select the date using date time picker. so my problem is how to write the sql statement. My code is as below: sql = … | |
will you please help me in my problem.. when ever i am triggering a button I can display it on the list view.. but my problem is that i need to clear the item in list view after triggering the button. example i have a search button. when i click … | |
Please may i have some to help to convert excel workbook code vba to vb.net code? This is the start of my buttoncommand Dim Count As Long Count = 1 For i = 2 To 65536 If Cells(i, 1) <> "" Then Count = Count + 1 End If Next … | |
Ok i have a button on MDI parent form and i need to disable it when closing a child form. When writing the button name (cmdmenu) in the child form, it says that the cmdmenu is not declared please help | |
[code] frmColourName.ShowDialog() 'adding a customer m_Customercount = m_Customercount + 1 Dim drNewRow As DataRow = m_CustomerDataTable.NewRow() drNewRow("CustID") = m_Customercount drNewRow("Company") = txtCompName.Text.Trim drNewRow("Address") = txtAddress.Text.Trim drNewRow("Telephone") = txtContact.Text.Trim drNewRow("Address") = txtAddress.Text.Trim drNewRow("Email") = btnEmail.Text.Trim Dim counter As Integer = 0 While counter < m_CustomerDataTable.Rows.Count If m_CustomerDataTable.Rows(counter)("Company") = txtCompName.Text.Trim Then MessageBox.Show("This … | |
Hi guy, I currently having problem saving my drawing into the sql database. Can I get some help here pls. my current codes: [CODE] Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D Public Class Page_2 ' for GCS TABLE Private value_GCS As Integer = 0 Dim value_Eyes As … | |
Hi ,im new to vb...mine 1 is visual studio 2008 ,hope anyone can help me TT my problem is.. i got two form .. 1 is the login form 1 is the register form i need to code ,when the user is register and types in the detail..it will automatiic … | |
hi, I am trying to display a decimal in a textbox as 10.23. right now it is shown as 10.2333. i have created a function that removes the last two digits of the number but sometimes the number is 10.23 so when using this function it will remove the two … | |
Hi, First of all... Yeah, I know that there WAS and still IS a lot of discussions and arguing about this particular topic (actually the main reason why I opened a new "Global Hook vb.net" topic is because I couldn't find any answers to my questions as a lot of … | |
Hi, I am trying to wrap a simple C++ class called math and export it to VB.NET using a DLL made in VC++ 2008. The implementation for the wrapper functions is as follows: [code=CPP] void * _stdcall CreateMath() { return new math; } void _stdcall DestroyMath( void *Math ) { … | |
Hello, i am currently developing a new OpenSource project. I will release it to the public this week. :-) [B]Let's get to my question(s) then[/B]: [LIST] [*]I have a Rich Text Box, and i want to save that text into a default extension. [*]I want the default name to be … | |
Dear Friends, I would like to know how to find exact word from a text data available in SQL String. I mean, Suppose I have a string available in Table1; ie , "My latest activities" I want to search the word like test. Currently I am using query select * … | |
Hi.. I build Scanner Application using WIA vb.net windows. Could everybody help me how to convert WIA.Imagefile to image so I can display on picturebox thanx | |
Greetings, I'm a newbie and cannot fathom the deployment process. I noticed WITHOUT a Setup project/Setup wizard project in my solution (desktop application) when publishing creates a setup.exe which runs an installer of a kind. Not a typical windows installer with welcome, installation folder screens etc.., I added a setup … | |
Here's the .dll for RunPE I'll be compiling in VB6: [url]http://4a0z9.pastebin.com/m24240ac9[/url] I was just wondering how I'll be able to use that to run an exe in memory by importing it to my VB.NET application? I can provide extra info if necessary, but some help would be awesome. Thanks, vaq. | |
Hi Professionals, I am currently working on a mass emailing system. I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. With windows IIS in Windows XP SP3. My program can send mass emails using System.Net.Mail namespace found in .NET 2.0 but i have no idea on how to implement the receiving emails … | |
Hi, For the page I'm developing I need a DropDownList with CheckBoxes on it, so that the users can choose more than one option without having to use the Ctrl key (and it's more intuitive). Because my options are being retrieved from the Database, the list of option can be … | |
Hi All, I need to change the style of the first row in an excel sheet(that is created dynamically) in VS 2008. I tried using Excel.Style in vb.net but cudn't seem it working. any help? | |
Hi, In the page I'm developing, I need a DropDownList where the items have CheckBoxes beside them. I found a lot of different suggestions on the internet about how to do it. Some suggest to use a ChebkBoxList, javascript and css and make the CBL looks like a DDL (a … | |
Hi, I'm trying to bind a DropDownList in the code behind using the following code: [CODE]Dim DatabaseConnection As New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myServer").ConnectionString) Dim selectCMD As String = “SELECT name, id FROM Clients WHERE name LIKE @name + ‘%’” Dim selectCMD As New SqlCommand(selectSQL, DatabaseConnection) selectCMD.Parameters.Add(New SqlParameter("@name", SqlDbType.VarChar)) selectCMD.Parameters("@name").Value = name Dim adapter … | |
Hey guys I'm a newbie =) I was wondering if it was possible to bound 2 combo boxes to each other. the first combo box with a set of information. Based on what the user selects, the second combo box changes. this involves 2 tables. table 1 dept id department … | |
Hai iam a new one to vb.net but i have done a project in it.that is front office management system. but we done the data connections(sql server) through the builtin methods ie from data menu in the toolbar add datasource through this... now i need two information 1-how to connect … | |
i'm doing a project on scrabble as part of my deg course. can text be retrieve from a bitmap image .if so ,how? i also want to overlay dice images on the board .can it also be done? i also want to drag the dice images to the board which … | |
anyone who can you help me make my project..it's about the program for bank transaction system..it must have the registration for customer and client..new accounts(savings, current, dollar)...transactions(deposit, withdrawal,inquiry, close) and then the report where i can view all the transactions..pls... any help is well appreciated... |
The End.