20,278 Topics

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Member Avatar for ptaylor965

Hi, Is it possible to create merged headers and/or sub headers in a datagrid i.e. [CODE]|Column A | Column B | Column C| | SH1|SH2 | SH1|SH2 | SH1|SH2 | | 1 | 6 | 8 | 12 | 6 | 8 | | 3 | 7 | 6 | …

Member Avatar for sonia sardana
Member Avatar for cetan

Please help me with this... it's a nasty problem! I'm converting a DLL-test tool for the company I work for, originally build in VB6, to VB.NET In the old tool the method CallByName is used to invoke a method in the DLL: [CODE] CallByName(objDLL, strFunction, VbMethod, arrParameters) [/CODE] The arrParameters …

Member Avatar for cetan
Member Avatar for rajeshmalla07

what do u think whether .net is easy or java which will require less time

Member Avatar for cetan
Member Avatar for sonia sardana

Hi, I want to ask,I know vb.net not vb. I want to ask is there so much difference b/w vb & Vb.Net.

Member Avatar for cetan
Member Avatar for vadiraj

Hai i am new to dis programing word anybady help me out? in my appliction i want to implement autotext functionality like in ms word. im not getting how to implement it.... plz help me thanx in advance.

Member Avatar for cetan
Member Avatar for GL.Za

At the moment im working on an app in vb.NET and its seems to working ok, however my client/sponsor would like a web-app with the same functions as well. So I would like to just use my vb.NET code in the ASP.NET app to save me time and stress. However …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for silentdee

Hi everyone, Im really new at VB and Crystal Report and i know nothing about Crystal Report 8.5. My problem is, i have this application called CustomerManagement that will keep data in Microsoft Access called 'dbCustomer' In the form customer ('frmCustomer') i've created a command button 'cmdView' so that the …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for swappy

I`m very much new with vb.net..I want to learn it so I was just doing it from VB 2005 for Dummies.I was just able to create a simple button and customize it...;) When I reached a chapter "Dynamically editing data with the Data Sources window" I was not able to …

Member Avatar for swappy
Member Avatar for carly

ok....not too sure how i could do this one, i have to create a vb .net pc radio application but i have to create it so that the user can scan for radio stations. when in scan mode the radio will scan through frequencies and pause for 3 seconds when …

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for Beginner2008

heres what i want to do. i want to add a button somewhere here. [IMG]http://aycu20.webshots.com/image/49619/2006148200319099889_rs.jpg[/IMG] When that button is clicked. The print screen function will caputure the form and i'll be getting something like: [IMG]http://aycu16.webshots.com/image/51455/2005462669515036518_rs.jpg[/IMG]

Member Avatar for Beginner2008
Member Avatar for faisalazhar

Hi I want to show one image from remote server, i have a complete URL so where should i put this URL to access that image? i can't use this as imageURL as this is not direcly image file, it's a storage where it will ask my UID and pwd …

Member Avatar for Errods

Can you give me some ideas on how to achive the following....... i myself want to validate the user before he will login to windows............ Like my own login screen insted of winlogin........ Hence I want to overwrite the windows login............... How do i do this????????? And if the USER …

Member Avatar for aamir55

i m using this small application for the purpose of loading multiple images from disk and then show them as thumbnail i m using List View for this purpose. my application is generating thumbnails successfully but i modified such that when i double click on a thumbnail and that image …

Member Avatar for aamir55

i want to generate thumbnails retrieving images from data base for this purpose i m using sql server data base and the name of SQL Connection is SqlConn. i m using List View for Thumbnail purpose. i m using tree view for creating Albums and Photos in data base. i …

Member Avatar for rhinocort23
Member Avatar for rhinocort23
Member Avatar for olodu

Hi all, I need help in passing parameter value to a datagridview control on my form. I have a form with a textbox control, a datagridview control and a button. When the user enters in the title of a movie in the textbox and clicks on the OK button, I …

Member Avatar for Fritzeh
Member Avatar for Fritzeh

Hi, after problems with using checkedlistboxes and the rest. I decided to take an easier route and use a listbox which i have populated from a database. It contains text with values assigned to it. i also have a DGV with 4 columns. The column i wish to sort by …

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Member Avatar for kimhanu

who have code about it ? please give me .... I want it to study thanks you very much .

Member Avatar for bwkeller
Member Avatar for Fritzeh

Hey people, just a quick one here, as its getting quite annoying. Basically i want the form to only be closed when a correct password is entered using the form closing event. i have tried the following methods but they all seem to crash... any ideas? They all start with …

Member Avatar for Fritzeh
Member Avatar for rhinocort23

ok here are my questions, first of all ill ask the shorter one first, ok with vb can you make bots for games (my game being diablo 2 LoD) and if you can, how would i go about doing that, and yes, i would like it to be a bot …

Member Avatar for rhinocort23
Member Avatar for zwench

I have my code to the point where I see the information on the print preview, but when it prints it is only printing the last line of the page. Any ideas of what I need to fix to get it to print all the information contained? I am new …

Member Avatar for zwench
Member Avatar for Superbigmac

I would like to open a access database using VB.NET. However i want to be able to connect to a Access database at runtime and have this appear in the datagrid. how do you do this? I would also like to create a database using VB.Net and have fields weight,comment …

Member Avatar for johnny3d
Member Avatar for lance.stine

Hey I hope someone has seen this before because I have spent way too long in failing to solve it. I am using VWD 2008 express edition. I am trying to add a reference to the Microsoft Word 10.0 Object library. I won't work. I get this strange error: A …

Member Avatar for lance.stine
Member Avatar for sukhy_1

I have to textboxes and want to add to 120+ 27/10/2008= which will give the new date ive got this code so far but errors appear on the dateserial bit thanks [QUOTE]Dim Day As Integer Dim Month As Integer Dim Year As Integer TxtFT.Text = Date.Now 'Calculation (date) DateSerial(Day, Month, …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ilias_de

Hey , i am trying to make an encryption program . With any codes i've found until now i didn't manage to solve my problem . my problem is about saving my data from a multiline text box to a text file . Basically i want , by clicking on …

Member Avatar for vadiraj
Member Avatar for kimhanu

I want program about image . ex : image display , ............... it used for window mobile . I want code , lpease help me . Thanks

Member Avatar for SolTec
Member Avatar for Fritzeh

Hi, I am creating an information system with a database and table which contains 4 fields ( shopid, catergoryid, name and floor) The idea is that when the user selects a checkbox, it displays all shops with the relevant catID, so for example, cat 1 = major stores, if chkMajorStores …

Member Avatar for Fritzeh
Member Avatar for Jx_Man

Hi all... I m working for my graduated project. and my method in using is Genetic K-means Algorithm. i m using vb.net 2003 and sql server 2000. Does Anyone know a sample code for this?or a website / link for this topic??? please help me... any reply really appreciated... Thx.Best …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for aamir55

i m working on a small application its main function is to create a album and then add photos in the album. i m using tree view for creating album and photos i m using tree root as album and nodes as photos. i have to also show thumbnail view …


The End.