20,284 Topics
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Hello i am designing a website that the security need to be taking care of now i am in thought on what decision to make on either using Query String OR session/cookies but i dont know the use of query string but i have use session to complete the website … | |
How can i display the selected item's text in the dropdownlist? Assumed i have a dropdownlist with 3 items which are: "one" "two" "three" When i selected "three" then the word "three" will appear in the textbox. | |
Suppose i have index.html page then in that page here is login section and after login when i click the sign in linkbutton then reg.aspx page is displayed in the same html page in full screen . using target convertor | |
hello...hi im using VB.NET...can u guys teach me how to convert an Access database to a SQL server database? i really hope u all can help me.. thank you... | |
In Groupwise I wants to get the internet header of the mail to parse it for specific purpose. for this I noticed that there is a attachment named "Mime.822" which contains full mail header with header+body+attachment. But I need only Internet Header. Please anybody help me how I can get … | |
how can i display data in vb.net dataGridView from MS access database? | |
I am a newbie in Visual Basic. I have a database inventory and table products. The field for products table are productcode, productname and quantity. I want to search the product through product code using text box and the result will be display in the textbox for the productname and … | |
i set my forms FormBorderStyle to None in vb.net i want to assign a border line in different colour which is not inside the form. how can i do it | |
dim i as integer = 1 textbox1.text textboxi.text so I want to use i like a integer how can I concatenate that?? it is posible? | |
I have two functions: GetDayTime and GetLunchTime. From some places in the program, all I have is the associate name and a date and I want to determine these quantities. So I just query the database inside the function: [code] Public Function CalculateLunchTime(ByVal DateToCalculate As DateTime) As Double Dim daEvent … | |
I have a delete button which does this: [code] TTDataSet.PunchEventTable.Rows(dgvData.SelectedRows(0).Index).Delete() [/code] The problem is that if I delete row 0 (the 0th index in the DataGridView and in the underlying table, all is well. But now row 1 in the table corresponds to row 0 in the DataGridView, so if … | |
i've declare my class as serializable. but still assembly raising exception for and object inside. it is not marked as serializable. how to do that too as serializable. Code is like that Imports System.IO Imports System.Runtime.Serialization <Serializable()> Public Class Voice Private pSender As String Private pReciever As String Private pSound … | |
I have been trying to make a client server chat application with voice chat ...i'm using visual studio 2008 ...can any1 tel me the components or libraries used to implement voip in .net ? | |
Ok, I'm trying to Create A New File that doesn't exist yet. Basically, I want the user to enter the name of the file and then want VB to create and save the file (currently it will be blank until the user goes back in and reopens it and adds … | |
I want to focus and re-size the controls like text box or label at run time using keyboard and as well as mouse. I have attached the image that has control and it is focused and it could be re-size. In that image,background it has grids. I need that kind … | |
[code] Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmprintallstudent Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form Dim SQLstat As String Dim cn As New OleDbConnection Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim i As Integer Dim flaqa As Boolean Dim q As Integer Dim dt As New DataTable Dim currentTime As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.Now Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal … | |
Hi, i'm trying to create a vb.net calcualtor similar to that of windows but with more functions, the problem is that i can't think of how i can use a single text box to get the two input numbers. i've tried using .visible but still does not work. | |
i have created a windows application and i have created a windows service i have created two separate setup files . i want to create a single setup file which will install the two applications (first the windows form and next windows service) how can i do it plzz reply … | |
Iam creating an application. i have a main form it has 5 buttons i have created 5 more forms. my aim is to show a particular form for every button the form is opened in a new window i dont want to open in a new window it should be … | |
Hi i have a querystring value which is use to locate a record from a database. I have set up a validation which redirects the user to a URL if they input an incorrect querystring value in the address bar. My question is, how do i redirect the user if … | |
error in open exe application in vb.net Please Help me: While open exe in my vb.net Project i got a error your were middle of somthing it.... and it throws invalid operation exception. My code: Dim strexe As System.Diagnostics.Process If strexe IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not strexe.HasExited Then strexe.Kill() Else Dim … | |
Is it possible to change the default [B]click once[/B] installation path, I want to change the click once installation path to C:\Program Files\[program name], how can i do it? where could i find the settings for it to be able to change the default path? | |
hi all i am currently doing a project in vb.net , which needs to retireve values from two tables from the access database. The values i retrieved from the two tables need to be placed in an another table, which will contain the combined values..... IS it possible.. I tired … | |
Good day! I am trying to learn more about the FileNet .NET API for Content Manager 4.0. The API has been totally reworked since version 3.5 and all the help files seem to be geared towards Java rather than .NET. I have been able to figure out how to check … | |
Hii everyone, I got a problem with cross tab crystal report.. I want to fix the design, delete total fields, put field near to field instead of below and I want to add a column How can I make all these??? | |
Hi, I'm creating a simple project for xml serialization in the reference of Microsoft press MCTS .net 2.0 by Tony Northup. ok In this application I create a Class Shopping Cart That has 4 public members and a parameterless constructor because it mentioned that private and protected members are skipped … | |
hi everybody , this is my first post here and my only hope !!! i have to build a website for my vb.net/sql server classes final project , it s a real estate website that has a sql server 2005 database and i have to connect throuhg it with vb.net … | |
does anybody know how to get the current user's path for xp /vista sample: "C:\Documents and Settings\Owner" or if you know how to get the installed program path "C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe" | |
hi every one . does any one know how to insert checkbox in datagrid so user can select row and how to know which rows selected | |
Hi, I am currently writing a program which will take a document: [ICODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <MenuItem version="1.0"> <item_text> <TEXT default_lang="en" str="NAME" /> ( language/ text string) </item_text> <item_help> <TEXT default_lang="en" str="DESCRIPTION" /> (help menu/language/ description) </item_help> <item_icon> <LEFT str="IMAGE" /> (image) </item_icon> <item_action> <ACTION type="Internal" str="Positioning_Maps_Id"/> (internal,external/????) </item_action> </MenuItem>[/ICODE] … |
The End.