20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for noobies

Can anyone help me to do this : Select previous field based on previous field in sql. I had tried a lot of ways but it seems doesn't works. [CODE]Select alert_value , year_id from company_alert where year_id = "2010" and year_id = year_id - 1 group by year_id[/CODE] could anyone …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, how can i design a region in vb.net form(windows application), such that when i click any point inside a region a new page opens. my problem is that the region which i want to define through it is very complex..its a combination of a rectangle and another shape. …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for AquaNut

Hi All, Been reluctant to drop this on anyone as I wanted to resolve it myself but alas it has got the better of me. I am trying to do an insert into an Access 2007 DB but keep getting a syntax error even thougt I can get the generated …

Member Avatar for Naveed_786
Member Avatar for sri_Chennai

i have used flash file (SWF) in .net 2003 winforms. some time occured in the following errors "Child is not a child control of this parent" please help me : how to rectified and give to any solution. my Code is : Me.flaRandH = New AxShockwaveFlashObjects.AxShockwaveFlash flaRandH.Movie = Application.StartupPath & …

Member Avatar for SpeedwayNative

So, my Vb 2010 midterm project is due a 8am (about 2 hours). I have coded almost everything I need. Just before I was about to submit this, I noticed in the instructions that hours needs to be included as well. I have been trying to do this for about …

Member Avatar for 8mir

' I want to get some idea about my new project I my project take the text from web site to text box and that the code coming like this exam: #DESCRIPTION ---------- 1 ---------- #SERVICE 1:0:1:1FAD:2454:13E:820000:0:0:0: #SERVICE 1:0:1:1FAD:2454:13E:820000:0:0:0: #DESCRIPTION ---------- 2 ---------- #SERVICE 1:0:1:1FAD:2454:13E:820000:0:0:0: #SERVICE 1:0:1:1FAD:2454:13E:820000:0:0:0: >>>to end ok …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for violette

hi all! i'm not sure where to post this. i hope i'm posting at the right section. previously i use formula as below; [CODE] Dim total1 As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("total1"), Label) total1.Text = e.Item.DataItem("receivable").ToString * 365 / e.Item.DataItem("revenue").ToString[/CODE] note that the 'receivable' and 'revenue' are taken from database(mysql) however,if the …

Member Avatar for violette
Member Avatar for markdean.expres

Guys I just want to inquire if it's possible to create a program that can lock not only the application but the whole system(PC)? What I want is that, if my application wasn't used within a specified time frame, it will automatically o\lock the whole computer and it can only …

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for AndyPants

hello I'm NOT new to vb.net but i have never used a UserControl in the following manner: In need to make a UserControll that can be put in a list of them depending on how many the user chooses and then if there are more than 4 to have a …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for johmolan

I have made a crystal report with subreports, In my subreports I have added commands like: SELECT * FROM Orders where orederID = {?orderID} When I run the report in viewer the report prompts for the orderID with a dialogbox. But I have several subreports that requires the same orderID …

Member Avatar for johmolan
Member Avatar for AndyPants

Hello, i was wondering how would i make a search kind of thing, for example if string1 contains all the words in string2 words. like a search(not just if string1 contains string 2). it should work something like this: If string1 is "an apple" and if string2 is "djsjfsfg apple …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for bradz1993

[CODE]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1cmdRun_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1cmdRun.Click ' Variable declaration & initilization Dim hour As Integer Dim minute As Integer Dim second As Integer ' Validation If IsNumeric(txbTotal.Text) And txbTotal.Text Then >= 0 Then ' Total number of seconds Dim totalSeconds As …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for gd740

Hi, i am still a beginner in vb.net, please help me.. My question here is when i input data to a textbox1 and then i press enter using keyboard, then another description will appear in textbox2. For example, i have to key in a company's code: A001 into textbox1, after …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for umer jaan

Hello dear i want to Identify filled rectangles in picture given picture in vb .net. Please help me in this matter. please

Member Avatar for umer jaan
Member Avatar for Fattman

Hi All, I have noticed that there is another thread about this matter, but could not quite get my head around it. Basically I have to create an application which is a quiz. According to the users score it will then determine what level of skill they have. I know …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for nav010
Member Avatar for imawesome511
Member Avatar for mihirpatel12

i m using following query for inserting data into my database... everything is ok but whenever i restart my form there is no data in my tables :( do i need to use commit statement ?? if yes then how ? [CODE] Private Sub Button1_insert_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, how can i perform a label click event using the code only. like in button we have a code like me.button1.performclick is there something like in label thanks in advance....

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for niño_morata

code: Dim N As String N = InputBox(Combo1 & " search") adodc1.recordset.find Combo1.List(Combo1.ListIndex " ' = ' " & N & " ' ") if adodc1.Recordset.EOF then msgbox "No File Records" end if

Member Avatar for jeffrey blanz
Member Avatar for Lycean

we have our system running but our system needs to be modified because we did something wrong...we are doing an "Internet monitoring System" in our school library where the user can only access the internet 1hr a day, and he/she cannot use the internet within that day if he couldn't …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for chellemits

Hello! I would like to ask if you guys know how to convert 1 to 00001? For example, I have an item in my database with an ID of 00001. When I add another item again, it must increment already to 00002. But when I try adding one, the next …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for nerden

Hi, I am building a VB.NET app which amond other things, deploys a scheduled task to run test.bat when A Windows Server 2008 Backup is cancled. I have the app all working which runs a command which, when works, will be the event creation command. I figured out how it …

Member Avatar for Mr. Magoolachub

Hi, beginner in vb here, I'm trying to write a game of blackjack in vb.net, and I'm currently trying to set up a subroutine that will check to see if a card matches another card already dealt, and if so deal a different card (to avoid dealing the same card …

Member Avatar for swatee.katiyar
Member Avatar for Dmennite

Using: MS Access 2010 Visual Studio 2010 with Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Connection I have 2 forms: frmCustomers contains datagridview that launches frmEdit used to edit record. The issue I am having is my save button on frmEdit saves changes to the datagridview on frmCustomers but not to the database frmCustomers: [CODE]Public Class …

Member Avatar for Dmennite
Member Avatar for ethupbolt

This is a loong story, if you are a student in high school, you might have the idea what "FBLA" is. Let me just state my questions: ( Keep that in mind, i learn vb.net for almost half an year, dont know how to do the data base yet) So …

Member Avatar for ethupbolt
Member Avatar for Ruchi224

Hello !! Sorry to bother you again.. I am making a windows app using vb.net, ms access 2003 and vs 2008.. The form i have is named BOM, it contains a datagridview that has checkboxes.. The user needs to select a row by checking on the checkbox.. These selected rows …

Member Avatar for Ruchi224
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, i am developing a windows application,can anybody tell me how can i store the view state of a page in vb.net. i have 12 labels on a page and when i click on each label the color of the label changes to black, what i want is when …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for fhau013

i really don't know how to slove the erro in my program.. ..can you please help me?? thank you in advance ,.. [CODE]Public Class Form1 Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection Dim cmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand Dim da As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Dim sql As String Dim …

Member Avatar for fhau013
Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

Hey hi all, I have an problem to assign a startup form in vb.net . I have three forms 1) Registration Form 2) Login Form 3) Main Form Firstly i have set set startup form as registration in properties =>Application after registartion completed or saved i am displaying the Login …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde
Member Avatar for cigoL..:)

HI , I'm currently creating a system for medical record for our school project i was wondering , if someone could help me.. i always get this error " Couldn't find 'C:/User/...' " i coudnt retrieve the filename of the picture so that i can store it in my database …

Member Avatar for Pgmer

The End.