20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for honeybee2090

trying to trying to get extract content from a web page in to a listbox and contents are in this format

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Iamateur

How to allow the user to select the date from the DateTimePicker and store that selected date ,month and year in the database table? What is to be written inside insert query of code?

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Iamateur

How to retrieve the particular column row to the text box? I mean how to display it in textbox? The column has got different rows. The code I wrote in vb net is : cmd = New SqlCommand("select ida from Issue where aname='" + TextBox3.Text + "'", con) In the …

Member Avatar for Philippe.Lahaie
Member Avatar for Eniekko

hi! I've searched for backup and restore codes. I've also tried them out but they won't function as I want them to. I think the main problem is that, the database that I want to backup is contained inside the visual studio project under App_data. Can anyone please help me …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90

Hey guys, I have a form that is used to navigate through records in a table one at a time. The form generates the number of textboxes required automatically. Navigating through the records is easy enough, but when I click the update button it comes up with the error: Object …

Member Avatar for Wolxhound90
Member Avatar for Iamateur

The user will click the book name in the combo box. **Note: The combo box is separate from gridview i.e. it is not a part of gridview.** Then the gridview for Issuing books i.e. with the columns bid,bname,aname,data of issue,date of return shoudl be** displayed.** The row that will be …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for choosechrist

i've been all over the internet to solve this problem, but i've found no solution to my problem.my concept is this. Based on selected value within a combo box, the datagridview will populate with values from the database. For test = 0 To containerdetaildatatable.Rows.Count - 1 DataGridView1.Rows.Add() DataGridView1.Rows(test).Cells(0).Value = containerdetaildatatable.Rows(test).Item("Roundtrip") …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Om Alooi

I have a problem im my order form the user enter the order he chose the customer name and the product name and they should print in the list box the user should click on next product so he can enter another product for the custmer and when he finish …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello my fellow DaniWebbers, I have a discussion topic for everyone. Winforms VS. WPF ITT: Your opinion on the two Your reason for coming to that discision Your approval/disapproval of Microsoft abandoning WinForms How this impacts your vb.net skills

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for mattwagner

Hi, I have a MS Access 2003 (.mdb) database called "Assets.mdb" which I display in a datagrid. When I edit entries on the datagrid and click my save update/save button upon reloading of the application they have not been saved. What am I doing wrong? Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As …

Member Avatar for dhaval.2cool

I have created a project in which i am printing Hall ticket for an examination. i am using visual studie 2008 as front end and sql2008 as backend. I have created a report in crystal reprot. I have photographs of students in a local folder. how do i access or …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for sing1006

the coding will works if the data type of my primary key is integer.but when i try to change the primary key in string data type i cant delete oe edit. below is my coding for that 2 button that is working. coding for edit button ` Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Dendari

Hello everyone. I'm trying to work with this kind of file: http://www.mediafire.com/?da0ad07pzfogdl0 (you may use Notepad++ to open it) I think it's a binary data file but I'm not sure. Anyways what I need to do it's to edit some of the text part inside it. Example: http://img403.imageshack.us/img403/8017/94022290.jpg I'd like …

Member Avatar for Dendari
Member Avatar for xxxartistxxx

Hello Everyone,I'm new at DaniWeb I have a problem with my file download function. This's my function Private Function download_files(ByVal _URL As System.Uri, ByVal _SaveAs As String) If InternetConnection() = True Then Dim _WebClient As New System.Net.WebClient() Try AddHandler _WebClient.DownloadProgressChanged, AddressOf _DownloadProgressChanged lblStatus.Text = "Downloading File :" & _SaveAs _WebClient.DownloadFileAsync(_URL, …

Member Avatar for prajot_03

how to deduct qty from data base i have used this sentex to deduct...... cm1.CommandText = "update inventory set qty=qty- " & cust_gv.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value() & " where item_name='" & cust_gv.Rows(i).Cells(1).Value() & "'" this sentex is giveing error

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Dear Experts, I am able to develop a service and Start it into services window; but i am unable to show form from this service. Actually i have to develop a project (run as service) in which form will be display when end user close this form service will be …

Member Avatar for Iamateur

As the beginner I want to know Is it necessary to add MDI parent for Library management System? Can this be done without MDI Parent too? And also is it necessary to add the below code for mdi parent of every project? Private Sub ShowNewForm(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for tariqi2011

Hi i want to join two tables,'Employee' and 'Dispatch'. Dispatch has column 'DispatcherID' and 'TechnicianID' which are both foregn keys to EmployeeID in Employee table.I want to join these two tables using EmployeeID so that i can obtain the matching name to each id.but it only works when i make …

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Member Avatar for tallygal

I'm trying to print the selection of my picturebox as the background of the image. I can get the image to show, but it's not the height and width of the background. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. ' Fig. 15.24: CheckWriter.vb ' Printing a paycheck. Imports System.Drawing.Printing Imports …

Member Avatar for tallygal
Member Avatar for jdevin1

I am trying to create a sort of code library in visual studio 2010 where the form displays a list box of certain project files in vb that i have made in the past and when selected, a button can be pressed that launches the .exe files of those visual …

Member Avatar for Rahmania03

Hello Friends, I m Developing an windows form application. i have a winform on which i have datagridview and i am saving the data to Sql Server database from datagridview directly . i m using the following code for connecting & saving data of datagridview to database using button click …

Member Avatar for vkk

Hi Guys, I am trying to retrieve all the users in the Active Directory and dump into a Sql Server Table(Sql2008). I was able to search one employee at a time but could not able to search all the employees in the Active Directory. Basically i want to retrieve 1.SamAccountname …

Member Avatar for vkk
Member Avatar for davesexcel

My Form Looks like this [Click Here](http://www.davesexcel.com/LineForm.jpg) I have edited the code I got from MSN, I enter Numbers in the textboxes and click "Draw Line" button. If the user wants to enter new numbers in the textbox, and click the button again, how can that line be deleted before …

Member Avatar for William Ng

I try to convert programType from string to integer value but it show me "Input string was not in a correct format." error..can anyone help to to solve this question? Private Sub cmbProgram_SelectionChangeCommitted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmbProgram.SelectionChangeCommitted 'converting string to integer value' Dim programType As …

Member Avatar for IIM
Member Avatar for sunny124

Hi, I am trying to return a ref cursor from a stored function but I keep getting this error message 'Specified argument was out of range of valid values'. The reference cursor does point to correct data, I used a anonymous block in oracle to test it out. How can …

Member Avatar for sing1006

`Public Class login Dim cnn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand If Not cnn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then cnn.Open() End If cmd.Connection = cnn If cmd.CommandText = "SELECT UName FROM Account WHERE UName =" & Me.UsernameTextBox.Text Then …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for sam pinto

can anyone tell me examples of 3 mouse events(which will be easiest to create) and 3 keyboard events(which will be easiest to create) please! ASAP

Member Avatar for Hilal2009
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, Why is Webbrowser PreviewKeyDown event is not firing if the page loaded is a java applet? Is there a workaround here? I need to fire up a keypress event in the textbox of the java applet. Hope there's a solution.

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for juster21

I am trying to program the last part of an application which needs to take data from an Excel sheet and add it to an Access table. I'm using Excel 2003 on XP. Any and ALL help is appreciated. The problem I'm running into seems to be on connecting to …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Sahil89

What event trigers when we open file with our exe/program? How to do coding for that?

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The End.