20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ossehaas

Hi, I have a question. I'm studying MCTS Application Development Foundation .NET 2.0 VB and I have a Server - Client Messenger app to exchange text. One NetworkStream is used both for reading and writing the strings. Now I want to exchange different types of objects to and from the …

Member Avatar for kdee

I have a problem... stuck a bit... I'm trying to get this confirmation link into the letter I'll send to my friends. I got the following code on the net but it just doesn't work. I have [B]Createuserwizard[/B] on my [B]create acount page[/B]. This code is placed into [B]CreateAccount.aspx.vb[/B] I …

Member Avatar for kdee
Member Avatar for sweet cLassy

hello guys, i'm new to VB, n i have been given a project (data extraction ) for my final year project, n i'm quite confuse. Can anyone, tell me how to extract data from one source? for eg: from .txt file. Thank u so much for your time.

Member Avatar for sweet cLassy
Member Avatar for madelein

I need urgent help please!!!! This is my problem: I want to connect to a Access database with VB.Net. Here is my imports: [code] Imports System.IO Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Collections Imports System.ComponentModel [/code] Here is my connection string: [code] Public pDB As New OleDbConnection("Jet OLEDB:Global Partial …

Member Avatar for Abhay Joshi
Member Avatar for Naik Dhiren

i am using a binding navigator as usercontrol having add,delete buttons my problem is that i can not write into click event of add button on the form but i can wirte into click event of usercontrol so pls help me how can i write code in click event of …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for rapture

Nobody is going to interact with you by way of email - first of all it doesn't help anyone else who has a similar problem and searches the site, and secondly we're not going to get 'tied' to helping you in that way or bothered with 100,000,000 questions in our …

Member Avatar for rapture
Member Avatar for asif786

I have a listbox in my program and a command button. When the user selects an item form the listbox and clicks the command button, a message box is shown which asks the user to confirm selection and has yes and no options to enable this. If the user clicks …

Member Avatar for bcasp
Member Avatar for Alexpap

i have a program that has to connect to a remote db ( SQL or Access). i have found a way to connect to the sql db but i dont know how to do the exact same thing with the Access db.... Anyone can help?

Member Avatar for martonx
Member Avatar for arunasingh

Sir , I have 3 dropdown in first dropdown i have employee id and if i select that id ,related data is displayed in other two dropdown but problem is that i have use coding in the selectedindexchanged of dropdown so the code is transferred from there to someplace and …

Member Avatar for selvaganapathy
Member Avatar for SGiorgos

Hi, I am currently developing an application using vb.net 2005 and windows mobile 6 sdk,and sql server ce for my database. I try to connect to the database i created using the following code: I get an identifier expected error pointing the dot[.] .The code is this [INLINECODE] ("Data Source …

Member Avatar for clj1973
Member Avatar for Trekker182

Hello all, I'm trying to validate against someone entering letters into an input box. Here is the code I have so far that doesn't seem to do work after I add the second part to verify if what they entered is numeric. I don't even the get input box anymore. …

Member Avatar for Trekker182
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I need to create a multi user VB.Net application that connects to Access 2007 and has 2 forms. How do I go about it? Please give me a start up. Thanks

Member Avatar for shai_2517
Member Avatar for muhammad.atif

I am working in VB 2005. I want user input in textboxes. On user last textbox lost focus all data entered inthe textboxes shold shift to datagridview. User input as many data as he want. when he finish all his enteries. Click on save butto all data of datagridview insert …

Member Avatar for muhammad.atif
Member Avatar for unabomberto

Hi guys, I'm trying to import an Excel Spreadsheet to Microsoft Access Database but this Error Message always show up [COLOR="red"]"NOT A VALID FILE NAME"[/COLOR] Can you please guys help me out. ^_^ Thanks a lot! :) [code] Try Dim acc As String = "C:\ffsclines.accdb" Dim exx As String = …

Member Avatar for archangelzero6

Hello I am trying to get comboboxes to rely on one another and cannot get this to work. I am trying to get combobox1 to submit its value to combobox2, then the selection in combobox3, then give a total value of the 3 comboboxes. it is for selecting a car …

