20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Haxorz

Hi all, I am really stuck in FarPoint Spread. I have a FarPoint Spread in my WinForms. In the run time I am putting the values in the Spread to do some calculation. But I want to know how I can export / save the data that I have enter …

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Member Avatar for critalk

I found some example codes, but I don't know the meaning of 1.0f in this code. Anyone know the meaning pls advise. e.Graphics.PageUnit=GraphicsUnit.Inch Dim dpix As Single = e.Graphics.DpiX Dim dpiy As Single = e.Graphics.DpiY Dim p As new Pen(Color.Black,3) Dim mx As new Matrix([B]1f[/B]/dpix,0,0,[B]1f[/B]/dpiy,0,0) p.Transform=mx e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(p,[B]0.5f[/B],[B]0.5f[/B],1,1)

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for palurishi

code for saving javascripts info in data base whats the procedure rishi waiting for ur reply<EMAIL SNIPPED> sql server 2005 database vb.net

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for BigPandaCake

I've been trying for hours to do this and can't figure it out.. I'm trying to add a new record to a table in my local database.. Heres the SQL code im using at the minute.. I keep getting this error "The data was truncated while converting from one data …

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Member Avatar for Dcurvez

hi all :) Newbie here. Just wanna know if it is possible to make a pop up box, that is actually used for a little note holder instead of a premade message box? and if so..can you tell me how to accomplish this? I am wanting to attach it to …

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Member Avatar for mrnileshagrawal

Hi Friend how we can capture webcam image from our vb.net 2005 Application pzl it's really urgent...

Member Avatar for zalmay
Member Avatar for GuruJin

Hello ^^ I have been working on this for a long while now, I have added a Windows media player that I hide in the Background of my application window(form) . and lets say its named "Player" Player. "WHAT" = gets me the Original length of the Audio file being …

Member Avatar for GuruJin
Member Avatar for ITGuy2010

How could I add array values and populate the results in a specified text box?Then repeat for each line after. Then get a final total. Any help would be very appreciated. For example: 1 2 3 4 5 (15)-text box 1 2 3 4 5 (15)-text box 2 4 4 …

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Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hi, currently making a game for school and need some help,the game is a shorter version of blackjack, the card values are in an array, and they are 1 to 11,the dealer and the player get dealt two cards each at the start and then a third later, you can …

Member Avatar for Alexpap
Member Avatar for ITGuy2010

Hello, If I wanted to pass the two arrays below into a function and multiply them and return the two dimensional array how would I go about doing that? If anyone can give me an example I'll go with that. Thanks! [CODE]Public Class frmTotalDailySales Dim ItemCost() As Decimal = {12D, …

Member Avatar for Bagleys

Hi im trying to run "ipconfig /all" in vb this is the code i have but the window closes down after it has completed the command is there away to keep the window active until the user wants to close it? [CODE]Dim Command As String Command = "ipconfig /all" Shell("cmd …

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Member Avatar for t.alkathiri

Dear all Members I am trying to customize the default binding navigator as i inherit it to my own class and add some buttons to it. every thing gos fine and great as i want it, but the problem is when i change any thing in the AddStandardItems() method class …

Member Avatar for manowar666

Hi, I am building my first VB2008 application and I am trying to figure out a way to make some check boxes being checked when an entry from a combo box is selected on top of these check boxes. More specific, I am trying to describe the services offered in …

Member Avatar for manowar666
Member Avatar for tanvirahmad

hi experts i m facing a problem , i m using these code for inserting data, but showing error “[B][U]The Conversion of the char data type to a date time resulted in an out-of-rang date time value . The Statement Has been terminated[/U] [/B] “ Their is "[B]ro_date[/B]" is [B]datetime[/B] …

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Member Avatar for ITGuy2010

Hello, I am trying a better way to write what I have coded below, the idea is I have a one dimensional array with set values and a rectangular array that gets the number of items entered each into a text box. 1. Is there a simpler way to get …

Member Avatar for Gé48

When entering a value in dgv I want the Tab key to fire a routine. Works out ok only thing is I have to hit the Tab twice before it fires. Don't know why, is there a way to prevent it, so that I have to hit the Tab key …

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Member Avatar for nodoso

Hi everybody, I am kind of new to vb.net and have some problems with images. I need to show multiple images but the amount can be variable. So I know there is some kind of picturebox in vb.net to show an image. But how can I show multiple images without …

Member Avatar for SolutionExpert
Member Avatar for IndranilM

Hello Folks, I have developed a s/w on vb.net2008 and want to make a setup of it so that my client could easily install it in her system without having .net framework installed in it. If anybody could provide me a step by step method i would appreciate. Regards Indranil …

Member Avatar for GeekByChoiCe
Member Avatar for theMediator

Hello all, I've developed an application for mobile devices that, upon being shut down, continues to show the loading animation for an infinite amount of time. However, I have noticed that once you click on something else, i.e. open another window or folder the animation disappears and does not reappear …

Member Avatar for emaduddeen

Hi Everyone, Can you tell me how do I set up create Insert, Update and Delete commands for your a DataAdapter? I'm using a DataGridView to allow the user to view, change and delete data rows and would like to be able to save any changes made in the grid …

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Member Avatar for SubatomicRhythm

Im trying to work out how to do a project called pig latin in vb.net 2003... so far I've gotten it to work for a single word. If there are spaces it still acts like there is only one word with the rules (ex: monkey stuff = onkey stuffmay) I …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for dannycool

[code]Public Class Form Private Sub Form_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load AxMSComm1.CommPort = 2 ' Set the port number AxMSComm1.Settings = "9600,N,8,1" ' Set UART parameters AxMSComm1.PortOpen = True 'MSComm1.Output = Chr$(27) & Chr$(&H65) End Sub Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for buzzykerbox

Hey Guys and Gals, I'm stuck on a little project im doing myself at home,I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times,if any …

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Member Avatar for pritesh2010
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Member Avatar for iamai

Hello I have write a simple code just to test about BeginInvoke and EndInvoke methods but i don't get anything. The form has 2 buttons and 2 labels .. if you press the button1 label1 gets increase and so on . here what i have do so far [CODE] Public …

Member Avatar for iamai
Member Avatar for bachan28

uhm i have a problem in vb.net can someone help me here please? so here's the problem...... i created a software and its already installable but (uhm how can i say this im not good in english so its hard for me to tell my problem geez:$) i have this …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for SecurExpert

Hi guys, I gat a VB project for a hospital information management system, almost in completion. The issue is that, i want it to collect information from the user installing it. Information like maybe the database name, etc and the likes, you know relevant information necessary for the program to …

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Member Avatar for michtan

I have textbox showing the path which read from txt file ----------------------------- Inside Txtfile look like this : TextBox1.Text = C:\Hello\ ------------------------------- And the textbox will show the path C:\Hello\ Whatever i changed in txtfile the textbox will show the path from txtfile But now i want to edit from …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for drummy

Greetings community, I've exhausted all ideas and patience and turn to the community at large for help. I have data formatted as an ASCII text file with easting, northing, and depth fields. I've attempted an arrayList with some success, but there has to be a better and more efficient approach. …

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Member Avatar for jkrause

Hi all! I have two combo boxes: cboRepairCategory (plumbing, landscaping, etc) and cboVendors. I am using Stored Procedures in SQL to store the data from my database and then load them into the combo boxes. The cboRepairCategory will be loaded first. Once the user has selected what type of repair …

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The End.