20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Programmer666

Hi Friends, I am new to VB.Net 2005.I need to create a program which will store data from text files,word documents,excel files,xml files to a database.Can anyone help me.it is urgent.Thank you.

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for SolTec

I would like to know how to populate a listview from an MS Access database and it be all the tables with the tbl prefix? Thank you in advance for any and all assistance.

Member Avatar for nob_sambo
Member Avatar for majestic0110

Hi all, I am contemplating moving from c# to VB and wondered what might be the greatest obstacles to overcome. I guess what I would really like to know is, if I am quite knowledgable in c#, will vb be easy to pick up? Something else that is bothering me …

Member Avatar for majestic0110
Member Avatar for _::suhanna::_

hi.. im using vb.net can u guys help me.. i dont know why error still come... whats wrong with my coding? dis my code [B]Public Sub UpdateMember(ByVal membername As String, ByVal address As String, ByVal handphone As String) ExecuteSqlCommand("update member set tmembername=" & membername & ", taddress='" & address & …

Member Avatar for _::suhanna::_
Member Avatar for ohohling

i need to create a system to read the txt file data to datagrid but i just know read by line. that say the sample.txt file pettern as below: date time price 1/8 2:15pm $5.00 2/8 3:20pm $6.00 how i going to fill the data separate by date, time, and …

Member Avatar for williamrojas78
Member Avatar for angelinajade

Hi all, I am new to this VB programming stuff, so far so good, but this last project of the semester has me wanting to pull out my hair, and the textbook is more aggrevating. I am wanting to pull info, that is typed in a inputbox, and put it …

Member Avatar for angelinajade
Member Avatar for ivabigun

Hi guys im trying to telnet to an IP address that is entered into a textbox from the click of a button but im having problems as it just gives me errors when i run it. Here is my code: [code] Private Sub btnTelnet_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As …

Member Avatar for kevinwebster83
Member Avatar for ponedog99

I am working on a GDI+ application in VB 2005 and can’t seem to find a solution for a problem with graphicspaths. This is a Windows application and I am allowing the user to freehand draw on a picturebox which has a background image loaded. I want to allow the …

Member Avatar for ponedog99
Member Avatar for maharajakecil

anyone have a brilliant idea to send an integer to rs232 using vb 6.0? i need a sample of that source code... i'm using max232 as serial interface circuit to connect my vb and PIC circuit.. thank. god bless you all.

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for suganzeni

Hi all I am trying to run a VB.Net application in Pocket PC. I using Data set to get data from data base and using it in the application. When ever i running the application i got the following error. A Native exception occured. Exception code:0x80000002 Exception Address:0x016c8328 Ok to …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for jeffasbrand

I have a real need to write a web robot app that: Will visit ONE predefined location and login (in hopes of retrieving data later) rather than the "search the web" variety spiders that I see everywhere. Does anyone know of any example, code, etc. in VB.NET that uses a …

Member Avatar for suganzeni

Hi all when i trying to convert a string to date and store in data base it shows type cast error code is as follows: dim s_date1 as string dim s_date as date s_date1 = s_mon & "/" & s_day & "/" & s_year s_date = CType(s_date1, Date)

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for zwench

How can I declare the txt.InitialValue.text, txtSalvageValue.Text and TxtAssetLife.Text part of this code? Thanks in advance for any help. [code] msngInitialValue = ToSingle(txtInitialValue.Text) msngSalvageValue = ToSingle(txtSalvageValue.Text) mintAssetLife = ToInt32(txtAssetLife.Text) [/code]

Member Avatar for bbqchickenrobot
Member Avatar for pmtheint

Hello everyone, I'm doing an assignment on VB.Net about cloning labels. I want to write a program of a form with a label. When the program is being run, the form will load with other 99 new lables which are being cloned. Each of which will have the same properties …

Member Avatar for Easle
Member Avatar for Easle

Hello.. Do you guys know how to add a grip to the form (in VB.NET), or is this even possible? I mean like.. if you have disabled the borders of the form, so there is no title bar and the form is completely flat, but you still need to add …

Member Avatar for Easle
Member Avatar for vb_learner

Hello : > I'm using console application (VB.NET), using Visual Studio 2005. I have a problem with my project, I'm building a vowel counter program, and faced a problem there with loops.. any one can help me with my project?,, can I contact with the helper using a private message? …

Member Avatar for Edward-eh
Member Avatar for Time Indicator

Hi, I need help with Listbox. I have two listboxes and when one selects from the listboxLeft it should go to listboxRight and that seems to be working fine. However, when I tried to remove the content from listboxRight and add it to the listboxLeft. The remove function is working, …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for icycool007

hello everyone i am trying to continue the countdown timer from 1 form to another in VB.NET but it is not working... I have been able to run countdown timer but not able to continue it in the following pages plz help me out as this project is very imp …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for miss_cindy

Hy :) , I need help please ! :-/ I am developping an application with vb.net and sql server .I have a form containing a datagridview ,textboxes ,bindingsource and bindingnavigator . I want that the columns of the selectedrow of datagridview appear and change in textboxes when the selectedrow is …

Member Avatar for sainiricha

Input from text box as text(not number) and by button click need all values from the sql table to be viewed in the datagridview. eg:deptname as input in textbox, and by button click take all values from table [B]matching this deptname[/B] and get output in datagridview. Can anyone help me …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for SolTec

I would like code to populate comboboxes with data from my MS Access database. I can do this with textboxes, but have hit deadends when trying to figure out how to do it with comboboxes and listboxes. Each database has a minimum of two fields. A description field and autoincrementer. …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for pikkas

i want some help pls with datagridview buttoncolumn, how can i add an event handler to all buttons that are in the column?. please show me a simple example because i new on vb .net(windows forms) Also i want to ask how can i share the same instance of a …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone

Hi everyone, I nearly finished my project but have come across an error. I can't update the database, it's the only error that comes up. I tried a few things but couldn't get my head around it. Any Help will be greatly appreciated. Here is the main snippet of code …

Member Avatar for Mr Brownstone
Member Avatar for kipl20

i have made a simple login page with 2 textboxes for username and password and a button to login. the usernames and passwords are in an sql database . how would i go about retrieving the username and password from the database. i have tried a select where statement If …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for suganzeni

Hi all i am working with VB.NET for mobile application. I want to open a HTML page in the internet explorer from my form and the size of the internet explorer should be limited to the Pocket Pc size. How can limit the size of internet explorer and how can …

Member Avatar for leokuz
Member Avatar for pmtheint

Hello, I'm a new learner to VB.Net and don't know much about it. Recently, the term "Stream in the context of data files" has made me think. What is it actually? I've searched for it everywhere but found no satisfactory answer to it. I may be silly to ask this …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for pickachu

Im having problems with my ms acess sql command, well im trying to get the last value from the database here is my code, the error is ORDER BY clause syntax error.. [code] data.Open() record.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand("SELECT PatientID FROM PatientRecord ORDER BY PatientID desc LIMIT 1", data) Dim ds …

Member Avatar for ivatanako
Member Avatar for Agita

Hi, I'm trying to build a application that will autorun other programs through a graphical interface. Basicly I want to make a button that will run ccleaner for example. Is there a way to make a button that would run the application's function but not show the actual application, in …

Member Avatar for hemamohanraj

How do i store images in the database and retreive them in vb.net? Please help.... Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for SolTec

I have a program that I'm building and I have a form load event that loads the data from a table, but when I try and load the data from a query I get an error. Here is my code: MyTable = MyDa.GetData() If MyTable.Rows.Count > 0 Then Dim MyRow …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man

The End.