20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for zhouy

Dear All, I have a small probelm with updating my database. Here are my codes ~~~ vb Module AphidSimVar Dim myCon As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection("Data Source=|DataDirectory|\AphidModel.sdf") Dim myCmd As SqlCeCommand Dim myAdap As SqlCeDataAdapter Dim myDataSet As DataSet Dim myTable As DataTable Dim myBuilder As SqlCeCommandBuilder Public Sub ShowData() …

Member Avatar for paoi00

hello again :D i want to update my database if an enrollee have balance or dont have.. if they have balance , the record of payment of student will be updated.. here's my code : Dim cn As OleDbConnection If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Student Number! ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for paoi00

i saw this [article ](http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/vbnet/threads/399212/printing-from-list-view) that shows printing of listview using printdocument.. it helps me but then i want to place my list view on the middle of the page.. i want to know how to place it.. can you please help me? thank youu. !

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for tashee2007

Dear All, I have few question regarding using Treeview in my project. The screen of my project is been attched. I can populate the data from database in treeview using following code: ~~~ vb Imports System.Data.SqlClient Public Class Tree Private Sub Tree_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for vbDotMe

Hi, I'm trying to setup sort of a LAN keep-alive proxy... Ex.: * My Xbox 360 is connected strait to my computer via an ethernet cable. * My computer is connected to the internet via a Wi-Fi adapter. * Everything works fine and I can access the internet on the …

Member Avatar for vbDotMe
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello my fellow daniwebbers, I have yet another question. I have a date, which is pulled from a database, that I need to convert to another form of that date. Example. Date1: 1/2/2001 Date2: 01/02/2001 What i am wanting to do is turn the current date format into two digit …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for newbie12345

Good day programmers!. i have here a login in form1 that is connected to my sql database. i want that if i login in form1. the form2 will show my name. can anyone help me?.

Member Avatar for smitty68503
Member Avatar for Sahil89

Hello guys is there any way to run the WPF storyboard using code in VB.NET? If yes how can we do it? And if i am not gonna get answer to this question too then let me know. Thank you!

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for paoi00

hello ! can you please help me..? i want to limit the number of students(60) that will be enrolled in one section and prompt a message that it surpass the limit.... i inserted it in my combobox1 ..here's my code : strsql = "select * from Schedulings where Sections = …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I am trying to have a situation where if a user clicks on a certain row in a datagridview control the value in the datagridview row will be shown for a a certain column. Column 1 in my datagridview control has Names in it so I want if a user …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for tashee2007

[code] Private Sub DataBinding() Try Dim bsTableName2 As String bsTableName2 = "dbo.hrBranchSetup" 'cboOrganization.DataBindings.Clear() 'cboOrganization.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds.Tables(bsTableName2), "OsID")) brCode.DataBindings.Clear() brCode.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds.Tables(bsTableName2), "BranchCode")) brName.DataBindings.Clear() cboOrganization.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("SelectedValue", ds.Tables(bsTableName2), "OsID")) cboOrganization.DataBindings.Clear() brName.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Text", ds.Tables(bsTableName2), "BranchName")) bsOnlineYNCheckBox.DataBindings.Clear() bsOnlineYNCheckBox.DataBindings.Add(New Binding("Checked", ds.Tables(bsTableName2), "OnLineBrYN")) Catch ex As Exception MessageBox.Show("Error No : " & Err.Number & vbCrLf _ …

Member Avatar for robea
Member Avatar for mikeybware

I have an SQL select statement that I cannot quite get working. Dim SelectStr As String = "SELECT * FROM Appointments WHERE Doctor = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "' AND AptDate = #" & DateTimePicker1.Text & "#" This works perfect ... however I have 2 more WHERE possibilities ... I …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for Gus_19

As for the form, the user enters the data, but if they need to add additional items (i.e. more people, property vehicles), I need the data to save to an excel file, but clear the form. I have been able to get the textboxes and rich textboxes to clear, but …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for roshu10

To freeze the exicution for specified period we use threading.thread.sleep() in timer tick event..... But my problem is how to freeze the exicution of a button clivk event for a specified time.....?? I jst tried to use threading.thread.sleep() But its not working in button click event

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Member Avatar for brainthomas33

