20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for hery

how to delete the current record datagridview using adodb in vb.net... this is my code: [code] Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdDelete.Click adrCURR.Delete(ADODB.AffectEnum.adAffectCurrent) end sub [/code] the code is working but not the current rows is deleting, but the first record is deleting... Please …

Member Avatar for chanlichin

hi, the below coding of inserting data into database MS Access. So , may i ask what is the meaning for the coding i bold. Why the maxrow>0 , the message will come out? thanks. [code] con.Open() sql = "SELECT * FROM summary WHERE line = '" & cbLine.Text & …

Member Avatar for Piya27
Member Avatar for lolwtf

HI experts, I created a crystal report that works great, however I need to have a different page that always shows up at the end of the report. I cant figure out how to create a new report that does this. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for fawadkhalil

Hey all i have gridview with two buttons up and down inside gridview. by clicking on moveup button row should move up and down when user clicks on move down button. How can i achieve this.Please provide some sample code

Member Avatar for fawadkhalil
Member Avatar for just_looking

Hi, I have written an FTP application that is working with no issues. It uploads one of 4 files to various printers on my network. I maintain a list of IP addresses. The 4 files are printer configuration files, that contain either 1 or 3 lines of code. Very simple …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for soeppp

Hi.. i have a little homework from my school my lecture want me to create a little program in VB.NET he wanted if i pressed Ctrl + S in ...it will appears msgbox.... and one more...if i click button...it like i press Ctrl + S Can u help me.... thx …

Member Avatar for Stevoni
Member Avatar for staticvoyager

Okay, I've tried my professor, and he's impossible to get timely feedback from... When he has responded, he has sent me coding - most not even close to containing the proper elements to complete the assignments, and he isn't much for explaning. Although I could copy and paste all my …

Member Avatar for fuego2008
Member Avatar for macupryk

I have declared the following variables in the form transoverride.vb Dim Account_Name, PolicyNumber, TransCodeOrig, TransEffDate, Override_Action, Override_New_Renewal, Override_Transaction_Code, ModifiedDate, ModifiedUID, Plan_Year As String Dim RowNum As Integer The goal of this question is that I want to pass the above variables to a dialog form called edittransoverride. Public Sub DoModify() …

Member Avatar for arunkp
Member Avatar for 123divy

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an …

Member Avatar for 123divy
Member Avatar for s1504975

Hi all, I'm loooking for somebody willing to write complete working example for: - connection to access database - show one table form mdb in datagridview - implement code for 4 buttons (Add, Update, Delete, Refresh) - every press to buttons reflects to mdb database and datagridview This will help …

Member Avatar for ggl0rd
Member Avatar for soeppp
Member Avatar for tmantix

I'm trying to get a picture box to load a new picture every second with a timer. Heres my code. [code] Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Do While Timer1.Enabled = True frame = frame + 1 frame1 = 'Picture Location frame2 = 'Picture …

Member Avatar for tmantix
Member Avatar for Tschuikow

Hello, Is there something similar like this: ? [ICODE]If (obj isSubclassOf(Enum)) Then End If[/ICODE] This is always false: [ICODE]obj.GetType Is GetType([Enum])[/ICODE] I need this for reflection.

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for Jostra

Hi! everyone can some one share a piece of light with me is it possible to manipulate database access inside a class constructor.Cause i can create a connection but don't know how i'm going to things like data adapter an data set since.Any link Any Help Is appreciated.thanks

Member Avatar for Jostra
Member Avatar for babbu

hie i have 3 columns in the data table. id, name, telno. i want to display only specific names and telno. depending on the charactes the users inputs in the text box. this part has been taken care of. wht i need to do now is, i want to display …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Bei_Mu_tian

hellooooo People! well I have the following problem: I want to recreate something like the Office-"adressbook" in my application, so the user can search through his/her outlook contacts directly, without first opening the outlook adressbook dialogue. That means that I have to search through my contacts in a Datagrid...but I …

