20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for jkdil33

Hi, I am using the following javascript code for printing a web page but the webpage is not getting printed fully.Half page is not coming to the A4 sheet url = "home.aspx" printscript = "<script language='javascript'>" + "window.print('" + url + "', 'CustomPopUp', " + "'width=1000,height=800,left=0,top=0')" + "</script>" ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "Printpage", …

Member Avatar for sbv

Hi i am fetching value from a table and assigning to data grid. one of column contains date and time, which is not showing me complete value in data grid. When i test it using msg box on click. msg box prompts right value. here the msg box has input …

Member Avatar for sbv
Member Avatar for Jesi523

I have been using VB.Net for a little while now, but I just started needing to write code to put information in a SQL Server database. I have two tables that I need to add information into. I know that I have to use an Insert statement, maybe I need …

Member Avatar for Jesi523
Member Avatar for kimhanu

I use ADO.net and SQL database . but cannot updata records into database . Who can do it ? help me please ! my database is sv.mdf , table is huycnt include fields : id , name . help me soon . Thanks

Member Avatar for zikrullah
Member Avatar for aamir55

i m working on a small application its main function is to create a album and then add photos in the album. i m using tree view for creating album and photos i m using tree root as album and nodes as photos. i have to also show thumbnail view …

Member Avatar for aamir55

i m working on a small application its main function is to create a album and then add photos in the album. i m using tree view for creating album and photos i m using tree root as album and nodes as photos. i have to also show photos when …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor

Hello, I have created a form that needs to work like a stop watch. The user enters the time (hrs, min, sec) then clicks the start time. I have a label that should display the time remaining. This works great when I am displaying everything as seconds. When I try …

Member Avatar for Ole Raptor
Member Avatar for Moheet
Member Avatar for Moheet

I have Follwing Screenshot & Code help me ? '' code for browse Button If maxrowsd2 = 0 Then Console.WriteLine(" There are No Records in the table") Exit Sub End If If incd2 <> maxrowsd2 - 1 Then incd2 = incd2 + 1 Call navigaterecord2() ElseIf incd2 = maxrowsd2 - …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jkdil33

Hi, I want to submit the webpageA when i click a button in WebpageB. How can I do this Quick replys will be appreciated. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Free_Man

I got a strange database connection after I deployed the software. I print crystal reports with [code]CrystalReportViewer1.PrintReport()[/code] It asks which printer I want to use, if I print by default printer(which is an actual printer) everything is fine but when I change the printer to Microsoft Image Printer(or called something …

Member Avatar for SolTec

here is the code: [code] '//WAN IP Dim url As String Dim myexpression As New Regex("[1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}") Dim MyIPAddress As MatchCollection url = "http:\\www.whatsmyip.com" Dim objWebClient As WebClient = New WebClient Dim objData As Stream = objWebClient.OpenRead(url) Dim streader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(objData) Dim HostIP As IPAddress HostIP = Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName).AddressList.GetValue(0) …

Member Avatar for lacaroix

hye there..i need help here..im developing a smartphone device. i need to install a sql server ce but somehow i download it,but i cant run application.so my ques is how do i know wat the version of my sql server 2000 (version 8.0)competible wif which sql server ce? thanks in …

Member Avatar for Java-Newbie

Hello, I'm a super newbie at VB and I'm trying to write a very simple math program. The program is supposed to do some arithmetic and display the results, piece of cake. The problem lies in displaying the results. I have no clue how to do it. I went surfing …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for aamir55

i m working on a small application its main function is to create a album and then add photos in the album. i m using tree view for creating album and photos i m using tree root as album and nodes as photos. i have to also show photos when …

Member Avatar for sunnyjaswani
Member Avatar for Yuexuan

Here is my mysql table need retrieve data total table MPN AML Onhand Demand 2 P 300 200 2 A 300 200 3 P 100 200 3 A 300 200 4 A 200 300 here is my output need output MPN AML Onhand Demand 2 P 300 200 3 A …

Member Avatar for SheSaidImaPregy
Member Avatar for sukhy_1

hello, ive created a vb application linking to Access 2003 and i want to add for example [B]20/03/2008 + 120days[/B] but i want it to appear in date format ive looked on web and in books but cant find any information, so if anyones got any information or code i …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for indiansfanatic

Hi, I wanted to know if anyone has been able to use an OpenOffice Base file with vb.net? (it's version 2.3 - version 2.4 was released today) Thanks, Ron

Member Avatar for Time Indicator

Hi, I am using Northwind database and I am trying to delete the Products information from the Products table using SQL. However, when I tried to do that, it says that it can not be deleted because it is related to an another table. My problem is, when I deleted …

Member Avatar for binoj_daniel
Member Avatar for spurr82

Hi, I am new to VB.Net and I am currently working on a FAX application. So far I am able to send faxes with this code: [CODE] Imports FAXCOMEXLib Imports FAXCOMLib Imports System.IO Imports System.IO.StreamWriter Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click …

Member Avatar for aamir55

i m working on a small application its main function is to create a album and then add photos in the album. i m using tree view for creating album and photos i m using tree root as album and nodes as photos. i have to also show photos when …

Member Avatar for cdmunoz279

I have created an application in VS 2005 pulling reports created in Crystal Reports XI Release 2. My problem is I have a couple of reports that have linked subreports on them. Does anyone know how to pass a parameter value to a subreport in .NET? I have the following …

Member Avatar for cdmunoz279
Member Avatar for karan_21584

hai, i have two datasets which contains table values.the process is to compare the two datasets (DS1 and DS2) whether its equal or not...help us plz...thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for nrar
Member Avatar for yobehcor15

Just want to ask question, what is the difference using server.mappath and report.load, in creating datasets for Crystal Reports? When I use server.mappath and then setting the DataSource for my Dataset, I always end up getting an error in report --> "Load Report Failed", The system cannot find the file …

Member Avatar for lily11
Member Avatar for jeffasbrand

I would like to populate a listbox with multiple columns of data retrieved by a query. I am using the Listbox.DataTextField = "SpaceID" to get one value but can't seem to append others using lines like Listbox.DataTextField = "SpaceID" & " " & "SpaceName" Is there a way to do …

Member Avatar for lance.stine
Member Avatar for Halbo

I am upgrading an app in VB .NET 2003. It relies on an ODBC Data Source being available. We rolled it out and it was working fine. The client decided to run it on a different machine. I hadn't thought of testing to make sure the machine had a working …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for lily11
Member Avatar for angelinajade

Hi all, Does anyone know how to change the color (or highlight) a part of a listbox)?? I need to have the negative amount (if any) highlight automatically during an if statement. I have looked through my textbook for VB, and the instructor does not think I can because the …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for h3ngh3ng

Currently I managed to display my data inside a datagrid control. But i want to create a button control for a print function to enable user to print the datagrid content. Any idea?

Member Avatar for jaytheguru

The End.