20,284 Topics
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Hi, im reasonably new to vb.net and am currently trying to use an access (mdb) file (version 2000 to 2003) with ether vb express 05 or 08 releases , but i dont have much idea how to run the quires on the database through vb, at current i have a … | |
I am trying to use a Listview1 instead of a datagrid1 by dropping a oledbDataadapter1 or a SQLDataAdapter1 on the Window form But having the hardest time. I can use this method: Private Sub btnLoad_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click Dim MyConnection As New SqlClient.SqlConnection() 'Define … | |
i've been developing a game for quite some time now...it will be finished soon...my only concern now is how to make my game more interesting to the gamer's eyes...so i included a video to be able to give a brief background of how the story unfolds...but the problem is that … | |
im new to visual basic. can i know how to do a xor encrypt password using vb 2005 express? please help. im willing to learn | |
I am currently trying to export data from a excell db to a vb.net and create some for loops so I can generate data from it. anyway I got the whole thing working apart from I cant get the list box to show all the data in the column instead … | |
hi all i m having a confusion kindly help me out i have two textboxes for debit and credit entries. i want to disable the debit textbox when i get text in credit field similarly when i get data in credit textbox i want to disable the debit field. waiting … | |
I have a form that is supposed to update tblMain in my database, and when I press btnSave it says in a messagebox, saved, but when I look at the table or try and recover the data from the dataset all I see is NULL values. Any help would be … | |
Hi I need alittle help. I am doing a VB.Net class and I am having trouble with code for calculating. I dont know hoe to do the code for it. I have to have a calculation for Original Price, Discount rate and New Price. Plus I dont know how to … | |
Hi, I want to use server.mappath to get virtual path of a file, but the function cannot be used in a class file...please advise. | |
unable to start debugging on web server..the web server is not configured correctly.. | |
Hi i want to convert only the first letter of a firstname n his lastname seperating by a space. Note every time he/she input firstname the first letter should be Uppercase and when she/he press the space bar the last name only the first letter should be Uppercase. Help Me … | |
What would need to be done in order to make an application go full screen? this means NO task bar, or Title bar. I did find a small bit of code (a while back), but it didn't work. Any ideas/solutions would be great! :) Thanks! | |
Thank you in advance for any an all assistance. Is there a way to programatically get the Record number and the of {0} count, without using the navigation wizard in VB.NET 2005, in a label or textbox? Michael | |
i've been developing a game for quite some time now...it will be finished soon...my only concern now is how to make my game more interesting to the gamer's eyes...so i included a video to be able to give a brief background of how the story unfolds...but the problem is that … | |
How do u write a code for vehicle registration checker with maximum of 7 character input. The first two letters searches for the list of cities, the following 2(numbers) searches for random numbers of the car(pre written) and the last 3 shows a car manufacturer code.. When a button is … | |
Dear friends, I wrap an unmanaged VC++ 6.0 class in VB .NET like below : [code] Declare Function ACR120_ReadATQB Lib "ACR120U.DLL" (ByVal rHandle As Short, ByRef pATQB As Byte) As Short Declare Function PICC_RATS Lib "ACR120U.DLL" (ByVal rHandle As Short, ByVal FSDI As Byte, ByRef atslen As Byte, ByRef ats … | |
Hey I Want to know How Can i develop a software to send sms pc to all mobile phones using vb.net. Can you guide me how to do it or plz send me a sample code. | |
hello all i have experience with windows forms programming but now i have to work independently for the whole project i need help in two topics pls help me 3 clients will be connected to my server front end : VB.Net my database : Oracle my question is how to … | |
Hi, I have created a window services in vb.net and it is installed successfully. But when I start the service, I get the error [COLOR="Red"]error 1053, the service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion[/COLOR] And this is the code..I suspect that the error … | |
I am writting a program that communicates with Amazon Seller services. One of the tasks involved is the uploading and downloading of XML documents containting order information. Below is the example source code provided by Amazon for vb.net. I finally got most of the code working, but I am stuck … | |
I have two checkboxes on my Form1, one is called "CheckOE" and the other "CheckCDO" I would like to have an option of sending email message using either Outlook or CDO. Both email codes work fine if placed in the button alone, but I dont' know how to skip either … | |
Hey ! I was looking how to use different and more intresting tools in Visual Baisc 2008. We all know that you can add a 'Microsoft Web browser' into your form, but by adding certin tools to your tool box, can we use different browsers with VB.NET such as Firefox, … | |
how to get comp name or user name ??? anyone know this ?? thank you :) | |
Hi I've populates a DataGridView from the results of a SQL query programmatically, so I haven't had to define the number of columns, etc. Just before I display it, I'd like to change the columns with Yes/No in them with checkboxes. Any ideas how I can do this programmatically? Regards … | |
hi, i have a question regarding playing audio file using vb 2005. Here is my working code: [CODE]Dim dlgFileDialog As New OpenFileDialog dlgFileDialog.FileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\wek060049\Desktop\MusicAppreciation\Resources\1.mp3" Me.AxWindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = dlgFileDialog.FileName [/CODE] it is working perfectly, i am wondering if i build an installation file from my project will it still … | |
Hi Can any body point me in the right direction, I have to write a program using VB or any other language that will enable me to record audio from a mic jack, save it to a file in the .wav format and be able to replay this while the … | |
Hello, I am new to Visual Basic.NET, and programming. I am wondering if someone can help me get to understand the VB.NET language. I learned some visual basic 6, but none of that seems to works anymore in the new version. Before in VB6 I could make a chat client … | |
hi frnz!...m a comp. Sc diploma student n m in2 my final(project) semester....whre we need 2 submit our own projects. i hav been asked 2 prepare a Quizzing software...much similar 2 those conducting online exams lyk the MCSE etc....based on VB n MS-Access. plz help me on how 2 start … | |
Hello all. I'm creating a basketball program. There are two teams of five players each. Each player has a randomly generated offensive and defensive stat. The program randomly picks two players to match up. If the offensive stat of the offensive player is greater than the defensive stat of the … | |
Is there any eventhandler for RichTextBox in vb.net to catch the selection of text event? I want to enable cut,copy,delete control mentu strip items on selecting text. Edit > cut,copy,paste,delete Only on selecting text the cut,copy,delete should be enabled Please help me out.... |
The End.