i have 3 check boxes then you check each indivual box the amount shows up in the appropiate label. but if you check more that one it will not add the values together does anyone have any idea how to the checkbox values to add together when more that one box is selected?/ here are the check box code:
Private Sub GolfCheckBox_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GolfCheckBox.Click
If Me.GolfCheckBox.Checked = True Then
mintAdditional = 25
End If
Me.AdditionalLabel.Text = Format(mintAdditional, "currency")
End Sub
Private Sub RacquetballCheckBox_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RacquetballCheckBox.Click
If Me.RacquetballCheckBox.Checked = True Then
mintAdditional = 20
End If
Me.AdditionalLabel.Text = Format(mintAdditional, "currency")
End Sub
Private Sub TennisCheckBox_click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TennisCheckBox.Click
If Me.TennisCheckBox.Checked = True Then
mintAdditional = 30
End If
Me.AdditionalLabel.Text = Format(mintAdditional, "currency")
End Sub
Private Sub CalcButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalcButton.Click
Dim intBasic As Integer
Dim sngTotal As Single
intBasic = Val(Me.BasicTextBox.Text)
Select Case True
Case Me.TennisCheckBox.Checked = True
sngTotal = intBasic + mintAdditional
Case Me.RacquetballCheckBox.Checked = True
sngTotal = intBasic + mintAdditional
Case Me.GolfCheckBox.Checked = True
sngTotal = intBasic + mintAdditional
End Select
Me.TotalLabel.Text = Format(sngTotal, "currency")
Me.AdditionalLabel.Text = Format(mintAdditional, "currency")
End Sub