20,279 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dmennite

Using: MS Access 2010 Visual Studio 2010 with Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Connection I have tried multiple ways to do this fought through Concurrency issues current code gives no errors however when I re Fill DataSet nothing has been removed from database... Current code for Button1(reload data), Button2(delete row): [CODE] Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal …

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Member Avatar for AJN25

Having a problem with my sql, I am creating program for my ALevel and when I go to create a logins page I wish to have a button that will allow me to create a new login and save it to my database. when I click the button I keep …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for violette

Please help.why my insert doesn't insert into mysql database [CODE] Imports FISTv2.mdlDataConn Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient Imports System.Data Partial Public Class DSO Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Private cmd As New MySqlCommand Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand Private dr As MySqlDataReader Dim activity, issue_id As String Dim pperiod As String Dim bboard As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for johmolan

I have made a crystal report, to be able to display data from several tables in the same report I have made a few subreports. But when I display the report some of the subreports grow beyond the next report, why doesn't the next report moove further down and start …

Member Avatar for devloper
Member Avatar for rams.prsk

Hi All, iam having a timer in my application and want it to be enabled based on the time pollings that are read from config file like below : <appSettings> <add key ="PollBetweenTime" value ="06:10-07:10;19:00-20:00"/> <add key ="PollInterval" value ="10000"/> </appSettings> Here The pollingbetweentime indicates the time that the timer …

Member Avatar for rams.prsk
Member Avatar for westknight3

Here is a snippet of the code that I have thus far (Which I wish worked): [CODE] Dim PlayedSound as string If ComboBox1.SelectedItem = "Sound 1" Then PlayedSound = "Sound1" My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.(PlayedSound, AudioPlayMode.Background) [/CODE] So basically the combobox1 item which is selected is sent to a string and is then supposed …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for noobies

I had a problem on displaying count sql in vb. Anyone would help me? I had google about this, and I had to use executereader but I don't know how to use it [CODE]Dim dso1 As Label = CType(e.Item.FindControl("dso1"), Label) If Not IsNothing(dso1) Then Dim name As String name = …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for kheijhei

can someone help me connecting ms access 2010 to visual basic 2008, this is the error of my program every time I run it "The 'Microsoft.ACE.Oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." here is my code for the provider Imports System Imports System.Data Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for niño_morata

hi.! Im niño morata. Can you plz solve my problem. I have a assignment datagrid search.. when I click search command botton to my program...there is problem, but when I try to click a search command botton again the msgbox say that "no record found" [ code of search command …

Member Avatar for breaker14

I want to know how to DELETE AND UPDATE ITEMS in objectlist MObile webform .. because I already view all the entry in a registration FORM the problem is when i click the view button its show all the items then when I click the Items i add delete and …

Member Avatar for tuquoise

So I need to write a program that will approximate PHI (the golden ratio) using Fibonacci Numbers. It has to be within a negative power of 10 (between -1 and -16) oh PHI. So for example, if I put -2 into the input, the approximation of PHI would have to …

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Member Avatar for Sophiron

I am trying to insert one file at the end of another but the first file's formatting gets messed up. It's lines start bleeding into the later pages. [code]Dim oWord As Word.Application Dim oDoc As Word.Document Dim oDoc2 As Word.Document Dim oDoc3 As Word.Document Dim oSelection As Word.Selection oWord = …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for Onye Oma

I have an xml file document and I am trying to display the xml contents in a datagridview. Can I please get some help with this? what am I doing wrong? I had it working when I pull one column at a time [CODE] Dim gridtable As DataTable = New …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for acepeda

Hey guys, Im having a little problem with adding textbox.Im generating unique key with OrderNumber+ProductId+Series. OrderNumber:18501 ProductId:2100 SeriesNumber:01 Series starts at "01" and gets added one everytime I hit button1,so next time I press button1,it will be "02".When I add them up this is the result I get: Result:18501-2100-1 But …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for nav07

I am exporting data to excel but inserting rows is very slow about 2 seconds per row pls help using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; namespace Dashboard { public partial class Form1 …

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for Naveed_786

Dear all, I have problem i have table name "WO" in oracle db i want "Whenever I start my program, I want it it look at all the works orders, and if any works order has a date that is exactly one month before today's date, then I want the …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends [U]how can i disable view state[/U] in vb.net,so that i have the properties of labels as i left,when i return to a page. i am developing a windows application. thanks in advance.

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Member Avatar for AWorkTool

I am trying to write a program where a user of my app can change the link location and label name. Is this feasible? At work we have testing scenarios that change at different locations, and instead of me sending updates every week, allow the user to update the link …

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for jremio

Hi there, I would like to implement a web based UI that allows people to drag and drop "chairs" and "tables" onto a floor layout (grids) and save it to their profile by storing in the database. I am wondering how do I start doing this? I am using vb.net …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for AWorkTool

I am building a tool for my team at work to search a XML file for a particular item and return back the nodes associated with it. I have searched the web to no abounds and was wondering if someone would mind letting me know what I am missing. Here …

Member Avatar for aadi_capri

hello friends, i am developing a windows application in which user has to answer 180 questions,through clicking on the labels defined in the windows, the problem which i am facing is, if the user redirects the form to another page and when comes back, i want that the previous choices …

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Member Avatar for Sharukh

My doubt is that is it possible to create incrementing bill no. such as ABC00,ABC01,ABC02,ABC03,ABC04... etc. in ascending list I already know how to increment with numerical numbers like 0,1,2,3,4,...in ascending list I tried concatenation of numerical part with string part.But it works only once;further run leads to error because …

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Member Avatar for nav07

[code]using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.OleDb; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; using System.Reflection; namespace Dashboard { public partial class Form1 : Form { public OleDbConnection con,con1; public OleDbCommand cmd,cmd1; public OleDbDataReader dr; public OleDbDataAdapter db; public string …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I'm using VB.net to create a Crystal Report and using DataGridView to show the data before print it out by Crystal Report. But now I want to: - Add another column into the DataGridView named: "Print/Not Print" - Using the value we add permanently into the "Print/Not Print" column as …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for twalton42

I have a form with multiple combo boxes and text boxes making an invoice.. I have the combo boxes linked to my database and I want each selection to fill a different textbox. The comboboxes fill on form load... How can I fill the textbox with the selected index from …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for rashid_khan

Dears, i am going to design an application in VB.NET that send and receive SMS from VB.NET application. what i need (Devices) and how will i do the project. Any one can guide me... Thanks

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for AndyPants

Hello, I'm currently working on an advanced 4x4 multilayer tic tac toe(will include servers, and accounts with levels and xp). Now the problem i have is that i have a image (.png) of a piece(representing X or O) and I want the button that you click to place your X …

Member Avatar for AndyPants
Member Avatar for sidyusuf

hi frnds, i m populating a datagridview with two columns i.e checkbox and papername.I m trying to show papercodes(not present in grid but in database ,in the same table where papernames are)in a single textbox with a comma seperator, when i checked papernames accordingly. this is my used code. [CODE] …

Member Avatar for siva28

i need code for vb.net 2008. That is invoice system i have number in each invoice. my database invoice number is null. when i click tab automatically invoice number increased number 1 ( EC000 to EC001). I used tab control . please reply...

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Member Avatar for Ehtesham Siddiq

Hi, My application is in VS2008 and coded in VB.net. I have a datagridView(DGV) on one of my form.DGV contains a column of type DatagridViewComboboxColumn.I have another column of SrNo. Consider Table1 to be the table from where my DatagridView is filled which contains following fields SrNo,Value1,Value2. My requirement is …


The End.