Member Avatar for archangelzero6
Member Avatar for asif786

i want to users to be able to vote for their favourite soft drink. They will input the names of the soft drinks through the use of an inputbox, the names input are stored in an array. what i would like to do is count the votes given to each …

Member Avatar for toko
Member Avatar for wnmichaud

Help Me, Please..VERY URGENT I have this cenario: I have a form(NewcomplaintForm.vb that will collect informations for ComplaintTable(complaintid, ComplaintType, date, desc, status, recommendation, etc..); ComplainantTable(complainantid, last, first, etc..); OffenderTable(offenderid, last, first, etc..) DutyofficerTable(dutyofficerid, last, first, etc..) and insert data into these tables respectively. when NewComplaint, check for complainant last and …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for chriswininger

I have an application which embeds an instance of word 2007 inside of it. Everything works fine except until I open a fresh instance of word 2007 from the start menu. Instead of opening a new instance of word it finds my instance and loads a blank document inside of …

Member Avatar for chriswininger
Member Avatar for TriceD

Hi all, here is a code snippet I'm having trouble understanding. [CODE]public notinheritable class myClass ------Public Delegate Sub mySubDelegate() ------Public Sub mySub(ByVal Text As String) -----------------If Me.InvokeRequired Then ------------------------Dim SI As New mySubDelegate(AddressOf mySub) ------------------------Me.Invoke(SI, New Object() {Text}) -----------------Else ------------------------ Text = "Something" -----------------End If ------End Sub End class[/CODE] Assume …

Member Avatar for TriceD
Member Avatar for geetajlo
Member Avatar for omotoyosi

helllo great programmers please how do i export the data i previously have on excel sheet to my published sql database

Member Avatar for johnas

Hi. I have never used a forum before. I hope that someone can help me. :) I am using VWD 2008 Express edition to build an editable datagrid. My problem is with the Update Function: [ICODE] Sub dgShows_Update(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridCommandEventArgs) 'Determine the value of the …

Member Avatar for cutieann12

I have this function in zooming in and zooming out the image in picturebox however this code only works to a single image. The problem is i am loading images in my form and what i want is when i choose the image it will do the function and it …

Member Avatar for Byock

I also have similar problem....i need to connect my console application to a linux server.... The console application is in C#.....now i need to connect to a linux server where the files & folders that i need to manipulate are located.... Can anyone please give me some idea on how …

Member Avatar for happyday09

Hello All. Can someone please help me? I have been at this code for two weeks. I am a newbie at creating the following code in VB6. I want to open a database (SQL), read from the data tables, and write the data into an existing excel spreadsheet cell by …

Member Avatar for happyday09
Member Avatar for novadose

I have looked around a couple of sites and found how to remove duplicates from a listbox but not how to send the duplicate free list of names over to a second listbox, an example of code i found [CODE]Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for bonbonbon

Hello, I'm trying to extract a certain string from a URL. The URL is as follows: [url]http://site.com/profiles/12345678[/url] The Number is the value that I'm trying to retrieve, and write it to a text file. The way the data is displayed on the page, rather than the source is this: <a …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for linkco

Hello, I hope you guys could give a direction into this, I have 2 tables, 1st table has "TeacherID"(prymary autoincrement), "Teacher Name" 2nd table has "classID"(primary, autoincrement), "TeacherID"(relatioship with first table) and "Class name" Ok, i made one form to enter teacher's name which i had no issues with, then …

Member Avatar for newbie_here

Hi all i am new to Access Some info about my project.. I am designing a system for my company.. my compnay has many contractors. so i have a field in my database called contractors. In a point i need to retrieve how many different kinds of contractors are there …

Member Avatar for newbie_here
Member Avatar for thebigo

Hello I have a VB.NET application that needs to backup a database then restore to a new database in the same Server as I am upgrading an application and I want to retain the existing database. I create a blank database using the following: [code]cmdSA.CommandText = "CREATE DATABASE [newDatabase]" cmdSA.ExecuteNonQuery()[/code] …

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The End.