20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for leokuz

Hello! I have this simple Internet browser. It works “fine”, but I’d like part of the URL (most of it actually) to be predetermined (always same website, but different pages). For example, [COLOR="Green"]I want to be able to type only some middle part of the URL[/COLOR] & then click "[B]Go![/B]" …

Member Avatar for leokuz
Member Avatar for miss.A

i have to create application that ask user to input Lower bound and upper bound (both intger) greater than 1 and determins all of the prime numbers within the specified bounds, inclusive. and write function procedure prime that returns True if a number is prime. False otherwise. i also should …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for zaouba

every one help me out....i have to save msword file to a particular foder..i need code........

Member Avatar for zaouba
Member Avatar for Run.[it]

When Im browsing with either internet explorer or firefox and I recieve an error I get a window popping up asking If I want to debug in visual basic. Im guessing there is a setting in visual studio to turn this off? debugging? Could someone advise, thanks kindly.

Member Avatar for Run.[it]
Member Avatar for Time Indicator

Hi, Can someone help me with Listbox issue in Vb.NET. I have two listboxes and I want on a click function, to transfer selected items from listbox 1 to the listbox 2. How do I go about that? Thanks

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for suganzeni

[COLOR="Green"]HI Every body[/COLOR] I am working with VB.NET 2003 for smart device applications. Here there is no Link label tool. But i want to link a HTML file to my application. your suggestions will be very helpful for me. If you have any code samples just share it with me …

Member Avatar for suganzeni
Member Avatar for zaouba

im new here...plz guide me.....im making 1 user controll on vb.net...for inbuild worddocument......by clicking on the grid cell i would like open a word document... and want to save on particular folder.as well i hav 2 show the d file name which i save database simultaneously on the datagrid cell....plz …

Member Avatar for maharajakecil

hello anybody there, who know where to download afull version of vb 6.0. i'm need for my final year project... pleaseeee

Member Avatar for maharajakecil
Member Avatar for zaouba

i want a code which...is...by clicking on the grid cell i would like open a word document... and want to save on particular folder.....plz help me out

Member Avatar for zaouba
Member Avatar for shannonpaul

I have Two Text Boxes where the user enters their name. I need to validate that the boxes are not left empty and also no numeric data is entered. If it either is entered the click event Cost will determine invalid values and display message box error. Obviously my problem …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for Free_Man

I use [CODE]report.PrintToPrinter(2, False, 0, 0)[/CODE] to print 2 copies of the report, but it comes out 3 copies...i changed the PrintToPrinter copy parameter to 1 but i still get 3 copies!!! any idea?!

Member Avatar for sbv

Hi How to get sum and avg in crystal report? please refer [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread112804.html"]

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Member Avatar for roupin

Dear all, i'm newbies to .net (VB) development and i've got a little question. i created a form with a comboxbox. When i launch it, the comboxbox is editable. I'd like it to be non-editable. Could you tell me what's the way to get it non-editable? (i'd like it to …

Member Avatar for MaxDev
Member Avatar for jenjen02

I currently have an application that has multiple versions and will continue to be upgraded. I know how to increase the version number and have the users download the new version which will install correctly on their computer, however, every time they download a new version a new instance will …

Member Avatar for bornok15

How can i make a configuration in INI and XML so that i won't hardcode the location of my database and other configurations, and i would just change it from a form within my program? Can anyone help me? thanks..

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Fatboy58

Vb 2005 problem Is there a way to search for identical items in a listbox en count them ?

Member Avatar for Monza
Member Avatar for ferrier18

Hey, I've never done any programming in my life and would greatly appreciate some help :) I have to create a windows application where there are 3 text boxes in which you enter assignment scores (numerical) and then click on a button that adds the 3 scores together and displays …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for IIMarckus

Hey guys, I'm taking a beginner's VB/.NET class. Today we started working on a project involving a simple login form, e.g.: [code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click If txtUsername.Text.ToUpper <> "JOHNDOE" Then MessageBox.Show("Error: Username doesn't exist.") Exit Sub End If If …

Member Avatar for junior_jie
Member Avatar for bwkeller

Just for the heck of it I'm building a graphic editor, mainly to see how far I can take it and how much I can learn as I go. I'm having a problem with Image.Save. First I have an MDI parent form from which graphic files can be opened. After …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for geetajlo

Hi ... Can u plzz help me .. i want to put maximum validation for each control on my form.. it contain a textbox(input only alphabets), a combo box(display only Mr,Mrs, Miss), a datagrid.. and also how do i put a tool tip text on a textbox.. Note for the …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for thirunavukaras

Hai. I created one windows application.I am add reference control to add Microsoft WebBrowser Control..In my application I am using HTTPWebRequest and HttpWebResponse class .To request some post message to corresponding URL.Then I will get response string. In response string i am go to create one .HTML extension file.Then I …

Member Avatar for shadowsong23

Hi my name is Cristina I'm a Visual Basic newbie and my non-teaching professor at school virtually just dumped out projects for us to do without teaching anything and just giving out hand-outs.My problem is im having a hard time putting source codes in because its like hard for me …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for SolTec

I'm attempting to write a function that checks users input and verifies it's numeric. When it isn't I would like to keep the part of the string that's numeric and remove the last character after a messagebox pops up alerting the user to the violation. Here is the code I …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for zwench

I need someone to look over this and see what I am doing wrong. I keepgetting errors on this part of the code. It says its not defined.I also think i need to take that splitter thing out. I am new to all of this and haven't a clue how …

Member Avatar for zwench
Member Avatar for borito

Hi guys, Im pretty new to vb .net. What im trying to do it I have 2 forms. First of all I have created a Module with the code: Module Module1 Public Start As New Form1 Public Input As New Form2 Public Sub main() Application.Run(Input) End Sub Form1 has a …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for rapperhuj

hi, how to make a textbox with inputs are on the button.? then the textbox will accept all the input buttons chars. example.. i hve an alphatical buttons from A to Z.. i want that the user will input on the textbox by means of buttons not on manually type.. …

Member Avatar for samichou6
Member Avatar for SolTec

I'm writing a small remoting application and I've checked SourceForge, Code Project and a many others seeking to find how to serialize and deserialize mouse and keyboard events remotely. Is there anyone out there that has "working" code that I can work from to build my application? Thanks in advance …

Member Avatar for SolTec
Member Avatar for dealered

[B][/B]I have an application that was written for me by a programmer who represented VFP as the "best thing since sliced bread" and that would be robust for many years in the future and more importantly handle huge customer databases over a LAN instantly. Now, after two years the server …

Member Avatar for SolTec
Member Avatar for pepito01

Hi all, A small program in vb.net hitting Microsoft Access is failing on Win2000. The program only works when it is run from an XP or 2003 environment. It fails and gives the following error (P9 : system.invalidoperationexception) when it runs on our Win2000 server. Any ideas? Thank you

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The End.