20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for pepito01

Hi all, A small program in vb.net hitting Microsoft Access is failing on Win2000. The program only works when it is run from an XP or 2003 environment. It fails and gives the following error (P9 : system.invalidoperationexception) when it runs on our Win2000 server. Any ideas? Thank you

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Member Avatar for chock

Hi All, I have a project in VS.Net 2003 (VB.Net). The OS is Vista Ultimate. The project runs fine without any problem in Vista Ultimate and XP. I create a setup for my project in Vista it works, but i get a error in a button_click "Object reference not set …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Wilderness Bob

I am making a program which has two arrays, both are strings. I want to sort the second string alphabetically and the first string needs to go with the second string. I then need to display them both, with the secodn string in alphabetical order with the appropiate name(first string) …

Member Avatar for Monza
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

hi, how to control a button that is, if you click it.. example.. button "A", then the data inputs will construct a binary bits and output the seven segment with letter A.. and i am constructing a program that the user will input a string on the textbox then the …

Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

Hi Everybody, I am trying to compare single precision floating point values in VB .NET. The code runs ok but the results look not right. Results also contain -Inf values. I see that this is not the right way of comparing floating points. Could you please show me how to …

Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa
Member Avatar for sbv

Hi all I want to set my data grid column width separate for each column. Can it is possible? I tried as follows... [Code] gridMatchedDB.PreferredColumnWidth = 100 [/code] But its setting width to each column. How to set individually ???

Member Avatar for suganzeni
Member Avatar for geetajlo

hi can any1 help me ... i want to let different user to log in a system from a database. i know it must check it from the database bt i don't know how to do it. i just want to use only 2 columns. one for username and the …

Member Avatar for suganzeni
Member Avatar for leokuz

I am wondering if it is possible to accomplish following in VB.NET: I would like to automate files move and sorting from "C:\uploaded_files" (files contain any extensions e.g. .pdf, .tif, .eml, .jpg, etc) to directory under different subdirectories as shown below. F:\Files\Oregon\Sold\Victoria Kraus\2008\OSVK082036PI\ F:\Files\Oregon\Leased\Victoria Kraus\2008\OLVK082036PI\ F:\Files\Washington\Sold\Victoria Kraus\2008\WSVK082036PI\ F:\Files\Washington\Leased\Victoria Kraus\2008\WLVK082036PI\ F:\Files\Oregon\Sold\Dan …

Member Avatar for leokuz
Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

You VB .NET developers out there, I have posted 3 threads requesting help on reading floating point values from a binary file but did not get any reply at all. Is it because I am asking a stupid question or noone really have a clue about the question I asked? …

Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa
Member Avatar for pclpossum

Hello! I have an SQL query designed to search a string field and return results based on input from the user. If I use VB.NET to interrogate the Access Db using the following SQL: "Select *FROM TRAINING WHERE ((Trainer Like '*Rob*'));" I get no results. If I perform this same …

Member Avatar for steilx
Member Avatar for QuickBooksDev

I converted a large VB6 program (15 .frm forms) + 20 other modules(.bas) to VB.NET 2005 from VB6. (It used a lot of control arrays). After spending almost a week fixed the errors I find that it will not run. Field token out of range at \My Project\ Application.Designer.vb:line 35 …

Member Avatar for asbjava

Hi, I am doing my final year project in visual studio 2005, and I am using a datagridview to populate all record from a given table. Well I wanted to know if there is a some kind of way that when the user clicks on a specific record from the …

Member Avatar for ericstenson
Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles

I am trying to add child nodes to a Treeview list, I have the parent node and this is the code I have to add the child node: [CODE] parentNode = New TreeNode() parentNode.Text = Me.headerSelect.Text.ToString parentNode.Nodes.Add(Me.fieldName.Text.ToString) [/CODE] It doesn't do anything - no errors, no adding, nothing.. Also if …

