20,284 Topics
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i am using vb.net and i dont know anything about paypal. i want paypal in my onlineeducation project.can u explain about it give code for that.whether we have to buy anything for that service.please give complete info about paypal. thank you in advance | |
hi, I have more than two form in my vb.net project. please let me know, how to run(load) or debug my current form?. For Ex: consider forms like, form1,fom2......if i run the project means, it start from the first form, but i have to run only the second form. | |
Is there anyone knows how to make either bar or pie graph in vb.net and getting the data on sql 2005. I need it for our thesis please help me on my problem. Thanks | |
i some help for my project... 1. I create a form..use web browser dan i call link.html...how can i make when i click link in html it will be show form2 2. How can i make datetimepicker get date from server 3. How can i make a dll file path … | |
How do I read what is being displayed in a cli process that my program starts? | |
Hi all I am very new to programming and am having a little difficulty starting an assignment. I need to make a program that takes a telephone number and shows all the different words that could be made for that number. The telephone number cannot have a 1 or a … | |
Hi, I know it should be pretty easy to achieve. I am just starting to learn VB.NET. I need help creating an outline around a custom shape picturebox. I also need to specify the color and thickness of this outline. The path is on variable gp... but I can't figure … | |
can we freeze the footer row of gridview.i freezed header using table and skin. overflow=auto position=relative now i want to freeze footer row | |
when mouse pointer comes to a row, it should be different from other rows.is it possible. thank you for ur answer | |
hi,i dont anything about cache.i am using window authentication. when i was logged in,no other should log into my account with my account.some body said, you can use cache.but i dont how to use.please help me. thankyou | |
I have a textbox with "10000" i want to format it to "10,000.00". How i can make it in vb.net .. | |
[CODE]myconn.Open() MySQLstring1 = "select picture from naw where id = 17" myCommand1.Connection = myconn myCommand1.CommandText = MySQLstring1 myReader = myCommand1.ExecuteReader If Not myReader.HasRows Then MsgBox("now rows found") Exit Sub End If If myReader.Read Then Dim imgByteArray() As Byte imgByteArray = CType(myReader.Item("picture"), Byte()) Dim MyStream As New System.IO.MemoryStream(imgByteArray) [COLOR="red"]PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(MyStream) … | |
Hi, I have been figuring out how suppose to trigger 2 events when a timer start. For example, let say i set an alarm 1 hr before 10:00am to trigger the 2nd event, but at 9:55am, the 1st event like countdown timer should kick start. Using VB. Can anyone show … | |
I want to question for all. I use Visual Studio 2008. Why everytime i show my form, i must declaration variable. Example [code] Dim form1 as new Form1 form1.show() [/code] Why i can't use form1.show() direction. My friend can use form1.show direction without declaration variable in Visual Studio 2008. What's … | |
Hi all, I know I can do basic text searches to see if the text is there but I have no idea how to actually pull some select data out of a text file into a variable. I can search with something like this function: [CODE] Private Function CheckFile(ByVal FileName … | |
Hello Guys.. I am working in VB.NET I have to textbox : txtStartTime and txtEndTime After filling in values i need to validate that Start time must be less then Endtime. Values are entered in 12 hour format like 08:32 AM I can go for sub string logic and split … | |
[code=vb.NET] Hi, Pls I'm trying to move across tabpages without clicking on the tabcontrols but by using a command button to move across tab controls | |
I have designed a copmrehensive project in VBaccess for my company that is able to monitor all records regarding processing and reception of raw material. Dispatch of the final product and handling the transporters and buyers catalogues and finally the market analysis, i feel its getting out of hand since … | |
I Need To Change a detailed database i have designed for my company into VB.Net I It possible | |
I am writing an app where I will need to pop up a form to allow the user to enter data and then pass back at least a portion of that data (an ID perhaps) to the calling form. I have not completely decided how I am going to handle … | |
| Hi all, I've followed links to this site many times but I've never really taken a good look until today... what a great site!!! Anyway, I'll stop kissing the mod's bottoms and post a query! I've been tasked with creating a kiosk style system to browse a college library catalogue. … |
i know some about vb.net programming and i'm interested in developing some software which is able to Get Data From Serial Port /parallel Port to my working form. can somebody advice me ,how to start such kind of developing and what should i refere (web sites /e books) for this … | |
Ok, I mostly used Python to learn programming.. I am now trying to learn VB.. This is my problem..It seems that tutorial after tutorial I read has no examples as I am trying to do.. 1. Dim x As Integer = 100 # this should make x = 100 right? … | |
Hello, How can input number to database where my field in database data type money.. This is my code: [code] Private Sub SaveData() Try If adcLEDGER.State = ADODB.ObjectStateEnum.adStateOpen Then adcLEDGER.Close() adcLEDGER.ConnectionString = strCONNECT adcLEDGER.Open() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try Try Dim vANSWER vANSWER = vbYes modPY.LookUpST(adcLEDGER, "SELECT * … | |
i got problem to refresh my database when : save= i already save but need to restart vb to find that data again. delete= when i delete and try back to menu then find that data, the data not delete yet..same with save need to restart vb.net then the data … | |
Hi, I'm already create connection to database with datagridview to view the data. I also create header unbound like this :- STUDENT ID,STUDENT NAME,REMARKS(CHECKBOX). I need to pull data from database with column SM_STUDENT_ID,SM_STUDENT_NAME then insert under this datagridview column.....how to do that..c.an anyone assist me.....so long to setle it..plzzzz | |
how i can create a dll file in visual studio 2008 using vb.net Thank's.... | |
Hi I have made a program that reads a raw pcm file and plays it. The function itself is working (finally) but when i play the sound a lot of noise is playing along. Writing the array to harddrive before playing proves that it's the reading to the array that … | |
Anybody have any experience calling web services from other web services? I have a web service for connecting to the database as odbc connection and then I have another service that searches a database. Is there a way to call the connection service, make the database connection, and then pass … |
The End.