I am struggling to do a project in Visual Basic 2010, I need to make a replication of the New Years Eve ball droping in New York City. The balls has to drop for 30 seconds and can be stoped at any time, it also must include a timer starting …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for mitchfizz05

Hello all. I am making a virtual iPod touch in VB.NET, and I hate it how I have a form that I can't drag and move the form around the screen, I've trying making the form goto Mouse's location when the mouse moves and Dragging = True, but that doesn't …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Begginnerdev

Hello my fellow Daniwebbers, I have yet another question for you. I have been using a library to scan, located [here](http://bytescout.com/products/developer/scansdk/bytescoutscansdk.html), and have not been getting a consistant return. When I use the TWAIN Source, the GUI pops up and disappears almost instantly. When I tell the source manager to …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for Aviplo

Can anyone help me with importing text file to sql server using vb.net here is my code ~~~ vb Dim ImportedFile As String Dim ImportedLines() As String Dim OneLine() As String Dim strSQL As String Dim i As Integer If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("D:\PPOS\Sales_report\inventory_255503221452_Cake102.CSV") Then ' Read the whole text file ImportedFile = …

Member Avatar for ExpertMind
Member Avatar for mitchfizz05

Hello all! I really want to make a chat that runs over a network, but Microsoft nor Ostrosoft winsock works. I know I am doing it right, plus for Ostrosoft winsock you need to install its program thing on each computer you use your program on. I did sort of …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

please kindly help me!!! what i wanted is when i select items in the combobox and it is already in the database it will prompt that it is already in the database..tnx ~~~ vb Private Sub ComboBox3_Validating(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ComboBox3.Validating If ComboBox3.Validating Then con …

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for G_Waddell

Hi All, I know this may seam odd but I'm getting an error navigating through a datagrid of an invalid cast. The trouble is it is of the same types!! I working on customising some Sage code and in the form there is a datagrid that is populated by a …

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Member Avatar for jhedonghae

hi again everyone...i'am currently making an enrollment system and it requires to be a LAN..does anyone knows how to make a system become LAN?

Member Avatar for jhedonghae
Member Avatar for TriaL11

Hi Im having a problem in my search.. I have a listbox named listbox1 then a button beside a textbox for searching records inserted inside the listbox.. but when I dont type anything, the listview items gone.., what is the best way to solve this? :) Thanks

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for paoi00

My textbox6 represents the dateprinted of my asssessment form.. i code it like this : TextBox6.Text = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Date then in the my SAVE Button coded like this : Dim cn As OleDbConnection If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Student Number! ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Warning") ElseIf TextBox1.TextLength = 9 Then con …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for AT--O

**Precedents:** Using visual basic express 2010 on windows 7 pro 64b. Solution one CLB is a class library with multiple projects. Solution two WFA is a windows form application with a reference to one of the CLB projects .dll located in the bin release folder (not the debug folder). **Problem:** …

Member Avatar for pardeep3dec
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi All, It's my first time to use this component and I manage to simply load a simple website in my program. My question is, how do you handle webpages that loads a java applet? I am able to load a webpage login form via navigate function and successfully logged …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for SyncMaster170

Hello all, I have a vb app that cannot find the reference specified. I am using VS2010. The only error I have is this: Error 2 Encountered multiple versions of the assembly with GUID '00020813-0000-0000-c000-000000000046'. Try pre-importing one of these assemblies. C:\Users\Anonymous\Desktop\Waynoka Apps\Waynoka Management\Waynoka Management\TlbImp Anon Management The reference is …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for tendaimare

I am trying to delete a record from a table by using dao recordset. Currently I am working with the code listed below. Unfortunately i've realised that this code only deletes the first record in my table, whereas I am looking to delete a record form the table with an …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for paoi00

My textbox6 represents the dateprinted of my asssessment form.. i code it like this : TextBox6.Text = My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime.Date then in the my SAVE Button coded like this : Dim cn As OleDbConnection If TextBox1.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Enter a Student Number! ", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Warning") ElseIf TextBox1.TextLength = 9 Then con …

Member Avatar for paoi00
Member Avatar for jhedonghae

hello! i'm trying to implement an audit trail in my system and what i wanted is that when the user click the login button, infos like username, level of access, time in and date will be save in the database and fortunately i have done it and here is my …

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The End.