20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sevyt

I have never used Dllimportattribute. But i am supposed to have a DLL added that way. Could somehow give me a better understanding about this? Basically in my project i need to import a dll (beidlib.dll) this way. I figured adding a class inside my project the way explained in …

Member Avatar for TnTinMN
Member Avatar for maskinao

Hi Guys, I am currently working on a thesis that would involve a software that acts like an internet cafe software. This is how it's going to work: A student can swipe his Baccoded ID Card at the Server and he will be assigned to PC1. He can log out …

Member Avatar for DorinaP
Member Avatar for opman234

Please help me. After I compile my application, and I install it on another person system. Everything work fine. But, access database is in read only mode. So the program could not update or save to database. Please , I don't know what is happening. I have to get this …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for HibaPro

i have this connection string <connectionStrings> <add name="Tendering_Pro" connectionString="Data Source=HABOUSH-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=TenderingProgram;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> </connectionStrings> <system.diagnostics> AND THIS MY CLAAS : Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.SqlClient Imports System.Configuration Public Class BuyNewTender Private conn As SqlConnection Private _MSG As String = "" Private _ProjectTenderingNO As String = "" Private _TenderingNo As String …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I'm trying to adjust the brightness (not the gamma ramp values) of the monitor using WmiSetBrightness method but the system throws a ManagementException during runtime saying 'Not supported'. I have seen a lot of people using this concept and running successfully. So what's wrong with mine? Is it because this …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone

I created a UserControl that contains a custom ToolStrip Control. While using the UserControl throughout an application, the ToolStrip control cannot be accessed directly, as logically it's embedded in the UserControl. So, to access the items of the ToolStrip I defined a readonly property in the UserControl class that returns …

Member Avatar for priyamtheone
Member Avatar for fRodzet

Greetings, i would like to use Pictures/Images instead of text when i hover my mouse over a e.g. button.. I found this site: http://blogs.artinsoft.net/Mrojas/archive/2006/12/01/ToolTip-with-Images.aspx#comment but i got no clues on how to work with it. Is there any way simplier than this to add picture/image instead of text to a …

Member Avatar for chamnab

Dim aa, bb As New Collection For Each user As User In allUser Dim character As String = user.FirstName(0) If character = "b" Or character = "B" Then b.Add(user) End If If character = "a" Or character = "A" Then a.Add(user) End If Next this loop use for find first …

Member Avatar for chamnab
Member Avatar for MaddTechwf

I've been working on getting a basic VB ASP.NET application put together that uses LDAP to login and I have it working. The login page has a form on it for login but the actual code for the login is inside my web.config file. When the user clicks login it …

Member Avatar for hollystyles
Member Avatar for compulove

Hello, I wanted some advice on testing procedures my team should start to use. Currently we have a web tool that customers use and is active now but we find that we have make code changes weekly and sometimes daily depending on workstoppages so it is always in development. We …

Member Avatar for jhusthine
Member Avatar for akasekaihime
Member Avatar for jayrbete

hi to all, can you help me in my program, i can't retrieve my image in the database to vb.net how can i view my image when i click in listview? plss help me THIS IS MY CODE HOPE YOU CAN HELP ME! Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Public Class Often_Motorcycle_Problems Public ConnString …

Member Avatar for jayrbete
Member Avatar for theonebit

i have this code below if a >= 0 and a <= 100 then 'do something end if is it posible to write like this if a >= 0 < 100 then 'do something endif is there a similar way?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for jayrbete

Please help me for my problem in adding and retrieving video from mysql to vb 2008. I don't know the codes for it.

Member Avatar for sean.downes.96

Can anyone explain how to remove an item from a listvuew. Ive tried: ListView6.SelectedItems.Remove() However that doesn't work, it has the little blue line underneath it. Does anyone else have any ideas? Thanks

Member Avatar for bnitishpai
Member Avatar for VidhyaThiyagu
Member Avatar for ahmedyakson
Member Avatar for timosoft

Hello i need your help in calculating this. i have 5 textbox with text: N203.00, N40.00, N500.00 ..... how do i add this textbox text and display result on a label. Thanks TiM

