20,284 Topics
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currently this is working [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe")[/CODE] also with this [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe")[/CODE] but if i try this [CODE]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("filezilla.exe")[/CODE] i will get an error since i did not declare the path Is there any way how to run a executable installed on your machine without putting the path? if yes, can … | |
Dear Friends, I would like to search a word or phrase in microsoft documents. I want to search text portion only. f possible line by line. so i can exit the reading while I find that word. I tried with [CODE]OpenFileDialog1.ShowDialog() Dim ioFile As New StreamReader(OpenFileDialog1.FileName) Dim ioLine As String … | |
Hi all, I have declared all the functions in dll in my program. When i call those functions i am getting error as, "Attempted to read/write protected memory.It is often an indication that the other memory is corrupt." And i am unable to add that dll to my program. Please … | |
At the moment i am using the shell command simply because i need to the my program as if it was a batch file, the program that im using needs the shell command to run properly otherwise it would need to be done in a batch file, now i know … | |
HI..Plz help me by giving ideas,opinion or suggestion. My objective of my project is is to send sms to the customers 40 minutes before their car is finish for servicing and ready to collect.I've model the flow of sending sms where 40 minutes b4 done,the car will send for washing … | |
I am setting focus to combobox as combobox.select() in a thread by using the delegate. But only after changing the ALT+TAB to another window the combobox is getting focused. How to solve this problem... Please help me... Thanks in advance... The code is here... ============= Private Delegate Sub cmbusersetfocus() Private … | |
any1 help, basically iv wrote the code to search for a client name in a database(in access) and this is the code:[quote] Private Sub BtnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) 'search If txtSearch.Text = "" Then MsgBox("Please type Client Name", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Enter Text") : Exit Sub Dim MYDA … | |
I'm working on a messenger. Scenario is this: a thread is running at background as soon as it gets a message from server. It has to show this in a new form. But when i try to show the form, form just hangs and nothing happens on form. Code is … | |
When calling a form from a thread. It just hangs. No error detects or etc | |
Sir, I am currently writing a VB.Net application that uses Random Access File storage to store all the records. I have been able to write/find and delete records from the random file however i also wish to update records once i have searched for them. When the update takes place … | |
I want to remove google toolbar.Mine code is working alright in IE6.But not in IE7. [code] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Microsoft.VisualBasic.Shell("regsvr32 /s " & Chr(34) & "C:\program files\google\googletoolbar1.dll" & Chr(34) & " -u ") End Sub [/code] | |
Hi bro, How to do minimize application into system tray by clicking button?,,, tq | |
I am writing a program where a user selects two mathmatical operators: LT -less than GT -greater than EQ -equal to NEQ -not equal to I have if statments to convert these to their symbol, but how can I then use this in a sum? If it was just one … | |
I create a Buton in IE,Now I want to Create a Drp Down Menu with Button, plz help me out in creating a Menu- Mine code as follows- [code=vbnet] Imports Microsoft.Win32 Public Class Form1 Public Const BaseKey As String = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Extensions" Public Const SubKey As String = "{10954C80-4F0F-11d3-B17C-00C0DFE39736}" Private … | |
hi all i am a newbie want to know how to get values from two tables in database. I hae two tables one is the personla information and the other table is the salary table .Both tables have id number which may join them to gather. But what i need … | |
Hi, Could anybody give me some example code to insert rows of datagridview into a sql express database table? Also, how do I manage concurrency as it is a multi user application? Thanks | |
Hi i want to prevent the user from entering number and special charaters in a textbox and another textbox from entering alphabets and specials characters ..... Need it quickly coz 2moro have to submit my project... | |
I'm definitely an amateur programmer, but I'm looking for a way to make a VB program search through an excel spreadsheet. My purpose is that I have a lot of media (software, music, movies, books) that I keep organized on a spreadsheet, but I'd like a nicer way to sort … | |
i need to save some text in a file in utf-8 format but have no clue how to do it... any help appreciated... | |
I have a program with about 20 forms, almost all of which use the data from a tables in a dataset (from a datasource I added to the project). So I have made a global variable in a module: [code] Public TTData As New TTDataSet [/code] And a DataAdapter for … | |
I want to extract all the URLs of favorites. Mine code is as below- Code is adding all the Items into Listview. I want that on ListView_Click,dat site is opened. [code] Private Sub GetFavorites() Dim lvitem As ListViewItem Dim di As DirectoryInfo Dim lPos As Integer Dim sData As String … | |
i have user mscomm.ocx in my vb.net project. i need to register the control in client machine at installation time i craeted a bat file which has the following code regsvr32 \s mscomm32.ocx. plz tell me how to include bat file in setup project. and how to make it to … | |
i've wondering here,if i can combine windows application and web aplication.Can i develop main page in web application then i want to access to the windows application.(e.g there's a button to link process mgt page.But process mgt page is developed in windows application).Else, if i do a view page on … | |
i USED THIS CODE TO ASSIGN THE BRAND DBS TO A VALUE OF $200000 Help with Code Tags [quote] Private Sub xModelComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles xModelComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged If xModelComboBox.Text = "DBS" Then xTotalPriceLabel.Text = "$200,000" [/quote] AND THIS CODE TO CALCULATE THE FOLLOWING iNITIAL PRICE= is … | |
How to focus a combobox in windows forms when the program is running in a thread? | |
hi all... can any one help me plzzzzzz im very new to .net... i hav 2 radio buttons rb1 & rb2 in a groupbox and 2 textbox txt1 & txt2 initially rb1 is checked and txt1 and txt2 are enabeled... when i select rb2 .... txt2 should get disabled....... | |
I have a typed datatable that I am viewing part of with a datagridview [code] dgvData.DataSource = TTData.PunchEventTable.Select(FilterString, SortString) [/code] My question is how do I delete the row that is selected in the DataGridView from the database? If I use [code] TTData.PunchEventTable.Rows.RemoveAt(dgvData.SelectedRows(0).Index) [/code] I believe it will delete the … | |
[code] Static x As Integer = +TimeLbl.Left Static y As Integer = TimeLbl.Top Static width As Integer = TimeLbl.Width Static height As Integer = TimeLbl.Height If DateTime.Now = "08:00:00" Then Timer1.Enabled = True With Me x += 0.6 If x <= +.TimeLbl.Width Then x = .Width End If .TimeLbl.SetBounds(x, y, … | |
I am using VB 2008/2005. I was wondering if it was possible to bound 2 combo boxes to each other. the first combo box with a set of information. Based on what the user selects, the second combo box changes. this involves 2 tables. table 1 ProductID Descritption table 2 … | |
Hello! I am working on a project in VB.Net .I am Making use of two forms, which consist of a form called Project .It has a Button which is called New Employee on the form itself.When I click this button, I want that this link me to the Employee form.I … |
The End.