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64 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for geetajlo
Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for Learner010

We don't do print to form in VB.Net, but I can suggest some objects like ReportViewer. In my case, I prefer using CrystalReport so I'm using CrystalReportViewer quite often, it show a copy of what you are going to print and even let you save your printing to .doc,.pdf or …

Member Avatar for munawer_1
Member Avatar for hightechka

"multiple definitions with identical signatures" error means you have 2 (or more) subs with one same name. I suggest u might post those lines twice so better re-check, just delete all unwanted lines. cgeier's "ModuleCustomer" was to: Seperate sub for timer with others, so you can use it on others …

Member Avatar for hightechka
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

I'm unable to add IIS Apppool\<pool_name> into Permission for both Components and Folders. When using Check Name: seems like there was no matching Apppool name. My system: IBM server - Windows Server 2003. Beside, I have no experience for Win 03, but have always success with Win 08 - Really …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

How could I change the column header of the Data Grid to center or right but not left as default? [Pls pay attention, We are talking 'bout Data Grid here, recently I always receive answers for Data Grid View instead :( ] I just want to re-align the header only, …

Member Avatar for kRod
Member Avatar for ammukarthi

Not being able able to fully understand your question, it was, quite, complicated. If just some tables, why don't you add your tables into a dataset then use: ds.WriteXml("C:\BackUp\New.xml")

Member Avatar for ammukarthi
Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10

Oh friend, that was a simple one. Here's a help: CloseButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top + AnchorStyles.Right

Member Avatar for IsaacMessi10
Member Avatar for nikki05

Creat a .dll file which you added to your projects, or a class which contains a public shared sub doing changing your language. Create a public datatable contains languages you needed and their code, then inherit them in your forms. Anw, writing all those was long and I'm being lazy …

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Member Avatar for Renga

Hey guys, that was quite a tricky question! If you had a new table which was the inner join of multiple other tables, you could easily delete a row on the new table, right? Or if you want to delete a row from the new table and then, together, deleting …

Member Avatar for Renga
Member Avatar for ogrishmania

From "Kevin" (That project creator): If you are interested in the source, you can try you can buy the component there for *$50* or contact support and ask to buy the source. there is a demo component you can try which has a splash screen. Support *will get it …

Member Avatar for ogrishmania
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

Recently I've used zedgraph barchart to create a chart with 12 bars. I did want to put each bar on an x-axis scale and change the label name of that scale, but I did not success. Could you please show me the way the put my bars inside the scales?

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Member Avatar for manoj_582033

If you're wanting a startup process, you could go to : Run > Type "msconfig" > Choose "Startup" tab > Check your process > Ok > Restart computer. If you're wanting to create a project which run on startup of windows after install, I suggest using Microsoft.Win32 (or 64, I …

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Member Avatar for oldSoftDev

Here's how I'm handling things: AddHandler Button1.Click, AddressOf NetworkConnectionChanged Button1.Click could be remove with your event. And btw, AddHandler sometime doesn't work with Private Sub, use Sub instead might be safer.

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Member Avatar for rdprecure

Did you Dim mydatarow As DataRow() but not DataRow? Ok, normally people do that. But, you cannot add a whole array instead of an item into ListViewItem. Please use For loop to add each ListViewItem. For i As Integer = 0 To mydatarow.Length - 1 ListView1.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(mydatarow(i)("FirstName").ToString, mydatarow(i)("LastName").ToString)) Next

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

There's no option for .txt in CR, but, you can still get a bad version of .txt if you want. Try Dim CrExportOptions As ExportOptions Dim CrDiskFileDestinationOptions As New DiskFileDestinationOptions() Dim CrFormatTypeOptions As New PdfRtfWordFormatOptions CrDiskFileDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = "YourDestination" CrExportOptions = myReportDocument.ExportOptions With CrExportOptions .ExportDestinationType = ExportDestinationType.DiskFile .ExportFormatType = ExportFormatType.RichText .DestinationOptions …

