20,278 Topics

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[CODE] Dim myConnString As String = _ "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Userpass.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=1234567890" Dim ds As New DataSet() Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(myConnString) Dim daCust As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From Userpass1", con) Dim m_dtContacts As New DataTable Dim m_datarow As DataRow Dim m_cbCommandBuilder As OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder Private Sub Form5_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for hannah39

Can anyone recommend a solution for getting labels and grid headers from a sql server 2008 database -- other than creating a table with all the column names and headers/captions and translating them. SQL Server 2008 tables don't have a caption column property which would be useful ... I am …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for ratnish kumar

Hello guys I asked to make a library management project in the college...last year project many over here would might know... I just wanted to ask you guys how should I proceed with this thing..

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Darkicon

I had a few friends test an app for me the first thing they reported to me was an exception from JIT Debugging. IO.FileNotFound on one of my buttons. Specifically what that button does is it launches a previously created batch file in a new subfolder of "Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)", which is …

Member Avatar for pharrill

I can not tell if my array is not working at all. Any help appreciated would be great! Here is the code: [code] Friend Class pizzaarray Structure Size Dim sizedecimal As Decimal Dim crustdecimal As Decimal End Structure 'Hold group number and total for 8 groups Private pizzaarray(7) As Array …

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Member Avatar for Monster Killer

Hello. I am new to using databases in applications and i have a code to select data from the database. However, the first time the application starts, new data is inserted into the database which is needed after. But, the data does not appear until the whole application is restarted. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Learner7

Hi, I have three text boxes on my form as following: 1) txtTelephone 2) txtDate 3) txtPrice What actually I need to know is, how the text box automatically change the values to the below format: [COLOR="Red"]txtTelephone : [/COLOR] If I enter [B]0403507624[/B] it should change automatically the entered values …

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Member Avatar for Mohd Sayyad
Member Avatar for drivehard-gopro

I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller connected on my PC and need to detect the presses of the buttons and movement of the joysticks.... and have no idea how to do it... Thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for drivehard-gopro
Member Avatar for Learner7

Hi, As I am to VB.NET, I would like someone to help me on SearchButton code. I am using MS Access database. I would like to get the result of search commond into ListView. Any sample code for this purpose would be highly appreciated. Regards.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Darkicon

I'm writing a program to automatically setup some long files for use with streamwriting for another app. Basically all it does is add "sw.WriteLine("" to the beginning of every line and "")" to the end of every line. You gather a list of files which is entered into a listbox, …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for bernardb7726

I am sitting with a situation that I have to combined (3 years) for 26 site of 29000 database files where there is 1 table in each data base called RECDATA, I need to combined all that data Into one database file called RECDATA For example there is a database …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Smalls

What I'm trying to do is get the form to catch any key on the keyboard that has been pressed so it will reset a timer? and is it possible to catch these keys stokes even though the app is running in the background?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Learner7

Hi, I have the following code which works pretty fine with Listview. But I would like to use it with computer keyboard up/down arrow keys. How to modify the following code? Please do help. [CODE]Private Sub LVW_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LVW.Click txtTAID.Text = LVW.SelectedItems(0).Text txtVNO.Text …

Member Avatar for Learner7
Member Avatar for Anigmalee

Hi, Im Newbie in VB, Need some help/advise here. 1)I dont know what different between Access Databass, SQL severdatabase, SQL server compact 3.5 in term in application? I just need a brief intruduction in when to use them(How to choose between them) 2)In My project, I use database to store …

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for CipherPol9

hi i am developing a software for tecnichal assistance. i am using a acces database which consists in two tables assitance and cliente and i use inner join to connect t«the two tables. now i connot save data on the table i made the inner join. What code i have …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for sangeethav

hi im doing a project based on radio buttons. i have to save the two group of radio buttons in the database using vb.net codings plz help me its urgent

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for sweetypie123

Hi i have a listview control on form1. I want to send the selected value to form2. I tried couple of ways but nothing seems to work correctly. Please help.

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Member Avatar for DrkNite

we use a terminal emulator called facetwin to run our main unix based applications we want to attach a small document scanner and magnetic strip reader to the system this runs on currently we have a magnetic reader that emulates a keyboard so it sends keystrokes back to the unix …

Member Avatar for jimhutchins
Member Avatar for needanswer

I want to search the records from the textbox and display the records to the datagridview, if there are no records, just display empty on the datagridview. this is not working: [CODE] Dim sqlsearch As String sqlsearch = "SELECT * FROM setting WHERE mname LIKE '%" & TextBox.Text Dim adapter …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for aalto

There's probably a quick solution to this, but I'm struggling with VB2008 Express. Her's my situation anyway: A simple database has been created in Access, which is just basically a table of text, with some images as entries. A form has been created in VB2008 Express and linked to the …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for ankurtandon

Hi All I have “Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition” and “Crystal Reports XI Developer edition”. I have to integrate crystal reports in my application. I am fine developing the reports using the “Crystal Reports IDE” but not sure on how can I integrate those reports into my application. I have …

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Member Avatar for pardeep3dec

Hi i am working on a project for cyber cafe. My problem is that when i am using a form with maximize property who covers all the screen including start menu and status bar but whenever windows key is pressed start menu and status bar showed. so tell me how …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for kerek2

Hi All.... I need to detect when no moving of cursor or keyboard then my form will automatic closing...how to do that..tq

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Member Avatar for clair0917

I'm just learning VB with the 2008 express edition. I'm trying to create a program that uses 3 list boxes. The first contains a list of products. After a search is preformed the second list box displays the products found. This is pretty simple, basic array stuff. My problem is …

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Member Avatar for samuel17

Hi all, What i could really use help on is the Revellos project. For anyone who might possibly have the "Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Reloaded" book this is on page 579. This is what the page says: "Revellos has store located in several states. The sales manager has asked you …

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Member Avatar for keeda

Hi, I have to develop an application on MSexcel, where I on click of a button, the application should run a particular query in MSaccess 2007 and save the query results in .csv format. I am not sure if that's even possible but yeah I guess this the place to …

Member Avatar for TechSupportGeek

Hello world of DaniWeb, I've asked a similar question to this one before but now I'm trying to find an answer to a different problem. You see, I have made a text editing application and, as you might have guessed yourself, I needed to add save features. Well, what I …

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Member Avatar for Anigmalee

I'm a Electrical engineer working in an automation company, recently i'm require to do a PC base HMI. So i decide to use VB to do it(I'm a newbie in VB, just learn/use VB6 in Uni). So far, Im able to read/write to the PLC through serial port. There problem …

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for jnip

Here is my code. Currently I have my information coming out in a message box, but I need need the information to come out in "prose" form. I am not sure where to put it and how to do it. {{ ' applicant details Dim name As String = txtName.Text …

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The End.