20,284 Topics
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Hi i am developing an application i want to store data and image in a single table pls give the solution ? | |
can you just tell how to play a sound files(.mp3,wav,mp4)using directX but not using any player controls like media player | |
Hello everyone! I had a quick question on how to use pictures in a VB program. What I'm trying to do is when someone selects an item in a listbox, to show the corresponding jpg file. I selected the relevant jpgs from the desktop, copied them to the clipboard and … | |
I'm making a shortcut tool for vista and know how to make my program load Yahoo! or MSN, But the question i have is if the person has not saved Yahoo! or MSN to there C drive this wont work [code] Dim oPro As New Process With oPro .StartInfo.UseShellExecute = … | |
Hi Guys, for this time, i need to display blob from oracle database into my picturebox...the connection to oracle database already done, i can display the userid and username in textbox but the image still cannot display in picturebox...how to do my friend?...plz help me... | |
Hi All: I am a rookie visual basic.net programmer I am trying to develop a bible software using VB2005.Net (as my end of the term project whic i am supposed to submit in April) but i am a bit stucked as to how to start. so far i have designed … | |
I am working on datagrid I have two datagrid I have to copy some value from one datagrid to another using drag and drop. I have write the following code my Drag and Drop event is't firing. Can anyone help me in this regard. [CODE] Private Sub DataGridViewCashBook_MouseDown(ByVal sender As … | |
can someone help me with the follwing i can able display the ms access table in datagridview control of vb 2005 now i want to update the table values from vb.im using ms access 2007. and by using oledb connection statements i hv connected the access database do u have … | |
I was commenting some VB.NET 2003 code when on a whim I tried this: [code=vb] ' Note the variable is "theta" or keypad alt+233 Dim Θ As Double = 3.14159 / 4.0 MsgBox(Θ) [/code] It compiled and ran fine. Without going into ethical debates, is this sort of thing really … | |
hello everyone, i am working on digital media convertor in vb.net. number of file formats we are going to convert in to any media format using proper compressors. So if want to add new file format to my program, or want a previous format delete. How can i add this … | |
can anyone help me to have a restriction for logging in, every 3 trials the user enters wrong username and password, the application closes. pls help.. thanks in advance. | |
Hi i am developing an application for Cyber cafe pls give me some idea about this application? | |
Hi, If I Select a row and issue the "for update wait 5" option, does it lock the row for 5 seconds until I've done an update on the row I've selected, or do I have to issue a commit to release the record to be updated by me? Thanks. | |
I am a beginner in Visual Basic and currently writing gymnasium software that seeks to do the following • Collects data from users and recommends various exercises to be done. It calculates the Body Mass Index ( BMI ) of the person and gives the user various advice based on … | |
Hi, I am new to this site. I am in a pinch here and need to get this figured out quickly for a customer of mine. I am designing a simple site that will include a custom sign-up box for a Constant Contact newsletter. This requires that I use their … | |
Hello newbie here! I'm a student working on a small project with Visual Basic Express. I'm about finishing my project and been trying to publish it to a CD. This project contains labels which read data from text files stored in the bin directory and a login database. But I … | |
Is anyone have idea of how we add new row in datagrid I want to add DR and CR Column in datagrid view DataGrid View have 4 column Sr#, Discription, DR, CR [CODE] Dim DR As Decimal Dim CR As Decimal DR = DataGridViewCashBook.Rows(index).Cells(4).Value.ToString() CR = DataGridViewCashBook.Rows(index).Cells(5).Value.ToString() DataGridViewBankStatment.Rows.Add() [/CODE] | |
Hi everyone, Below is code snippet to load excel file in datagrid. When my excel file is load is show unnecessary column with blank data. I did not want to show these columns. Can any help me how I will remove this column. I don't know how much blank column … | |
Hi.. my query is.. i have combobox in that i have to load the particular column from db.. for that i used ... ...... da.fill(ds,"user") dt=ds.tables("user") for i= o to dt.rows.count -1 combobox1.items.add(dt.rows.count(i).item(0)) next my doubt is... i have lots of columns in my table(db)... if i load combobox one … | |
hello guy, Recently i faced a problem that i have 2 sqldatasource where connect to different server. But the problem is how to combine 2 sqlcommand into one datagrid. eg: [ICODE]1) sql1 = Select ID, Name from Table1 sqldatasource1.selectcommand = sql1 datagrid1.datasource = sqldatasource1 datagrid1.databind[/ICODE] [ICODE]2) sql2 = Select ID, … | |
Hi. I am working on reading data from a XML file and upload to sql server 2005. The XML file has many rows of data stored. Each data row node has many subnodes. I have to validate the XML against the schema. The problem is if a particular data row … | |
I want to know how to insert image into ListView Subitem. I know how to insert image into ListView first Subitem means. To insert an image into first item [code] dim lvitem as ListViewItem set lvitem=ListView1.Items.add("Sonia",me.ImageList1.Images.count-1) [/code] Can somebody tell me how to insert an image without text into subitem. | |
Okay, someone explain this one. I retrieve the environment variable USERNAME and assign it to a string variable. I can even show it in a MSGBOX and it shows "Owner". In my code I want to assign the value to a text box when it gets focus. It does it, … | |
How to move (or Duplicate) a Microsoft SQL Server Database from One Physical Server to another server (like backup) in vb.net 2.0 ? | |
Pls. tell me what's wrong with this code, I really need a big help..... tnx in advance... [code] Imports System.Data.OleDb Module Module1 Public admin As Boolean 'Use to identify if current user is Administrator End Module Public Class LoginForm1 Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles … | |
hi Alls, I really need your help regarding this method, Actually i need to create one search box using textbox and the result will display on listbox. I have textbox1 as inputbox, button1 as search button , listbox1 to display the value , Database1.mdb as my database. Can u guide … | |
i have declared an array which i want to populate with names, as they are entered into an input box.It does not seem to work i have tried many other methods with the array but to no success. [code]Dim namearray() As String Dim i As Integer name = InputBox("Enter the … | |
Hello! I would like to ask..if its possible to convert the codes form vb6.0 into vb.net web application? If there's a way what is it? Thank You Very Much! | |
I have a datetimepicker field with properties format set to time. I can find no reference anywhere on how to set the value of the time. i.e. today at 5 pm. it either defaults to 12:00:00 or I can set it to Now. But anything else? Can't figure out how. … | |
Hi Guys, I'm really need help for this item, the situation is i got textbox1 as a input , button1 as searchbutton abd textbox2 to display the item that been enter in textbox1. All the table from .mdb Can guide me plz |
The End.