Member Avatar for Bei_Mu_tian
Member Avatar for hjdaniel.sun

Hi all, I am writing a program which needs to connect to a mysql server I have set up. I use the proxy server at school to access internet. I found that my program cannot connect to the database. So how do I connect to mysql through the proxy server? …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Piya27

Hi All, I want to update a row in existing excel sheet using vb.net where the row identification is according to the textbox text and the first column entry of that row in the excel. I just can't find a starting hint. Any Help?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for staticvoyager

My first task in this assignment is to create a datagrid view that can be used to fill in grades for students after each exam.... This is what I've coded so far - no Visual Studio assist used in this - and it works until I go to save the …

Member Avatar for staticvoyager
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have an abstract class NetworkTest and some derived classes PingTest, SMTPTest, and POP3Test. Each Test class overrides a Run() function and has it's own private member variables. I have a txt file for each type of test - ping.txt, pop3.txt, smtp.txt that defines the tests that should be run, …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for smileyc

Hi, sorry to ask this, I know it has been asked before but despite reading the answers I still dont get it. I am using visual studio 2008, vb.net. I have a lable, label1. I want it to display the results of a calculation, a/b. The answer is a number …

Member Avatar for emint
Member Avatar for manutd4life

hello press save, i got and error and said ExecuteNonQuery: Connection property has not been initialized. Here's the code: [code=vb.net]Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click Dim com As New OleDbCommand com.Connection = con com.CommandText = "insert into Sales values('" & txtSalesId.Text & "','" & …

Member Avatar for manutd4life
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have a superclass NetworkTest and 3 derived classes PingTest, Pop3Test, SMTPTest. I want to create a big list of all the tests, like this: [code] Dim Tests As New List(Of NetworkTest) Dim PingTests As List(Of PingTest) = ReadPingTestsFromFile(PingFile) Tests.AddRange(PingTests) Dim Pop3TestResults As List(Of Pop3Test) = ReadPOP3TestsFromFile(POP3File) Tests.AddRange(Pop3TestResults) Dim SMPTTests …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for pepemiso

please help me how to use the printform in vb.net 2008 i need it for my project please help me. thanks

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for GIGAM25

hi guys! i generated a report using crystal report on vb.net 2003 from a dataset. there are 2 columns in it. name and amount. like this one, name amount gigam 100.00 hershey 300.00 tony 97.00 my concern is: i want to have a total below the amount. like this: name …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Nicholas Ng

i want to ask some question ??? [code] Dim conConnection As New ADODB.Connection Dim cmdCommand As New ADODB.Command Dim rstRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset conConnection.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source="D:\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\trial database\Microsoft Office Access 2007 Database.accdb"" conConnection.CursorLocation = ADODB.CursorLocationEnum.adUseClient conConnection.Open()[/code] im using visual studio 2008 ,i want to access to mirosoft access …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for nejoj

We are going to create a compiler like program where when we inputed character or multicharacter it will retrieve to the database the equivalent symbol of that character and place it to another textbox.. Example input: (1sttextbox) Line1: main() Line2: { the output is: (2nd textbox) Line1: WordSymbol, SpecialSymbol,ProgramParameter, OpenParenthesis, …

Member Avatar for babbu
Member Avatar for ggl0rd

i got create combobox and i want show item at combobox from my database data. i set datasource from properties.. but for displaymember i try to use coding. [CODE]cmbPelan.DisplayMember = "Pelan" cmbPelan.SelectedIndex = -1[/CODE] but result like image me attach. i want my combobox show item like 1 2 3 …

Member Avatar for ggl0rd
Member Avatar for Prato95

Im trying to make tabbed webrowser with history and bookmarks. But when i press f5, it works, but when i try to add new tab it crashes heres code: [code=vbnet] Public Class Form1 Dim int As Integer = 0 Private Sub Loading(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Windows.Forms.WebBrowserProgressChangedEventArgs) ToolStripProgressBar1.Maximum …

Member Avatar for mansi sharma

I want to get the width & height of the image file.. Mine code is currently getting the file size, I also want to get the width & height.How to get width & height,kindly help me. [code] Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

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The End.