20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kecy

I need a code for vb.net which helps to search for entries on a search engine in a database and shows it on a form. For instance, I enter first year students in a search engine, and it brings out a list of students on a form from a database.

Member Avatar for C0rey

Hello all, I'm new to VB .Net, I found this open source file editor. Its can read unicode text fine, but its doesn't save unicode and its read only ITST01 and not QEST01. How to make its detect both and save as unicode? Here is the file format. [CODE] BSTR …

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using visual studio 2005. I want to split the form into 2 parts. On the left side i wil give the VB coding. On the right side i want output for that coding. Similar to this link [url]http://www.w3schools.com/html/tryit....ml_paragraphs1[/url] But the link is for HTML coding, But …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for the_swan
Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Bill Purkins

Using Visual Basic 2008 Express, this has happened to me twice now. I have emailed projects as zipped email attachments, and then when I restore them and open the project, when I click on the VIEW menu, the Designer option does not show up! All I can do is look …

Member Avatar for Bill Purkins
Member Avatar for venkatramcse

Hi friends, I need to create a .exe such that. i need to recognise a msgbox when the user types -99 in keyboard. I have done it with keypress event. it works fine. bnut the problem is i need to activate the form even when the user in other application …

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Member Avatar for NEo4

Hello, How can I create a multi-field list box like in the picture in the link below in Visual Studio. NEo4 [URL="http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/black-eagle-bucket/multi-field_listbox.png"]http://i465.photobucket.com/albums/rr12/black-eagle-bucket/multi-field_listbox.png[/URL]

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Member Avatar for bhushanpatil

Can any body tell me how to display files and folder in vb.net explorer form. Or tell me how can I create form which will be similar to windows explorer.exe which displays My computer,Folders,Files and so on.

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for vagueante

Hi all, I have a small app in .net 2008, running (in systray), in many computers in my company, that has to alert the user a few times during the day's work, and sometimes ask for their input. The problem is, when, i open a form (show or showdialog), it …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using Visual studio 2005. i want to split the forms into 2 parts. The coding must be displayed on the left side And the output for that on the right side. Thankyou sir.

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using VS2005. In the form i am having Webbrowser Control. I am viewing many HTML pages on this control. What i need is, with a button click i need to copy the content of textarea in every HTML pages to clipboard. Can anyone help me in …

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am using Visual studio 2005. I am having more link labels on a form under a tabbed control. I want to search for certain linklabels in a form. So i used the coding below, But it is displaying the search in the corresponding tabs itself. But i …

Member Avatar for bharanidharanit

Hello sir, I am having one HTML page which is viewed in webbrowser control in vs2005. I would like to export that page to pdf with a button click.

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for leolim

i am newbie to this could anyone show me how to retrieve the data from sql server and export the data to txt file? in vb.net windows application?? i want the same row and column of data retrieve from sql server to be insert and stored in the text file …

Member Avatar for leolim
Member Avatar for the_swan

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I'm going to store a selected image from fileupload and save the image in a array of byte in a file [COLOR="Red"]"the code" [/COLOR] Dim _fileName As String = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath & FileUpload1.FileName Dim _byte() As Byte = FileUpload1.FileBytes() Dim _file As New IO.FileStream(_fileName, IO.FileMode.Create) For _i As Integer = …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Birdie010

Please review the code below, I'm not able to determine why I'm receiving the error message: " Conversion from DBNull to type String is valid. Any help is appreciated. Private Sub txtSearch_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtSearch.TextChanged If txtSearch.Text = "" Then lblAdvice.Text = "Enter characters …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for harsha_abraham

I am getting the following error “The ConnectionString property has not been initialized’, while executing the below portion of code.checked that the below connection string is having value and not null. (Data Source=NAWINSQL050;Initial Catalog=AlbatrossDB; Integrated Security=true) objFormatOut = FormatDepartment.Format.FormatSelectById(m_intOutputFormat, oConn)<—--error occurs(The ConnectionString property has not been initialized’) in the below …

Member Avatar for reena12
Member Avatar for cassie_sanford

I am writing a project that stores vehicle information such as the model,manuf., year, etc. I have to create a second project that loads the data from the file into memory and loads a drop down combo box with the VIN numbers. When the number is selected from the box, …

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Member Avatar for kritiohri
Member Avatar for kritiohri
Member Avatar for Birdie010

I'm receiving error message "Syntax error missing operator in query expression" any help you can provide is appreciated. Private Sub btnEmailCat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEmailCat.Click Dim SQLStmt, EmailAddress, SubjectLine, BodyText, CATDateString, DollarsAndCents, NoDecimal As String Dim CATCounter As Integer Dim GSIdNum, GSIdHash As Long Dim …

Member Avatar for sumithakb
Member Avatar for asameh99

How can I declare global variables then I can access them on the other forms? And how can I use radio button for choose statement? thanks. .

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Birdie010

I'm receiving error message "Data Type mismatch in criteria expression", any help with debugging is appreciated. Private Sub btnEmailCat_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEmailCat.Click Dim SQLStmt, EmailAddress, SubjectLine, BodyText, CATDateString, DollarsAndCents, NoDecimal As String Dim CATCounter As Integer Dim GSIdNum, GSIdHash As Long Dim Cnxn As …

Member Avatar for Birdie010

I'm receiving error message "ExecuteReader got No value given for one or more required parameters", any help with this is appreciated. (using Access 2003) Public Class frmDisplayJV Private Sub DisplayJV_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load cbJVDate.Items.Clear() Dim ADate, SQLStmt As String Dim ACounter As Integer Dim …

Member Avatar for noseforwine

I have designed a form to open a .txt file, read the values and display them into the forms label controls. My problem is that I cant figure out how to advance to read the next record when I click on the next record btn. I am able to read …

Member Avatar for waynespangler
Member Avatar for Gwen203

I made a Calculator with 3 Textboxes (the First 2 for the Variables the Third for the Result) and 4 buttons (+, -, *, /) and the code i used for the subtraction button was: [CODE] TextBox3.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) - Val(TextBox2.Text) [/CODE] But Heres all my Code: [QUOTE] Private Sub …

Member Avatar for kb.net
Member Avatar for leolim

hi anyone please tell me that how do i connect to oracle database using vb.net through the application config and how to retrieve the data from the oracle database? what is the procedure that i need to do to enable connection to oracle database? currently the server is not on …

Member Avatar for the_swan
Member Avatar for asmit1987

Hello People , I am creating a project in VB.net . now the problem is there are several forms and i start with the login form my login consist of three major fields username , password , type now the type here is the type of user accessing the application …

Member Avatar for kinyuadave
Member Avatar for Kshiteesh

Dear frens, from your help I succeeded in creating data grid . Thank you for it. Now i need to generate report from data grid. my data grid code is as follows; Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Db1DataSet1.Clear() Dim conStr As String = …

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The End.