20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for fafa70

hi. i have some code in visual basic and i wrote some classes in c++ and i want make it dll but i don't know that when you use dlls it decreases the speed of process or not. thanks.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for eltonpiko

Hi i have a vb project im getting a bit of trouble with. this is how it should work 1. user input text in the textbox. 2. the input text will be count as single character each one by one 3. after been checked they will be writen to a …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for nettripper

guys help.. How can i Disable the Left and right Windows key in vb.net??.. my program is on fullscreen and i dont want to interrupt my users with the startup menu when they accedentaly pressed the windows key while they are using my program... help.. thanks.. ^_^\m/

Member Avatar for vbDotMe
Member Avatar for paoi00

hello :) i am working with Search module of a student.. there's a link on the form that when clicked the schedule of the student must be shown on Listview in ScheduleStud Form.... actually i used the showmyrecords() on the other forms but when i used it in this module.. …

Member Avatar for mitchfizz05

Hello all. I am making a web browser (bangbrowser.freeforums.org for more info), and the address bar goes weird. Under the Webbrowser Navigated event, I made the Address bars text get set to "WebBrowser1.Url.ToString". It works, but I get every web request sort of thing! Even Javascript! My address bar usally …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for choosechrist

i open a child form from within a parent form Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress Dim custmast As New CustomerMaster custmast.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent custmast.Show() End Sub now the form customer master has values within a listview. when i doubleclick on a value within …

Member Avatar for LearnVBnet
Member Avatar for knowdarian

![image14](/attachments/large/3/image14.png "image14") ![image22](/attachments/large/3/image22.jpg "image22") Hi, I am extracting datas from the csv file to display in datagridview1 as shown in image1. Now I want to search the datagridview1 and display the result in datagridview2 as shown in image2. Please do refer the attached images. I am using Visual basic 2010 …

Member Avatar for knowdarian
Member Avatar for suribabuk

i have one combobox and it is containing some items when ever i changed that item the output is generated according that it means i store databases in my combobox the default item is "select" like this I have so many forms when ever i changed my cbdatabaselist that database …

Member Avatar for Dendari

Hello everyone. I'm working on a program which should edit a text file by adding/deleting some specific lines. By default this text file doesn't have these specific lines, so the program will add them. But I also want it to replace them if they're already in the text file. Basically …

Member Avatar for Dendari
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I have a form with a TableLayoutPanel with the following properties changed from default: Dock = Fill AutoSize = True AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink ColumnCount = 1 Margin.All = 0 one row set to AutoSize This is a stripped-to-the-basics version of part of my app. I want to generate a vertical, …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for honeybee2090

hi guys few days ago i was trying to find some thing to learn and i found a code it leech proxies from web but method used is post method/ http webrequst .... problem is here want to do same thing with web browser here r the codes [ICODE]Dim request2 …

Member Avatar for honeybee2090
Member Avatar for sicko

Hi guys, I'm doing an application that works with an online mysql database. Here is a sample of my code: ~~~ Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter("select * from my_table order by code", "server=my_server;User Id=me;password=password;Persist Security Info=True;database=database") Dim my_table = New DataTable adapter.fillj(my_table) ~~~ On the last line, the application freezes …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for Sahil89

Hi guys, does anybody know about render issue in WPF while using windows 7? I am facing render issues when I use effects like shadow or blur. Most controls do not appear or keeps blinking. Is there any solution to fix this problem?

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i have 2 combobox, one is for the start time and the other is for the end time. my problem is on how to set the time interval.. for example if user select 6:00am as start time and 6:00 am as end time it must prompt that is in invalid.. …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for sing1006

after searching on the web, i know that Me keyword is use to Refer to the Current Instance of an Object, but if i want to Refer to the others Instance of an Object, what is the keyword that i need to use?

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for ZainabJuma

I have a problem in my program in VB I have a serial number and if you want to add a new registry stores Descending including what it means to become the first number in the second line and the second number in the first line and the meter, but …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

hi again everyone...i have here an attach image of my problem.... items in year level came from my database...what i wanted is that their would be no repitition...is this possible? please help ![526949_423643440983941_100000148652191_1891701_429384302_n](/attachments/small/3/526949_423643440983941_100000148652191_1891701_429384302_n.jpg "align-left")

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for sharunkumar

Hi everyone, I just got this code which splits an image based on a 5x5 gride and saves them as smaller images... This works perfectly for images less than 200x200 dimention but when i use a bigger file, I'm getting an "Out of memory" exception. Can someone help me out …

Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i have here a code for my back up: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim dbload As String = Application.StartupPath + "\Enrollment System.accdb" Dim backupdb As String = "G:{0:yyyyMMdd}" + ".accdb" System.IO.File.Copy(dbload, String.Format(backupdb, Date.Today), True) MsgBox("DB Backup Successful") End Sub but this code …

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for mitchfizz05

Hello friends! I want to make a application that uploads a whole folder, but I can't because I don't know how to upload a folder in VB.NET. I want to be able to make my application to zip the folder, then when it needs to get the file again, it …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for arezz09

how can I make vb.net application online. Is it possible? so it's can be access from anywhere..

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ZainabJuma

How do I add an animated picture to the Splash screen in vb.net 2008 my picture is .gif and when i setup the form's backgraound the picture dosent move. hepl me pls

Member Avatar for ZainabJuma
Member Avatar for circuit009

I want to create an installer for my vb.net application, i want to have an installer which can install the application as well as the supporitng software (sql server, crystal reports). I have googled alot learned about clickonce & several other things but not able to incorporate the things. Please …

Member Avatar for paoi00

i have 3 textboxes and 1 submit button : 1. Username 2. Secret Question 3. Secret Answer when the user inputs their username , the Secret Question automatically appeared in the second textbox , and then put their answer in the third textbox.. just clicking the submit button the system …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for paoi00

hi! can you help me..? i want to limit how many times can user select the every items inside the combobox to 60. how could i do that? pls help me. :) here's my code in my combobox.. i dont know how to start the codes in limiting.. that' why …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i had set a password for my database to protect my data but the problem is that my database doesn't function with my codes in vb...how do i solved this? please help

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for major_lost

I used an older version of VB (4.0) to create a program and now want to re-create it with VB.net. A line in my program used the " ; " character to force printing to wrap I can't do this with VB.net using the 'PrintLine' function. What function allows me …

Member Avatar for major_lost
Member Avatar for zhouy

Dear All, I have a small probelm with updating my database. Here are my codes ~~~ vb Module AphidSimVar Dim myCon As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|\AphidModel.sdf") Dim myCmd As SqlCeCommand Dim myAdap As SqlCeDataAdapter Dim myDataSet As DataSet Dim myTable As DataTable Dim myBuilder As SqlCeCommandBuilder Public Sub ShowData() …

Member Avatar for paoi00

hello again :D i want to update my database if an enrollee have balance or dont have.. if they have balance , the record of payment of student will be updated.. here's my code : Dim cn As OleDbConnection If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Student Number! ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for paoi00

i saw this [article ](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/399212/printing-from-list-view) that shows printing of listview using printdocument.. it helps me but then i want to place my list view on the middle of the page.. i want to know how to place it.. can you please help me? thank youu. !

Member Avatar for paoi00

The End.