20,284 Topics
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Hi All.... I need to detect when no moving of cursor or keyboard then my form will automatic closing...how to do that..tq | |
I'm just learning VB with the 2008 express edition. I'm trying to create a program that uses 3 list boxes. The first contains a list of products. After a search is preformed the second list box displays the products found. This is pretty simple, basic array stuff. My problem is … | |
Hi all, What i could really use help on is the Revellos project. For anyone who might possibly have the "Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Reloaded" book this is on page 579. This is what the page says: "Revellos has store located in several states. The sales manager has asked you … | |
Hi, I have to develop an application on MSexcel, where I on click of a button, the application should run a particular query in MSaccess 2007 and save the query results in .csv format. I am not sure if that's even possible but yeah I guess this the place to … | |
Hello world of DaniWeb, I've asked a similar question to this one before but now I'm trying to find an answer to a different problem. You see, I have made a text editing application and, as you might have guessed yourself, I needed to add save features. Well, what I … | |
I'm a Electrical engineer working in an automation company, recently i'm require to do a PC base HMI. So i decide to use VB to do it(I'm a newbie in VB, just learn/use VB6 in Uni). So far, Im able to read/write to the PLC through serial port. There problem … | |
Here is my code. Currently I have my information coming out in a message box, but I need need the information to come out in "prose" form. I am not sure where to put it and how to do it. {{ ' applicant details Dim name As String = txtName.Text … | |
ive created an application which multiple users will be using on an intranet... now if i had to make changes to the app(fixes/bugs/etc) after deployment.... what would be the way to go without the user clicking a button to update... the new version would be put on the server, where … | |
can any one tell us whether it is possible to send e-mails without smtp server..? if so can u give us code plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. | |
hello, everyone i had a project which will have a function to resize the images in the picturebox..i've seen some code snippet in resizing the images. The code works fine but it automatically resizes the image when i run the program..what i need is that the user will be the … | |
Hi this is the code i have [CODE]NewCustomerTable.Clear() NewCustomerconnection.ConnectionString = "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=G:\Shop.mdb" NewCustomerconnection.Open() NewCustomerAdapter = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("INSERT INTO Customers VALUES ('" & txtNewID.Text & "','" & txtNewFirstName.Text & "','" & txtNewLastName.Text & "','" & txtNewAddress1.Text & "','" & txtNewAddress2.Text & "','" & txtNewPostcode.Text & "','" & txtNewPhoneNumber.Text & … | |
guyz,can you help me in importing an excel file?first the program should be able to browse for an excel file and then,the values in an excel file will be imported to the datagrid and save all the data in the database.. I needed it for my project! hope you help … | |
I'm writing a program that gathers a list of files within a directory and optionally, every file within the subdirectories (10 levels deep) of the directory then exports it as a text file. I have no idea how to do this so I just attempted to code it myself. It … | |
Hi guys, i read an article from <http://www.scratchprojects.com/2006/02/sample_article_tic_tac_toe_p01.php> and got this really cool approach for development of Tic Tac Toe (am sure u all know it) in VB. However i am using sharp develop 2.2.1 to edit anf compile my code and it's working fine. I combined all the code … | |
Hi everyone, I really need to figure out how to manipulate the Multiview control with a dropdown list control. Also, what is the C# equivalent to this VB Code [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue[/CODE]The following does not work... [CODE] MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = RadioButtonList1.SelectedValue; [/CODE] Anyone please help, i'm coding with C# and … | |
Hi Guys, I am currently creating an application to track timekeeping (a clock in/out system) and I am trying to work out the best way to do this. I have a Main Form which contains buttons to ; - Log in - Out for Break - In from Break - … | |
Hi, What is the code to write in txtCaps text box event which can change the whole text entered in as capital letters? Thanks. | |
Like below quotes for serial no. for VB.net, do you have codes for ms access? Anil Gamare *********** [QUOTE=Jx_Man;682096]Try This : [code=vb.net] Public Sub GenerateNotaId() Dim myReader As SqlDataReader conn = GetConnect() conn.Open() Dim temp As String Try Dim sql As String = "SELECT MAX(IDNOTA) AS 'KODE' FROM Nota " … | |
Hi Guys, I've been trawling the web for ages trying to find some dll's/code to be able to extract text from a PDF file and keep the formatting as much as possible. I did find something last year, but it simply took all the text and created one big list … | |
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guyz help me. I want to filter the data that's being displayed to my datagrid once I click the combobox and select a specific value,the selected value will be the item to filter the data that I needed to be displayed in the datagrid.. I'm using a datatable,a combobox and … | |
So I am making a program and in the program I give the user the option to add Custom Items into the Combobox. To make sure that the Custom Items are still there when the program is restarted I use this code in the form load [CODE] Dim customcarrier As … | |
[code] Dim thisMonth As Integer DateCollected = DataSet.Repair.Rows(2).Item("DateCollected") thisMonth = Month(Now) For........ If Month(DateCollected) = thisMonth Then partsprofit = (partswholesalerpricetotal) / (partstotalcost) * 100 Else End If Next [/code] Basically i am writing up some code that loops through all the records in a table looking at a column called … | |
Greetings group, Hopefully someone can help me. I'm trying to essentially append elements (in a Collection List) from another column to a different file (e.g. take a set of columns and append them on another file). I've tried nested For Each loops to write out each element line by line, … | |
Hi, I have the following code which deletes a row after confirmation. As I know a little bit with message boxes, I could not figure it out. Hence if I say 'Yes' or 'No' the selected row is deleted. Please fix the problem. [CODE]MsgBox("Do you really want to delete this … | |
hi there, how can i add a date time picker in the datagrid view in C# VS 2008 standard edition, there is not datetime picker in the column type in the datagrid view. how can i do this please help me thanx... | |
please i need help in my asignment the assignment question is: Write a functionto print the Fibonacci value at a given position in the series.you should write two versions of the function both of wich must be named Fibonacci(overload functions).the first version should be implemented using a for loop.the second … | |
guyz i need help, i encounter an error saying "Cannot access a disposed object. Object name: 'Form2'." I encountered it after I closed the child form named Form2 and then click again the button1 to show it again. Hope you help me guyz here's my code [CODE]Public Class Form1 Dim … | |
Greetings Everyone, I have several forms in my project and I have set the IsMdiContainer property to True on my main form. This project also is not using a menu system. Instead I'm using a 3rd party ribbon control with buttons that call the other forms in the project. Can … | |
My Search Date sql Query is not working plz help any body. i set my Date formate dd/mm/yyyy in control panel, and in Access i set coulumns field as shortDate, I used Folowing Sql Quries but non of them works [CODE] PurchaseSql = "Select * from PUrchase where PurchaseDate => … |
The End.