20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for timosoft

Hello, I have below code that set customised form border color and title. the form is missing icon though. kindly asist me on the below on how to add icon to the form as well. thanks Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for kosay

hi On Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 I used Report to create Table and Headers and all the details. I wanted to print the report with the tables' names centered not left justified. I also need to show the borders between the cells as they are currently printed without border lines

Member Avatar for ThatsSoShaneka

Hi everyone, I'm having this problem with my code and cannot seem to get past it although it was working fine before. The error is "An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." The code …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for 432

Dim data as string = http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/161116_00000000000000_375500185_q.jpg data is can variable *http:/profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/161116_***00000000000000***_375500185_q.jpg* I want the just get bold text, and remove italic All text's can variable

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

Dear Freinds, can any one guide me for double entry accounts system. tables and fields of table .. or any sample.. . i know debit credit book keeping system but could not apply it.. like day book and party ladger.. thnks in advance

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for paoi00

i used this codes to show the records but this doesnt works .. but when use the query ("Select * from Schedulings") it works .. it shows the all records. but i want to show the records that satisfy this query.. ("Select * from Schedulings where YearLevels = '" & …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

i have here a code for my enlistment module..this code is for the available slot. for example i have set 10 as available slot and when i enlist a student 10 will become 9 and so on..my problem is when it reach zero because i can still enlist but the …

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for paoi00

hi.. i want to compare two tables ..in enlistment table will count the number of students that enlisted to the YearLEvel and section selected by user.. then i want to limit that by means of calling it from the table of Schedulings (AvailableSlots Table) here's my code but it doesnt …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for NoIdea.Net

I am trying to get TenderTyp, TypeCode, AuthorizationCode and then all the info from: <arts:TenderCreditDebit> <arts:IssuerIdentificationNumber>999=99</arts:IssuerIdentificationNumber> <arts:ExpirationDate>1970-01</arts:ExpirationDate> <arts:ReconcilliationCode>19</arts:ReconcilliationCode> <arts:PrimaryAccountNumber>OTk5OTk5KioqKioqMDM1MQ==</arts:PrimaryAccountNumber> </arts:TenderCreditDebit> Which is buried in the XML shown below.... I seem to get so close the correct element but just cannot get the correct value! Could anyone help please? Thanks <?xml …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Bun2014

~~~ vb Private Sub Item_TypeComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Item_TypeComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged 'auto increment for each type of items If Item_TypeComboBox.SelectedItem = "Bages" Then ItemIDTextBox.Text = Format("B" & (BagsIDTextBox.Text), "0000") ElseIf Item_TypeComboBox.SelectedItem = "Accessories" Then ItemIDTextBox.Text = Format("A" & (BagsIDTextBox.Text), "0000") ElseIf Item_TypeComboBox.SelectedItem = "Cloth" Then ItemIDTextBox.Text = …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for cardin94

I'm trying to create a Select Distinct query, but i'm getting stuck with either an empty combobox either a filled combobox that displays all the doubles. or a message "System.Data.DataViewManagerListItemTypeDescriptor" I have a form (form5) with 1 combobox and 1 datagrid. The datagrid loads 5 collumns "ID", "firm", "Fname", "mname", …

Member Avatar for cardin94
Member Avatar for sheelap

anyone tell me a detail of database connectivity in vb.net with sql server and oracle.i already tried it on my laptop.but it shows errors.1 year back i successfully did the connectivity.but now i forgotton how it do?even i could not able to coonect ms-access with vb.it always shows error.any one …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for krm08

Hello Everybody, I want to I want to perform dos command (copy) in vb.net.I want to do it on button click event.Invoking the command using .bat format is not suit for me, because the source and destination of copying depending upon the selection of source and destination(that's done by users …

Member Avatar for mirza.imran
Member Avatar for ponkan20

hi. i have this problem on how to calculate the amount due in our system in VISUAL BASIC.NET . in returning module, (this is for penalty purposes), if the borrower didn't return the book on time, the system must automatically generate the amount due . one daY is equivalent to …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

does anyone know how to make reports in vb.net become a daily, weekly and monthly basis?

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I ve got a propertyin my class that I have given the task of holding the username of the person that logged in and I would want to access that username in another form anoother time.How do I go about this? this is the code for my property: Private _LogInUser …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, I hope someone can help me. I have loaded a page in my webBrowser control, the page has a table, please see attached for screenshot and partial page source code. I want to load specific column of that table to datagridview, how can I do that? Thanks in …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for rikb53

guys - i cannot figure this one out. i keep getting the "wrong number or types of arguments in call" error & for the life of me can't figure out why. i've got dozens of other programs doing way more difficult stuff than this so, i'm officially stumped. 4 parameters …

Member Avatar for webdep

What will be the steps for finding the DFD of A Project based on Banquet Hall? The project if of basic level. thank you.

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for prasenjit_das

Hi All I do not read file content except .txt file .Can you give universal solution in vb dotnet to read content all type of file. Thanks in advance Dim filetoread As String = "c:\CodeNotes_NET.pdf" Dim filestream As StreamReader filestream = File.OpenText(filetoread) Dim readcontents As String readcontents = filestream.ReadToEnd()

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for paoi00

hi there! can you please help me? this codes doesnt have any reponse from the database .. these codes is for case sensitivity of the usernametxtbox and if satisfied, the secretquestion textbox will automatically display the correct secret question. help me pls! Dim i As Integer Dim PassResult As String …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for tendaimare

my login code works fine but the it gives me problems when the username and password in questin are not on the first row in the datatable. This is because when the code in debug mode, I took the time to check the contents of the datatable using the datatable …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for sora90

I am trying to block a list of processes from Txt file/ Listbox Process using Timer. Here's a list of the codes Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines Private Sub Timer3_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer3.Tick …

Member Avatar for prancode

The below code was written to bind the datatable to the grid, but i am unable to fill the grid.... I am unable to fill the datagrid, I'll be very thankfull for your help. Private Sub BindGrid() Dim CMD As New SqlCommand Dim ad As New SqlDataAdapter(CMD) Dim DT As …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

How do I open my Crystal Report in VB code (RPT files) on password-protected Access 2007 database? Ever since I protected my database with password, my Crystal Report generates an error. Thanks

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for rigoalhn

Hi guys, im pretty much done with my program but im receivin an error that i cant find where it its. Im using a WPF application in visual studio and it uses a service reference that contains addresses and zip codes. The purpose of the program is for the user …

Member Avatar for rigoalhn
Member Avatar for metaxx

Hello all! I have an old program from 2002, which was coded in Delphi 7. Now i would like to rewrite the whole program, and expand in Visual Basic. But, i am just learning the language, and it is very difficult to me after Delphi, so i would like a …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for venkateshyeluri
Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for ponkan20

hi!! im a new to vb.net and im having a problem, pls help me ok here it is... i created a listview, and i have a button5 "view records" if i click the button, all the records should be shown to the listview but yeah i doesn't work here are …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for paoi00

i need to compare two different tables which are Enlistment and Schedulings Table . in schedulings Table , there was a columnnmae AvailableSlots wherein the AvailableSlots in every sections in every year is recorded.. in Enlistment table, i used to count the number of records that satisfy my query : …

Member Avatar for paoi00

The End.