20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Afi83

Hi there, I want to picture a line graph based on my array. I can create a graph line with 3 different series, but I don't get my exact chart as in excel. As can be seen from graph in the attachment. It has additional lines. I want just the …

Member Avatar for Afi83
Member Avatar for Maya Pawar

I bind the two comboboxes with table. one combo contains product and another contains subproduct. when i clicked first combobox then subproduct of that is filtered in another combo. when i clicked next,previous ,it is working properly. but when i go to last record second combo is refreshed means it …

Member Avatar for Maya Pawar
Member Avatar for asad bukhari

hi;friends i am asad shah frm islamabad i am in final year of bs(IT)program.but confused in selecting my project i didnt know about market trend can any one gave me idea in selecting my project. with regards asad shah

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008

Create Panel And ToolStrip in panel Panel Property [CODE] Dock = Dock At Left Or Right Or Buttom Or Top High = 40 Backgroundcolor = Black [/CODE] ToolStrip Property [CODE]Dock = None RenderMode = System GripStyle = Hidden Background = Transparent ImageScalingSize = 32,32[/CODE] U Can Extend any side by …

Member Avatar for michtan

I use picture box to view web cam, it works. But i wan to add another transparent picture box on top with upload a picture transparent background circle . So when i open web cam there is a circle on the web cam. Is that possible? How to make picture …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for Olliepop

This code should get one random line from sample.txt and put it in Label1 - problem is that it's only getting line 2. Every single time. What's wrong with it? Please help. I bet it's something rediculously obvious but i can't find it :'( Thank you so much in advance. …

Member Avatar for Olliepop
Member Avatar for BasicDinosaur

Hi. This may seem simple to most but has consumed 3 days so far and a bit of $$ trying to learn simple how to use Enter as a Tab (Yes I know it is a Fau-par but I need it regardless). The idea is to move the focus to …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for BasicDinosaur

Hello, Could I have been googling with no joy regarding the fact that my program is not displaying changes made when I run it (Debug). It is an old program (hence the 2003 VB.NET code) I wrote for my daily use and I decided to make some modifications to make …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for charmed94

I have used Resource Hacker to extract all the files from an .exe so I could translate the menus right (translating in the program shows me wrong characters). Now I want to compile these files into an .exe file. How can I do that? Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for charmed94
Member Avatar for speedy gonzalos

I am trying to create an Inventory/Stock Control system as a windows application using vb.net with an Access database. This is my first time trying to use vb.net and im having difficulty making the application interactive. I am unable to update records to the database from the front end. I …

Member Avatar for tariq182
Member Avatar for karan khokhar

ive been able to succesfully link a mdf databse to a vb.net program.My program runs flawlessly but if i change the location of the database from e:\new\xyz.mdf to c:\new\xyz.mdf then it throws an exception : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in System.Data.dll [CODE] SQLConnectionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename= e:\new\xyz.mdf;Initial Catalog=xyz;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True" [/CODE] And …

Member Avatar for karan khokhar
Member Avatar for Merovingian

I've been trying to figure this out for a week without luck. My program needs to examine two XML docs for missing contacts, when it finds a missing contact it then needs to merge the information across. I've got the examination part working with this code: [CODE] Private Sub findAllDisplayNameMaster(ByVal …

Member Avatar for gsmdreams

Hello everyone, I have been disturbed for a week now. I have a project in vb.net. And on forms I have two masked text boxes. One is for the user to enter their date of birth and in the second one Iam trying to get the date the record is …

Member Avatar for gsmdreams
Member Avatar for jinx

Has anyone tried this software? I'm going to download the Trial version but I wanted to see if anyone use's it and if it is any good. Thanks.

Member Avatar for semsigungor
Member Avatar for NIKHILA99

Hi! I am a student of PGDCA. Please anybody help me for making a project of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN VB.NET 2005 VERSION. TODAY..........

Member Avatar for nilesh04dream
Member Avatar for NamrataC

Hi, I'm developing a window-based application where I've a Main Form A. I open another form B on a button click. When I close Form B, I want to reload the Form A. Please help as soon as possible. Thanks in anticipation.

Member Avatar for NamrataC
Member Avatar for protocol

Hi, how can i send message from mobile to pc then the pc must retrive data from database, finally send it again to mobile? can any help me please

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for imclumsy

Hi I am trying to get which checkboxes the user checked from one page to another. If that doesn't make sense then let me explain. On one aspx page, lets call it page1.aspx ...i have a checkboxlist; on the other aspx.page, lets call it page2.aspx...Page2 has to know which checkboxes …

Member Avatar for frozie

Im trying to make a password input box but i dont know how to make it read and check if the password is right from file pwp.pw, so if password is right then it will let me come to form1. This code is inside of form1 in form1_load [CODE] If …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for Augustin

Hi, I am beginner to WIN32 API Programming. I need to develop a voice recorder application using Win32 Waveform Audio API interface in C# or VB.NET .. Gus please help me on how to start programming...Related articles please show me the link.

Member Avatar for mca_msp
Member Avatar for georcote

Ok here it is .... Since there is no more autoredraw property I am trying since 3 days now to simply draw lines in a picture box from data that are inside 4 different listbox one for each point x1 ,y1,x2,y2 my syntax is as follow.... the lines seems to …

Member Avatar for vijaycare

Hi, I am using vb2005 with access database and I have a crystal report which I want to preview and print only the last saved record. How can I do it? Can any one help me with sample code

Member Avatar for vijaycare
Member Avatar for b1izzard

I had created a report using Reportviewer control(VS2008+MS-Access), the report displays all the records from Access Db correctly but i need to sort the records and display. [B]Sorting by Date(Ascending) that too the records prior to Today's date should not be displayed[/B]

Member Avatar for mnmw
Member Avatar for endex
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for rbascom

Hello all .. My environment: VS2008/VB using Data Sources (datasets, binding sources, table adapters) to interact with MS Access 2007 database. My application: A Master form displaying a 4-level hierarchy of data using listboxes instead of grids. Data source for each listbox is a query containing child table data and …

Member Avatar for syrwom
Member Avatar for wildguard

hi, im having trouble putting msgbox.. where do i put MsgBox("Passenger not found!", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Error") If name is not found from text file help thankz in advance VS 2010 [CODE] Private Sub btnRemove_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRemove.Click Dim i As Integer Dim removename As String …

Member Avatar for wildguard
Member Avatar for b1izzard

Hi i had written the following code to Populate the Calendar Control with Data from an Access Table.[VS2008+MS-Access07] [CODE] Try Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Dim sql As String Dim dr As OleDbDataReader con.ConnectionString = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Resources\login.mdb" 'open the connection con.Open() sql = "Select [Scheduled …

Member Avatar for frozie

Ok, how do i make so if ihave a form on and press a button and a new form opens on the right side of the first form and follows when i move the first form and also i cant move the second form from the side of the first …

Member Avatar for evisi
Member Avatar for vamsikrishna20

Hello, i am working with vs2008 (web application) and I want to copy some content from an excel sheet and and using the clipboard i want to copy the contents in a gridview I have tried using Clipboard.GetDataObject() but no matter what ever i do it is always returning null …

Member Avatar for Estella

Hi masters, i need codes to cut, copy and paste text from textbox. i know that i can use shortcut like Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, but i need to do it in code. please help me Anyhelp will appreciated much Regards Ela

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The End.