20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for TIP.Synergy

Hello, I want to move a panel smoothly like a form. anybody can help me please? thanks ^_^

Member Avatar for Start4me
Member Avatar for gmmorpheus

good pm.,.,i have a next button Try lblcat.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(cat)("QuestionCategory") txt1.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow)("Question") txt2.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 1)("Question") txt3.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 2)("Question") txt4.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 3)("Question") txt5.Text = ds.Tables("evaluation").Rows(CurrentRow + 4)("Question") Catch ex As Exception End Try every click to the next button my category and questions change.,., …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for JohnKelly

I am tryinh to send a number 123456 on a MSMQ. What goes onto the queue is 46 bytes as it is in XML. Another application is also writing to the queue and it only sends 6 Bytes to represent the number. I have tried putting the queue formatter into …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for debrah.rutherford
Member Avatar for acaisan

Hye all. I need some help. Iam using vb.net 2010 and MS Acsess 2013. I have problem when retrieve multiple rows from database to datagridview. All rows have the same identification number(RFID Card No.).I want to record how many times the card had scan. Please help me here. Thanks for …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for murtazamzk

[CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim speech speech = CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") speech.speak(TextBox1.Text) End Sub End Class [/CODE]

Member Avatar for YogeshD
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Is there a way to get online elements text and display that on to a form label or textbox or w.e? e.g. http://puu.sh/4xWQj.png in that how would i get "iTzSnD" to make it display in the form? same with any other webpage element? how can I get this done?

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for bishop_kv

hi again :) i have problem with finding cyrilic words in my txt file...words in txt file are arranged like this: one један two два three три etc... before word "one" and after word "један" there is blank space... so problem starts in button3_click... what ever i type in texbox3 …

Member Avatar for bishop_kv
Member Avatar for k.prabhu

I'm a beginner to vb6.. I'm doing a attendance project. I'm using datagrid to view the details from database. i'm trying to update the database through datagrid. can any one help please.. i've searched every where data adapter is used to update. i can't find anyother sources..

Member Avatar for Nebil

Hi, i'm working on a system rate analysis.I just worte the code using oop. i worte a code that inserts a record into the database.when i try to insert a data nothing happens.Please fix my code. //this code is defined in a class Public Function AddWorkItem(ByVal workitemNumber As String, ByVal …

Member Avatar for Nebil
Member Avatar for intes2010

I have here a working HTTP request using SOCKETS but I do not know how to send POST requests. Here is my code: Dim hostName As String Dim hostPort As Integer Dim response As Integer Dim iphe As IPHostEntry = Dns.GetHostEntry("www.yellowpages.com") hostName = iphe.AddressList(0).ToString() hostPort = 80 response = 0 …

Member Avatar for jared.geli

So far I can compute and update seperately a specific row when type it in a text box. What I want now is to read and update rows automatically up until the last record. Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim MyConnection As New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=G:\Raw Data.xlsx; Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;") …

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for consc197

Hello everyone, I have a problem, i am unsure how to read the data from my Access Database into my vb.net form. I did some searching but i didn't manage to find anything useful so i would appreciate any pointers. Here is the code from frmAddNewCandidate i am using that …

Member Avatar for oussama_1
Member Avatar for ricardo.scheufele

Hi, I have a class called "car" with - I have no ideia how to say this in english - "data members" as the following: Public pneu As classDoor Public mat As classTire Public length As Double And so on. All the related classes have null constructors. I have a …

Member Avatar for PerplexedB
Member Avatar for gmmorpheus

Private Sub Load_Faculty() Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim dr As OleDbDataReader Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim myMS As New IO.MemoryStream Dim sSQL As String = String.Empty Try sSQL = "SELECT b.FacultyFirstName, b.Image, b.Course, a.Course" sSQL = sSQL & " FROM studentsrecords as a left …

Member Avatar for gmmorpheus

Private Sub Save_Record() Dim con As New OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand Dim sSQL As String = String.Empty Dim arrImage() As Byte Dim myMs As New IO.MemoryStream Dim bSaveImage As Boolean = False Dim strImg As String = String.Empty If Not IsNothing(Me.pic1.Image) Then Me.pic1.Image.Save(myMs, Me.pic1.Image.RawFormat) arrImage = myMs.GetBuffer Else …

Member Avatar for Myronz
Member Avatar for Andrees92

Okay, I have used databases before, but I always created the bindingsources and other things i needed via the visual designer, and now I want to create them with code, so I can make a button to refresh the database without closing it, the problem is that I don't know …

Member Avatar for deepaktiwari.k

Hi All, I need to create a Page in which a text box and a button needed. Please help me to create this Page. i am very new in VB. Thanks Regards Rahul

Member Avatar for G_Waddell
Member Avatar for sue26

hi guy's!! i need your help.. Ijust want to ask if how to show the date using combo box??

Member Avatar for anthonydaly
Member Avatar for geethashri

hello i am using vb 2008 version and microsoft office access 2003.I have installed access 2007 also. while i work in vb,i get error -could not find installable ISAM ,at this code con.open("provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;datasourse="&application startup path&"vbnet.mdb")

Member Avatar for zryder
Member Avatar for jared.geli

Hi I'm new here. I'm making a barcode calutator and I want to know how can I get the positions of all integer in a string because I need their position for calculations. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for jared.geli
Member Avatar for Pride

Hi guys, I've been working on Vb.net for about 2 and a half years. It's easy and always has been. I did almost everything. I need some new ideas to work on. I did all the basic stuff such as: picture viewer browser calculator 'explorer' - to view files/folders reads/writes …

Member Avatar for sashyn01
Member Avatar for pc20912

How can I use Background Image(PictureBox) in Mdi Form without overlap to another forms.

Member Avatar for pc20912
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Dear All ! I need to convert date 2013/09/15 to this format Sun, Sep 15, 2013 . any type of suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Regards

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for bernardz26

Good day!. I have here a form in vb.net. It contain a groupbox named question and it has a 5 radio buttons. My problem is if i choose my answer in a radio buttons, how it can show the answer in my sql database? please help me. :(

Member Avatar for gmmorpheus
Member Avatar for tehdream

i have a server and a client(run on the same machine, for testing purposes). this is basically, sorry for it, a help thread. but i've been searching, tracing, retracing, researching for days now to no avail(unlike other problems ive encountered while coding this, i just cant fix or solve this) …

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

Hello friends! hope someone can help me, i have a problem to display picture from database access in picturebox, i already search it on google, maybe im not lucky today to find article about it. please teach me friend.

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri

i want to auto bind data to my textbox after user click the textbox and i already make it!! but my problem is, after i click the textbox again, it still same as the first click!!! HELP ME!!!!

Member Avatar for Hazuan Nazri
Member Avatar for Ahmed.C

Hey guys I was just wondering how can I add all the folders which are in a directory to a listbox. e.g. all the folders in C:\ should appear in a listbox on the form load event. How can this be done? Thanks :D

Member Avatar for Ahmed.C
Member Avatar for midnite11

I have a DataGridView whose DataSource is a DataView based off of a Datable. I am allowing the user to filter the DataGridView based on value in cells within a Column. After the user selects the value to filter - I create a filter string and apply it to the …

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The End.