Member Avatar for Nutster
Member Avatar for theboyandtheocean

Hey There, I'm a beginner when it comes to VB.net. I can do all the basic stuff, but I'm having issues with connecting to a database I've created. Ultimately, I need to feed data from a few text boxes to one table within the database, but I can't even get …

Member Avatar for thewilf
Member Avatar for thewilf

Hi All, I have a Windows Form with a tab control on which was working fine and had 7 tabs. I added a picture box and this has some vb powerpack rectangles on top which werent displaying, were falling behind picture box. I sent the picture box to the back …

Member Avatar for thewilf
Member Avatar for opman234

Please help me. After I insert crystal report, I configure the report and I run the application, there are lots θƒ error ĩ̷̊ñ the crystalreport1.vb. Error like reportdefinition is not a member θƒ nysc.crystalreport1 and site is not a member θƒ crystal report1. Please me on what to do, to …

Member Avatar for vijaycare

Hi, I am using vs2005 with access 2003. In my windows application there is one tabcontrol which contains 2 tabpages with 2 crystal report viewer for each one. I have loaded data in form load event. It works great. Unfortunately the 2nd tabpage is not displaying the crystal report toolbar. …

Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi, Tq for ur support before.... I got some stuck here regarding how to make my text file write a new line for each input from textbox.. E.g :- I have a one textbox1 , when i insert any value in textbox it will save into my textfile. .. but …

Member Avatar for lebo.bytes
Member Avatar for dban07

Hello friends, I'm a Computer Security student. I need some opinions for my Final Year Project idea. Im planning to create an application on VB.NET which protects a network from unknown users like hackers by filtering their MAC addresses/Hostname/IP. The application will work similar to the software inside the modem/router …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for shrutika_03

i have to provide permission for 1 menu from the main menu in vb.net, the ADD menu should be accessed only by the admin n not by other employees. how do i do this? is there any command for it?

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for HibaPro

i use this Update code to update my record but i get this error msg : Dim con As New SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = My.Settings.TenderingSysConnectionString con.Open() Dim cmd As SqlCommand = con.CreateCommand() cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text cmd.CommandText = "update BOQDetailEntry set BOQDetailEntry_ID=@BOQDetailEntry_ID, ProjectTenderingNO=@ProjectTenderingNO,BOQSection=@BOQSection,Part=@Part,BOQITEM=@BOQITEM,BOQItemNo=@BOQItemNo,Description=@Description,Unit=@Unit,BOQTY=@BOQTY,ReferenceDrawing=@ReferenceDrawing,ReferenceSpecifications=@ReferenceSpecifications where BOQDetailEntry_ID=@BOQDetailEntry_ID" ' BOQDetailEntry_ID=@BOQDetailEntry_ID cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProjectTenderingNO", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50) cmd.Parameters.Add("@BOQSection", SqlDbType.NVarChar, …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for pop_cola

Hi guys, Just want to ask if there's a way to search in a date/time field in access and display only the month that match the string from a textbox. The query below. sql = "SELECT * FROM tblName WHERE fldDate LIKE '%" & textbox1.text & "%'" So if I …

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for XEN0

A Example for OLE DB I Compiled. Put back together for fun maybe. # Someone convert this to ASP.Net plz with a splash screen. # # Required Materials # 1. a vb.net compiler(visual studio vb.net express perhaps?) 2. Libzplay dll(your search engine will help) Imports System.Data Imports ESO.libZPlay Imports System.Data.OleDb …

Member Avatar for XEN0
Member Avatar for ChandanMandal

Hello. I am a learner of ASP.Net technology and currently I am exprementing with it. So I would need your guidence here. I want to ask that waht is the best way to display data from a database. I want ideas, not the code. 1. I want to display text …

Member Avatar for kad1r
Member Avatar for mitch_oso

Hi Everyone, I have this problem whit my code : ExecuteReader: Connection Property has not been initialized and i don't know why This is my code: Dim maximo As Integer Try oConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection(con) oConn.Open() ' abrimos la base de datos oComn = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select ID_ISSUE From ISSUE") oRsRead …

Member Avatar for thewilf
Member Avatar for indrajeet6

Please take a look at the code below. It is a copy of the coding of a function and a subroutine I've coded in my program. The SQL Database VBDB has the table Users defined so that the default access level is 0. The problem is that the access level …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.