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for ranTHE

Get you Accinfo table into a datatable (dt). You should have a TextBox to insert accname (TextBox1). Private Sub TextBox1_Validated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Validated For i As Integer = 0 To Dt.Rows.Count - 1 If TextBox1.Text = Dt.Rows(i).Item("Text").ToString Then MsgBox("Acc has ...") Exit For End …

Member Avatar for GeekPlease
Member Avatar for Nadeem1989

First, I should say that CR is not going to filter table out, so you should filter them first in VB.Net. You should create 2 tables: Table 1 contains: Sr.No, Sr Name,etc. and a final GrandTotal (which was calculated in VB.Net). Only have 1 row and works as the main …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for kartik_2

I notice you didn't have @farmer when adding value, the query wasn't complete. Try add @farmer value and see what's going to happen.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for pradheepvp

The login detail may be change due to the change of database path in crystal report. I supposed you used local path when creating data connection in your report, and then when you move to another computer, your report couldn't find the old path. That's just my first idea, there …

Member Avatar for shann_
Member Avatar for swathi sajja

I'm using Unicode and Vietnamese with MS Access 2007 and till now no problem rasing. My default encode was UTF-8, I installed Vietnamese language pack and set reagion to +7 in control panel. Well, I wish my information could help you, those problem with regional language were the worst.

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar

I checked briefly through your code and the problem seemed to be that diskDestination. I'm not sure since I'm not a pro. In my point of view, HTML is not only a file, it contains many objects and they're in a folder. Then when you creating a file but not …

Member Avatar for saleem.mukhtiar
Member Avatar for sudeshna26

I fixed it, but replaced the For Each with For: For i As Integer = 0 To ds.Tables("data").Rows.Count - 1 If ComboBox1.SelectedItem.ToString = ds.Tables("data").Rows(i).Item("YourColName").ToString() Then TextBox1.Text = ds.Tables("data").Rows(i+1).Item("YourColName").ToString() TextBox2.Text = ds.Tables("data").RowsRows(i+2).Item("YourColName").ToString() '.... add more textbox End If Next

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for kartik_2

You're not conneting with the database, or your query is wrong, or value is NULL, etc. Say, why did you give out a no-information question? Please show more information, sample code, or image, or description so we could provide better helps.

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for kindofsudden

I tested your code and it was right. But, somehow, your ds did not change during run time and it makes your combobox couldn't change, too. My recommendation: Place your combobox loading sub on some where it continually checking SQL and update a new dataset when your SQL table change. …

Member Avatar for kindofsudden
Member Avatar for zurehman

It's quite hard to understand what you're wanting. The problem could lie where you're setting datatable property. But if it's not, I suggest to dim a string first, insert later: Dim Prdt as String Prdt = TextBox1.Text.Trim YourDataTable.Rows.Add(Prdt,Col1Value,Col12Value...)

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

Is there a way to set a window to the top on screen and set focus on it? I'm having a menu in VB.Net calling a bunch of .exe. Everytime a window apears, it runs itself to the top on screen. But there was a window, problem-able one, with some …

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie

Hmm, normally, I just cut all those controls out and delete the GroupBox. But, it's not easy all the time, so me just wondering if there was a way to do it without touching the child controls. Remove the relationship? Or other otions?

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for tieties

I think the problem here is: You're using selecteditem.value, which is - the value return after combobox clicked. To fill a combobox, I'll use .DataSource and .ValueMember: Dim Dt as New DataTable objDataReader.Fill(Dt) cmbExecutor.DataSource = Dt cmbExecutor.ValueMember = "Executor"

Member Avatar for Eternal Newbie
Member Avatar for ron117

I'll help change your button2 then: Dim f As String() = Directory.GetFiles("YourTextFilesPath", "*.txt") For Each dir In dirs ... 'Do anything you want with f.FileName ... Next

Member Avatar for ron117

The End.