20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for kieran82

I need help to create a search button vb.net to search a access database that is binded in vb.net. I want to search for 2 items in the database and display then in the datagrid. the code i done is here. [CODE] Dim da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter() Dim con As …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Kids

I have one problem when passing value to parameters for Crystal Report Viewer. The parameters are from Stored Procedure which I have defined. My aim is to accept values from user and display it accordingly. I try to write code as below in Button View Click Event: [code=language] Dim rptdoc …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for rmontgomery

Looks like I can't stop having problems with SQL haha I'm trying to delete a value from a database using the following code, and I have no idea where it's going wrong. It gives the messageboxes saying the operation goes through ok, but doesn't actually delete the data. Here's my …

Member Avatar for rmontgomery
Member Avatar for guest11

hi all, I am developing the map tool application in vb.net where user can create maps. I gave the check boxes for show/hide the layers of map like village boundary(polygon), plot boundary(Polygon), roads(Lines), bore wells(points), dug wells(points), schools(points). I am using the function RedrawMap for displaying various layers of maps …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for brandy32

So I have some of my forms done. But I am stuck I need a basic code to go by so If anyone could provide a basic code I could maybe at least go into the right direction with this. T This code is supost to go under a module …

Member Avatar for brandy32
Member Avatar for meetarun007

Hi to all, In my project I need to display an arrow moving when the user press the START button & it need to stop when stop button is pressed. The moving area of arrow is fixed .ie, consider 100 pixels for the arrow movement. Once it reaches the end …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for chukka32

Hi all, I need a small bit of help with my Black Jack game in VB 2005. Basically I have the game pretty much complete seems to work perfectly, I have two counters set up, one for dealers games won and the second one for players games won which both …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for joshslaton

[CODE]ODBC_COM = New OdbcCommand("UPDATE President SET '" & President_UPDATE_field.Text & "'='" & President_UPDATE_text.Text + "'", ODBC_CON) ODBC_COM.ExecuteNonQuery()[/CODE] i dont know why im having error like this, what i know is my syntax for UPDATE command is correct and im using correct number of single quotes and double quotes

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for jonniebl

I am writing a program that needs to log in to a web site. I have used the following code in my event handler. [code] If WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then WebBrowser1.Document.All("password").SetAttribute("value", Password) WebBrowser1.Document.All("email").SetAttribute("value", email1) 'WebBrowser1.Document.All("comments").SetAttribute("value", comment1) WebBrowser1.Document.Forms(1).InvokeMember("submit") End If [/code] the email and password fill in fine but the submit …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for se_aatif

i have comleted the project i want to make a taskbar in the MDI Parent. that behaves same like taskbar, whenever a new form is opened there will be a link for the form, and also having RightClick Menu from which i can close maximize and minimize the form............ is …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for tashiDuks

This post is continuation to the post which was posted by [B]StatiX[/B] on Oct 23rd, 2007 regarding "Get The Selected row in DatagridView". Addition to this post i have a question. The answer was given by [B]manoshailu[/B] as follows: [code] Private Sub DataGridView1_CellClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi all...need your help form this item....i need to get date from database table and compare it either it today or tomoe..after that need to compare time.... I got table where the format is 'datetime' contains like = 4/11/2010 12:00:00AM'....so i need to get the date only...how to do that?...when …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for sweetypie123

Hi I am trying to find customers name that starts with "S" in my access database. If i run the following query in access its working fine. Select Lastname from employees where Firstname Like '*S*'; it displays two records which is right. if I use it in access it..its not …

Member Avatar for sweetypie123
Member Avatar for Ednt

Hi All, can anyone please tell me what's wrong in this code I'm trying to get some data from an access database and show them in a CheckedListBox The sql quary includes a variable('sport') and it's values is passed by the user when I run the following code an exception …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for kedakai

I was creating a program that will add the value of the first 2 columns in datagridview when you typed it in then the answer will be displayed in the third column... I want to auto update the third column that if I delete the value of one of first …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pcchamp

The program is an inventory control that is suppose maintain store merchandise details in random access files for 3 store locations each location saved to its own RAF. It also uses multiple forms for user to add merchandise, edit/view merchandise details and display an inventory report. Everything is working in …

Member Avatar for pcchamp
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi all...i need your help regarding to change a new day and date after clock shown 00:00:00 AM......can anyone help me....i'm desprerated....tq

Member Avatar for kerek2
Member Avatar for KadajXII

Dear All, I have search a lot of forum or blog for this problem and have yet come up with a solution.. Hope anyone can help me here... Thanks a lot!! I am using Ms Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition (vb.net) Here is my code: [CODE] Private Sub btnUpdate_Click(ByVal sender …

Member Avatar for KadajXII
Member Avatar for orksa

Could somebody please help me with this example! I'm only a beginner. (Palindromes) A palindrome is a String that is spelled the same forward and backward. Some examples of palindromes are: “radar,” “able was i ere i saw elba” and, if blanks are ignored, “a man a plan a canal …

Member Avatar for chukka32

Hi all, I'm nearly finished making a blackjack game for my first year assignment in college using Visual Basic. The game is running ok, I'm happy with that but I am having one small issue! In the frmMain I have a counter set up so it counts and displays the …

Member Avatar for chukka32
Member Avatar for tukky

In my program theres a form where the user enters the ID number and other details of a customer. i want the program to be able , If the ID number already exists when the user enters it and clicks on ok, to display an error message telling them that …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for thanlin
Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for verbalurbs

Hi all... I got a stored procedure to compare dates and if the date is not valid it returns an error in sql server. I need to know how i carry that across to vb. Thanks..

Member Avatar for verbalurbs
Member Avatar for deeaz_luv

Hi everyone, i'm a final year student doing this project on rfid recognizing system. i'm using a rfid reader with smartcards and vb.net as the software platform for this project. 1. i need a help on how to do coding in vb.net(i'm using 2005). in my system, i'm using hyperterminal …

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Member Avatar for rmontgomery

Heya guys, this is my first post - this forum has been loads of help in the past :) Anyway, I am currently coding a program that requests a user's Log In name and password, and then (via a SQL query) checks it against a record in the database, and …

Member Avatar for rmontgomery
Member Avatar for jlego

i have multiple different programs that do different things published as different applications i then have a toolbar type application that has a list of buttons that calls each of these mini applications. all the applications are published to a public server, and each user on the network launches them …

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for ITGuy2010

Hello, I want to create a sorted list, where I enter a name in two separate text boxes(Jones, Brown) and their values in two other textboxes(200,500), then in a fifth text box I enter one of the names and it gives me a messagebox with its corresponding value. Am I …

Member Avatar for jitendrad

i am geeting the error The application failed to Initialize properly (oxc000007b) when I use departmental Script Tools

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for lil_Is

Hi all, I am doing a project on the CRM application which sending and receiving sms using the vb.net language. I am no where to conclusions of my project because I could not build the application. I have found many examples but the problem some of the examples some uses …

Member Avatar for mtbx
Member Avatar for jRish24

can i ask on how to connect the vb.net to internet connection?.... pls send me a code that will connect the vb.net to internet..... tnx :] u can send the code to my ymessenger (jayson_solina11)..... ty

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe

The End.