20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ana_eht

hi again problem with listbox :( i really tried to find help from google but i couldn't My problem is this : I have 3 listboxes quantity , MenuItem , Price then user must enter data into them then when user clicks on one item in one listbox the same …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for meowbits

I dont want to have to use a case (1-9) to fill pictureboxes with images, is there any way I can reduce this to one? If so.. please explain, basically be able to [CODE]For i = 0 to 8 if player = 1 picturebox(i).image = my.resources.x else picturebox(i).image = my …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for kau14

Plz Help Me In This Regard Am useing Ajax Control 1)ToolkitScriptManager1 2)AutoCompleteExtender i created web service as Follows Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Services Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols Imports AjaxControlToolkit Imports System.Data.SqlClient <System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _ <WebService(Namespace:="http://tempuri.org/")> _ <WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _ <Global.Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.DesignerGenerated()> _ Public Class AutoComplete Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService Private ReadOnly Property ConnectionString() As String Get Return "Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;Database=testproj;Trusted_Connection=True" …

Member Avatar for Lee21

guyz i need your help. I want that everytime I press the ESC "ESCAPE key" there will be a message box popping out then will ask if I want to exit? then if I click the Yes button my Progrma Ends. I also used the form_closing event heres my code. …

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for pandian602

Hi , I am new guy for this forum. i want to read and write the data from one system to another system. I will create firewall exception port no 54321. how to write the data from that port. and read date from that port in another system.

Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, Can you tell me how to change this code so the value in my DatePicker control will update to the database in this update statement? [CODE] strAttendanceUpdateStatement = _ "UPDATE Attendance " & _ "SET DateOfClass = " & DatePickerDateOfClass.Value & ", " & _ "Absent = " …

Member Avatar for emaduddeen
Member Avatar for bonke

Hi i have managed to connect vb.net to Microsoft database access but now i am struggling with the code to authentication log in. when i log in to the form i want it to display the user name in the label in vb.net form. Kind regards Ricardo

Member Avatar for Luc001
Member Avatar for hiz460

Hi, Im trying to input a search box in my forms so that when I type in a customers name it will show there record. I've managed to do it in my transaction form, but not in any other standard forms. In my transaction form I've got this code: [CODE]Private …

Member Avatar for pritesh2010
Member Avatar for j_808

I dont where am going wrong but when i am programming i will make some changes to make code and form e.g add a button or something. Then when i go to debug my program my change dont appear and its been a couple of days and my changes still …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for TrueCoding

Hi, ok the problem is that when a button is click I want it to add 1 (+1) to a textbox. This process will keep on going on till I tell it not to...How would I just keep a running total of whats happening in the textbox...What I mean to …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for lein.o16

can anyone give or suggest system/s for every types/kinds of system that are listed below, i need to propose 6 systems for our thesis. for LMS (Learning Management System) for KMS (Knowledge Management System) for Embedded System for DMS (Document Management System) for DSS (Decision Support System) for Expert System …

Member Avatar for Mike Gale
Member Avatar for bachan28

hi community, i really want to improve my ability in programming vb.net so can you help me improve it by giving me a task or a work to do? like teachers on schools?:$ ( though im not saying that im really good in programming and will be able to do …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for En-Motion

I'm trying to write an app in VB where a user can browse their computer, choose some images and have them display in a slideshow. A later feature will include an option for them to write text which will scroll across the screen - I haven't gotten to this yet. …

Member Avatar for DGULLIVER
Member Avatar for Dcurvez

hi everyone :) I hate to do this but I gotta.. This is what I want to do but dont have the foggiest about how to accomplish it! I have 4 forms..frmWeekOne, frmWeekTwo, frmWeekThree, frmWeekFour. These 4 forms are all added forms to my original project. what I need to …

Member Avatar for DGULLIVER
Member Avatar for joshslaton

Hello, everyone..... its not an issue about how to connect to access using odbc since i did it already: [CODE] Imports System.Data.Odbc ...... Dim ODBC_CON As New OdbcConnection("dsn=DBMS Project") Dim ODBC_READ As OdbcDataReader Dim ODBC_COMM As OdbcCommand [/CODE] [CODE]although my problem is the code on how to select/insert/modify or update …

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Member Avatar for vbahlam

i write this code to know if the combobox= any item in dataset.table("exemple") but is false what can i doing can you help me code: For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables("ligne").Rows.Count - 1 If ComboBox6.SelectedItem = ds.Tables("ligne").Rows(i) .....................

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for judge6

Hi all, I have created a Windows Forms application in Visual Studio.Net 2008. I have some group boxes on the form in order to section various controls on the page. At the bottom of my form is a group box containing a texbox used for display exception messages. I would …

Member Avatar for judge6
Member Avatar for Lee21

guys I need to populate all the values of a specific column in each rows of my table from my database. The specific column that i need is the "position",I'm using sqldatareader here's my code. I know that I need to use looping statements and the items.add properties of the …

Member Avatar for verbalurbs
Member Avatar for sasisam

i want to record report printed date and time when user click on the crystal report print button (which is in the crystal report viewer control). is there are any event like click event.. for that crystal report print button. i want to keep record of printed report. i am …

Member Avatar for sasisam
Member Avatar for kieran82

I am doing a project in college and I am not binding the database. I am connecting to it manually. i got the database to load and display, but can't create a new row or edit the database or delete a row. the code is here and could someone tell …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Nattynooster

What's this control called in VB.NET? I'm sure it's pretty obvious, just not to me! Thanks (image attatched)

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for petrelutza

Hello, I'm working at a project and I want to add a MP3 song an play it when the program that i made will be started... any ideas?

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Member Avatar for TrueCoding

Ok first of all when I was reading a thread on Timers before this guy posted code for a timer and its really good, but only problem with it which I cant figure out is that when I run the program the Msgbox("You have run out of time")..Which is from …

Member Avatar for TrueCoding
Member Avatar for SG01

I am battling with this code. I want to open a word document from a button and want the document (attendance register) to be available to resources once compiled and using on CD from another PC. At present having issues getting it right!!! [CODE]Public Class Form2 Private WordApp As New …

Member Avatar for Nattynooster
Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, I would like to know how to make a DataView global to a particular form. The DataView is currently created and returned from a function within a public class residing in another .vb module. All help will be appreciated. Thanks. Truly, Emad Here's what the code in the …

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Member Avatar for shubhamshah

Hey guys, Once again i need help and this time i have no idea how to do it. I would love it if someone could help me out here =) . Basically what i want to do is open a txt file using openfiledialog which i have set out and …

Member Avatar for shubhamshah
Member Avatar for «¤¦PR☼GRAM¦¤»

So I have just started vb.net and I am making an emailer but I want to know how I can use a combobox or checkbox to automatically add @gmail.com or @ live.com. This way the user only has to enter there username for there specified email

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for pritesh2010

hello everyone i had created 5-6 crystal report in my vb.net project with back end sql server 2005 and i had given my path for crystal report. after this i had creted setup and deployed at customer machine but there it dosn't shows any report instead of it gives an …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

Hi experts I m creating a project in vb .net I have dataset xsd and a crystal report file when in xsd file I add any one table , in crystal report “database Field/ Project data/ADO .NET dataset/” show table & fields but when I add any more table or …

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Member Avatar for jackiejoe

The way my code is now its all basically in one class and I want to move different functions into other classes to organise it a bit. What is the best way to do this as I have been having problems - I was just bringing in a new Main …

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The End.