Member Avatar for Mr.Wobbles
Member Avatar for ashok_misra21

dear all actually , m a new to .net, i want to know how to use database connection in .net in sql way using dsn, without using provider like what i m write in vb is dim con as new adodb.connection dim sql as string con.open("dsn=test") dim rs as new …

Member Avatar for Jade_me

hi all... anyone know how to count files when it selected on dialog box.i use common dialog, but i didn't find any function to count selected files (multiselect properties is true). any help will be appreciated. thanks.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

Please someone help me with this code. I keep getting an exception saying Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. What I am trying to do is reading a binary file that has a single data type and then writing them into a file. Any help is appreciated. …

Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

Hi all, My program reads a binary file (data type is single) and writes that binary file but the file size of the outputted binary file is exactly 4 times larger than the inputted binary file. I just don't know why. I would understantd if the binary file that the …

Member Avatar for JRSofty

Hi everyone, I've got some issues with a Listview control set to LargeIconView with an ImageList control assigned to the LargeIconImageList property of the Listview. I've got the Imagelist control's image size set to 110,110. The thumbnails which are stored in a database have a MAXIMUM size of 110 x …

Member Avatar for bornok15

I have installed a VS 2005 that has a MSSQL Server. When i was about to try running the SQL Server i can't find anything except Configuration tools. I don't know if its express edition or not. Is SQL Server 2005 like this? how would i know that the SQL …

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Member Avatar for bornok15

I've been working with a class module to make my connection codes abit shorter but when i removed my connection from the class and made it public it was not working anymore. The way I use the class lcon = New ADOcon lds = New DataSet Dim ltb As DataTable …

Member Avatar for JRSofty
Member Avatar for IceBikers

Hi, i have set validating cell control into the datagridview by only allow numeric and a single dot, but i only want to validate specific column only instead all columns. below is what i did [CODE] Private Sub DataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.EditingControlShowing 'source: http://www.devx.com/dotnet/Article/33748/1954?pf=true …

Member Avatar for galleon_10
Member Avatar for push

how to deploy project at dotnet by cresting bin folder and puting .exe file in that. and creating shortcut for exe file. pls...........any one pls..............elp me for this.

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Member Avatar for cs_tx_usa

Hi all, I did manage reading from a binary file that holds byte values in it by using binary reader but keep getting an exception (EndOfStreamException) when I try to read another binary file which holds floating point values. I would gretly appreciate it if someone could help me out …

Member Avatar for harryl5

Hey people! I have been using VB2008 since it came out now, and have also used the 2005 version, but I was just wondering, if there is ANY way to create a Chat Application, or any way to create an IM service. Please help me :) Thanks x

Member Avatar for Jugortha
Member Avatar for amitpatney

Hello All, I a beginner to vba 6.0 and vb.net programming. I have 6 months to come up with a solution that entails putting up an access database, that i created, onto the web so that hundereds of people can access it at the same time from multiple locations. Questions …

Member Avatar for harryl5
Member Avatar for rommels

Hi, im reasonably new to vb.net and am currently trying to use an access (mdb) file (version 2000 to 2003) with ether vb express 05 or 08 releases , but i dont have much idea how to run the quires on the database through vb, at current i have a …

Member Avatar for Alekhan
Member Avatar for swabyw

I am trying to use a Listview1 instead of a datagrid1 by dropping a oledbDataadapter1 or a SQLDataAdapter1 on the Window form But having the hardest time. I can use this method: Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click Dim MyConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection() 'Define …

Member Avatar for Alekhan
Member Avatar for c++ prog

i've been developing a game for quite some time now...it will be finished soon...my only concern now is how to make my game more interesting to the gamer's eyes...so i included a video to be able to give a brief background of how the story unfolds...but the problem is that …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for pohyf

im new to visual basic. can i know how to do a xor encrypt password using vb 2005 express? please help. im willing to learn

Member Avatar for dotnetclassic
Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone

I am currently trying to export data from a excell db to a vb.net and create some for loops so I can generate data from it. anyway I got the whole thing working apart from I cant get the list box to show all the data in the column instead …

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The End.